Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2084: Half-demon Shepherd Star Emperor!

Mu Qing did not agree to the invitation of the Dark Sky Dharma King. After all, he belonged to the gate of time and space of the Royal Court of Life.

After learning of Mu Qing's true identity, the Dark Sky Dharma King was not too surprised.

After all, Mu Qing was recognized by the Code of Life, and he had long guessed that Mu Qing was from the Royal Court of Life.

"If you want to break through, you can do it directly in my dark world. This place can be regarded as absolutely safe."

The Dark Sky Dharma King greeted Mu Qing, and then his figure disappeared into the darkness.

He could see that Mu Qing was on the verge of breaking through, so he suggested that he should make a breakthrough in the dark world, at least no one would interfere.

The next step is to continue to look for the trace of the blood-clothed man and his party.

The matter of the deceased of the dead demon is of great importance. In order to curb the recovery of the deceased of the deceased demon, the Dark Sky Dharma King must seize the time to find the other party's hiding place.

Not only him, but also the dharma masters in the origin world have all made moves. Even the Emerald Dragon Emperor, who has accepted the power of the death demon, is unwilling to see the death demon resurrected.

Watching the death demon leave, Mu Qing fell into contemplation.

He still remembered the prophecy that time ruled.

In the past years, the Time Master, who claimed to be invincible, saw many fragments of the future in the long river of time.

He mastered the power of time himself and was able to see more pictures. It turned out that there were traces of the origin world in several future branches.

So, under the curiosity of the time master, he checked more future clips, and was shocked to find that there will be a catastrophe in the long future, and the catastrophe is related to the origin world and every Dharma body power.

Originally, many people in the Royal Court of Life still did not know what the origin of the world was, but at least they had some clues and were constantly looking for them.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qing and others entered the origin world by accident.

It is believed that after An Shaomu and others return to the Royal Court of Life, they should inform the senior officials of the Royal Court of this place.

"And the catastrophe that Time Master saw, could it be referring to the resurrection of the dead demon?" Mu Qing touched his chin, thinking that there was only one possibility.

That is, only the resurrection of the Supreme Lord will involve all the power of the Law Bodies.

Right now, the omen of catastrophe has appeared, and both the right hand of the demon and the eyeball of the demon have begun to regain their strength, and they have begun to plan for the resurrection.

"These things, at least for me right now, have nothing to do with me." Mu Qing quickly discarded the distracting thoughts and shook his head with a smile.

That is something that the Dharma Body Great Master will take care of, and although his own strength is stronger than that of the general master, at best he can compete with the master of the next nine robbers.

The man in the blood-clothed man had the eye of the demon beside him, and he didn't care about his opponents below the body of the law.

Mu Qing felt that he should honestly break through the realm, and wait until his strength improves in the future.

"It's a little bit closer to the master of the Eight Tribulations, just take this opportunity to digest the previous accumulation and be fully prepared for a breakthrough."

Mu Qing glanced at the dark world that was completely pitch-black all around. He didn't plan to explore this world, so he just sat down on the spot.

When he was in the special secret realm, he had already upgraded the Yuanshi Universal Classic to the level of the eighth-level scripture, so the Immortal Starry Sky had undergone some changes.

Now, Mu Qing intends to make Yuanshi Huanyu Jing more stable, and after the precipitation has settled, he will make a breakthrough.

Anyway, the matter of the deceased demon of death has come to an end for the time being.

It is naturally best for the Dharma body to find the hiding place of the man in blood. If they can't find it, it is impossible for the man in blood to complete the resurrection of the dead demon in such a short period of time.

He has the World Gate and can return to the multiverse at any time, and he is not in a hurry to return.

After taking advantage of this period of time to stabilize, break through to the Eighth Tribulation Lord!

Sanctuary, above the mountains north of Peerless City.

It was night, and the stars were shining brightly, and an aurora-like vision appeared above the mountain range.

That is the star dimension!

In the dimension of stars, Emperor Xu had already woken up, his face was full of vicissitudes, and he sighed.

"I didn't expect that after so many years of fame, the old man still has a broken heart!"

Emperor Xu sighed endlessly, and even more sighed that the methods of the death demon were extraordinary and strange, and his strength was all lost under a few words!

Even if Mu Xingdi didn't take action, I'm afraid he would fall into the special secret realm!

Emperor Xu glanced at his right hand, and what was empty there was swallowed up by the ancient species of the lion-headed man after the heart of the Tao was broken.

Now this arm can't be recovered, because Emperor Xu's strength has not been completely recovered, but he has saved a life with the help of Emperor Mu Xing.

He was like a mortal at this time, and a dagger was enough to kill him!

"The power is always yours. The power of the devil's eyeball is not eternal. As long as you reunite your Taoist heart, your strength will naturally return."

A faint voice came from the depths of the star dimension.

Emperor Xu looked towards the depths and could see a vague figure there.

"Hey! Dao heart reunion, it's easier said than done, not to mention the space law has been occupied by people." Emperor Xu sighed again.

He looked at the location of Mu Xingdi and couldn't help saying: "You said that Mu Qing is the key to breaking through the power of the Dharma Body, but my path has been cut off, and it seems that there is no hope of Dharma Body in this life."

The law of space is occupied by people, and he also follows this path of law. Unless the former falls, it is impossible for the virtual emperor to break through successfully.

But the problem is that the person who occupies the law of space must be the master of the law body, and maybe it is the existence of the second realm of the master.

In the realm of Nirvana, there is absolutely no concept of death!

Don't say that Emperor Xu has lost his strength now, even if he is in his prime, no matter how powerful he is, he can't be a powerful opponent of Dharmakaya.

And the dharma body of the second realm of the great master will not even truly die and fall, which means that it is impossible for him to set foot on the realm of the master in his entire life.

The word Dharma body has no relationship with him!

To change the path of the law, there is only one chance at the holy tower level, and the virtual emperor has already passed that stage.

When Mu Xingdi heard the words, he was silent for a while, and then said: "I just saw some fragments of the future in that mysterious long river."

"And there are countless possible futures, and even the Dharma Bodies can't guarantee how the future will go."

"What I can say for sure right now is that there is something wrong with the future I see."

Emperor Xu laughed at himself, "It's really wrong, maybe that Mu Qing will be the opportunity for you to break through to the Dharma body in the future, not mine."

In his opinion, Mu Xingdi was able to fight with the eyeballs of the demons, and he had initially possessed the combat power of the legal body level.

This shows that Mu Xingdi is likely to step into that realm soon!

"No!" However, unexpectedly, Mu Xingdi refuted Emperor Xu's words.

In the depths of the star dimension, the vague figure slowly walked out.

Without the cover of starlight, Mu Xingdi's appearance was completely presented in front of Emperor Xu.

"how is this possible?!"

The moment Emperor Xu saw Emperor Mu Xing, he was startled, his face full of shock.

He was extremely shocked, as if he saw a monster!

In fact, Mu Xingdi is indeed like a monster at the moment. Half of his body is the image of a handsome and free man, and there is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

On the other half of the body, there is a ferocious and terrifying face, with a strange bronze demon aura lingering, fangs prominent, and bloodshot eyes all over.

At the same time, there was a mysterious and special aura on that half of the monster-like body.

"How did you become like this?"

Emperor Xu was shocked, he did not expect Mu Xingdi to be like this, completely different from the handsome man who used to be high-spirited!

"After seeing the future from the mysterious river that controls the power of time, I realized that there is a special force that has planted seeds in my body."

When Mu Xingdi spoke, there was no expression on his face.

"That's a curse, a curse from time!"

"Because I peeped into some fragments of the future, I was cursed by time. Since I left the mysterious space, I have been gradually demonized."

Mu Xingdi looked up in the direction of nothingness, and there was an uncontrollable desire and fiery in his eyes.

After the demonization, some ideas that did not belong to him were born in his heart, and he wanted to return to the long river of time every moment to worship the mysterious long river of time!

Emperor Xu's face was moved, he stopped talking several times, and finally he quietly listened to Emperor Mu Xing.

"I think I was really wrong. The future fragments I saw don't necessarily happen. Those pictures are just countless possible futures that are changing at any time."

"In other words, the two of you and I found an opportunity from Mu Qing to successfully break through the legal body. It is indeed the future in the future, but because of my peeping, this future has changed."

"I interfered with the future, because I saw the future, so the future changed!"

Mu Xingdi sighed, and there was a trace of sadness in his tone.

Like Emperor Xu, he is all intent on breaking through to the existence of Dharmakaya.

And both of them are peerless geniuses born in the origin world. Except for the power of the law, they are all characters who are enough to suppress an era.

Normally, both of them have enough opportunities to break through to the power of Dharmakaya, but now accidents happen frequently.

"As I became demonized, my connection with the long river of time became deeper and deeper. Not only did my strength skyrocket, but I even reached the point where I could feel the mysterious space at any time!"

"As long as I want, I can break into it at any time. Of course, once I step into it, it will be a complete farewell..."

When Mu Xingdi was halfway through speaking, a bright light suddenly burst out in his eyes.

"However, in the front-end time, I once again saw some future pictures under the influence of the time curse, and most of the situation is consistent with the current situation."

"So I decided to use all means to change the future fragment I saw into a given fact!"

Mu Xingdi said solemnly.

There are countless future clips, only one future picture is real, and other future clips are only possible, but they are interfered by various reasons, so that they do not happen.

Not long ago, Mu Xingdi saw a future segment, he decided to try it once, and try his best to make the future segment he saw no longer possible, but a fact that would actually happen later!

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