Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2085: crazy man

"At the very beginning, the future clip I saw was that you and I both broke through to the power of the Dharma body, and the opportunity was Mu Qing."

"But now I found out that your path has been occupied, and I am also infected with the curse of time, and my life is not long."

"In the next ending, it's most likely that neither of you nor me will be able to get the Dharma body."

Mu Xingdi briefly described, and then the conversation suddenly changed.

"But! The future hasn't really come yet, and nothing is a foregone conclusion!"

"Just some time ago, I saw another picture of the future. Although it is very vague, it is certain that you have reached the realm of the great master in that future segment, and you have become a Dharma body..."

A hint of madness suddenly appeared in Mu Xingdi's eyes.

"Perhaps if I stay for a while, I can find a way to delay the spread of the curse of time, but the power of time fascinates me, and I want to try to control it!"

Mu Xingdi chuckled lightly, with madness, excitement and fiery flashing in his eyes.

In the past, when he pursued great power, his only goal was the realm of great dominion.

But now, Mu Xingdi found another way, he saw the power of time!

This time power is not divided into rule level and law level, and its quality is above everything else, even the power of the law body will be affected by it.

I don't know whether it is the influence of the curse of time or his own desire for power, Mu Xingdi has been fascinated by the power of time.

He was addicted to it and wanted to master that power.

However, the curse of time was too strong for him, making it difficult for him to grasp the power of time.

After saving Emperor Xu, Emperor Mu Xing had one more thought, and it couldn't be dissipated in his mind for a long time.

He desperately wants to achieve it, even if it is death, it is not a pity!

"Even once, changing the future means that I have successfully conquered time!" Mu Xingdi shouted in a low voice.

Emperor Xu looked at Mu Xingdi, who looked like a madman, and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

He could see that Mu Xingdi's mood became quite strange, which was very different from before.

Emperor Xu also knew that he could not dissuade Emperor Mu Xing, even if he had a hunch that Emperor Mu Xing might do some extremely crazy things next.

He and Mu Xingdi have been friends for a long time, and he knows each other's character well, and his obsession is so deep that he is crazy.

Once Mu Xingdi's obsession was to break through the power of the body, so he was studying things related to breakthrough all the time, and even fiddled with a star dimension.

Based on this alone, Emperor Xu is ashamed.

But now, Emperor Xu found that Mu Xingdi's obsession had changed.

Mu Xingdi is not very interested in breaking through the legal body!

On the contrary, it was the newly emerging time power that made Mu Xingdi fascinated. He knew that it was extremely dangerous, but his desire for time power was stepping into danger step by step!

"No, the space law path I'm taking has already been occupied by a Dharma body master, and even an ancient master who dominates the third realm. The older it is, the stronger it is."

"It's impossible for such ancient people to die, and they will always occupy the path of space law, which also means that I will not be able to break through the law body for the rest of my life."

The virtual emperor has doubts. There is already an ancient person on the road of space law, and it is impossible to fall.

Why did Mu Xingdi see the future fragment, and the picture of his virtual emperor successfully breaking through to the body of law?

Logically speaking, this is absolutely impossible!

"No!" Mu Xingdi shook his head, his eyes were deep, "As long as it has been seen in the future fragments of the long river, it means that this future has the possibility of appearing."

"The probability of you breaking through the legal body is a certain possibility!"

"This also means that the old man who occupies the path of the law of space may have an accident at some point in the future."

Mu Xingdi said indifferently, and said astonishing words.

Emperor Xu was startled, "Can the ancients have accidents? Even the Dharma body of the second realm of the great master can't die, how can the ancients fall?"

"It's not impossible, I doubt that the power of time can make the ancients fall." Mu Xingdi shook his head and retorted.

He highly respects the power of time. In his seriousness, the power of time is a supreme existence.

He talked eloquently: "The dharma body in the realm of Nirvana cannot die, that is for other dharma bodies, if it is the supreme master shot?"

"Even if it is an ancient one, it is impossible to break the real law, but it is not certain that the supreme master can take action, and it may completely destroy a law road!"

"Similarly, the power of time can also obliterate everything about the law!"

The more the Emperor Xu listened, the more shocked he became.

Regarding the level of supreme master, they only learned about a series of things through this special secret realm, such as encountering the slough of the dead demon.

If you think about it, it does make sense.

The dharma body of the second realm of the great master claims that without the concept of death, it will never fall.

Even if the ancients take action and blow up a dharma body in the realm of Nirvana, the other party will only return to his own Law Dao.

Even if all the means are used, it is impossible for the ancients to shake the Dao of Law.

The law body is bound to the Dao of Law, and the law and the body are integrated, so that there is no concept of death, and after all, it can return from the law.

But the Sovereign Lord is different.

If the Supreme Lord is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and directly wipes out the entire Dao of Law, then not to mention whether the body will fall, the power of the other party will plummet.

The power mastered by the law body comes from the Dao of Law. Once the Dao of Law is destroyed, the body of law will lose all kinds of power, and indeed it will fall.

However, it is almost impossible to destroy the Dao of Law.

First of all, the power of the law body is the existence of understanding the power of the law, and can only see the avenue of the law of oneself.

The Dao of his own law was finally realized after all kinds of hardships and hardships after building a holy tower in the entire **** realm.

Unless you understand the power of a law.

But it's almost impossible.

A person can only comprehend the power of a law, which is an absolute fact, and no one can break it.

Even the supreme ruler, there is only one way to go, death and life.

No one can take into account the two laws of the road!

Of course, in Mu Xingdi's guess, if it is the supreme ruler, there may be some other ways to find the position of others' Law Dao.

Emperor Xu is a little unbelievable, but he still doesn't think that such existences as the ancients will really have accidents.

However, seeing Emperor Mu Xing's crazy appearance, Emperor Xu also thought of the slaughter of the dead demon.

He couldn't help but have a thought in his heart, "Could it be that in the future segment that Mu Xingdi saw, the man in blood successfully gathered all the remains and resurrected the dead demon?"

"The resurrected death demon has set his sights on the ancient man on the road of space law, and even the power of the supreme ruler will forcibly kill him?"

After thinking about it, the virtual emperor still feels that it is too magical. The ancients are the most powerful beings in the Dharma body. The older they are, the more powerful they are. They are the characters at the top of the pyramid.

What's more, it is still a question whether the Supreme Lord can destroy the Dao of Law of others.

In the view of Emperor Xu, the probability of the future mentioned by Emperor Mu Xing is almost zero.

He could only think that Mu Xingdi was comforting himself, so he said these words.

Looking at Mu Xingdi's half-human, half-demon appearance, Emperor Xu sighed, and it seemed that Mu Xingdi's situation was not much better than his.

Just as he was about to say something to comfort Emperor Mu Xing, he saw that Emperor Mu Xing took out a crystal clear sphere with shining stars lingering on it.

"This is the power of the star dimension. I will give it to you. After all, you have lost your power now. With my star dimension, you can still have the strength of a half-step body." Mu Xingdi said lightly.

Emperor Xu was stunned for a moment. He took the star jade ball in Mu Xingdi's hand, but before he could react, the star jade ball turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the body of the virtual emperor.

The state of the virtual emperor thought was very bad. After being shattered by the power of the death demon, he was no different from a mortal.

However, after the star jade ball was integrated into the body, his body began to energize, and every inch of flesh and blood was radiated by some special power and transformed into the light of stars!

Emperor Xu was taken aback.

"You actually transferred the star dimension to me?!"

Emperor Xu was shocked, he was still confused just now, but as soon as he touched the star jade ball, he felt that he had a strong connection with the star dimension.

Mu Xingdi was so decisive, he directly gave up the control of the star dimension!

What surprised the Emperor even more was that after obtaining the power of the star dimension, his fleshly body began to transform, and it was directly energized!

You must know that the energy of the physical body is one of the characteristics of becoming the power of the legal body!

Unexpectedly, the star dimension created by Mu Xingdi actually has such functions, which directly energizes people's bodies and has the characteristics of the law body.

Emperor Xu felt the powerful power refilling in his body, and recalled that he was like a mortal before.

He couldn't help but sigh, "Even if it's a half-step Dharma body, you're still walking in front of me."

"After all, it was created by me with great effort. The star dimension can instantly energize the body of the holder, and has a good half-step legal body combat power."

Mu Xingdi said proudly, after all, this star dimension is unique, and there are so many half-step Dharma bodies in the world, but he is the only one who created it.

"What about you? Without the star dimension, wouldn't your strength drop a lot, and when will I return it to you." Emperor Xu asked.

He doesn't think Mu Xingdi will give him the dimension of stars, after all, it is the hard work of a lifetime.

Maybe it was just to see him lose his power, so he temporarily lent the star dimension to him.

"No, don't give it back to me."

Mu Xingdi's face was flat, and he said amazingly, "Even if there is no star dimension, with the help of the connection between the half-demon and the long river of time, my strength can barely reach the level of the dharma body."

"Of course, this star dimension is not for you, it is related to my next plan."

"I need you to keep in mind that when you regain your strength and reunite your Dao Heart, give the star dimension to Mu Qing!"

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