Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2089: return to the royal court

"Master Xu Di said that he needs a long time to recover, so everything in the Void Dynasty is handed over to me and Chen Di to manage."

"He also gave us a rune. If there is any problem with the Void Dynasty, you can contact the star dimension at any time, and Mu Xingdi will help us."

Fang Ming said to Mu Qing.

These are all messages from the Emperor.

"Since it was the news brought by Emperor Xu himself, then his situation should not be serious." Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

At least the virtual emperor did not fall, everything else is easy to say.

After the two chatted, Mu Qing inquired about some news. After all, he had spent most of his time in the dark world of the Dark Heaven Dharma King, and had no contact with the outside world.

"After the end of the special secret realm, some news has been passed on, and there is a lot of uproar. Of course, the matter about the death demon is still a high-level secret of the major forces." Fang Ming said.

These messages were basically passed on by the Dark Moon Sect. After all, the Dark Moon Sect mainly focused on intelligence, and under their control, they also ensured that some confidential information would not be spread.

"The centaur Ronan and the ancient giant crocodile brought some ancient species and went to areas outside the five domains to open up a wasteland."

"At first, many people were staring at them, but Ronan cooperated with the ghost armor, and his strength was quite terrifying. He had the power to control the soul. Without the power of the law, it was almost difficult to take him down."

"Most of those who set their sights on the ancient species ended up with disordered souls, and some people's souls were exchanged with beasts!"

Fang Ming was somewhat gloating.

The ancient species headed by the centaur Ronan is not a dangerous existence, and most major forces will not provoke them.

In the origin world, Ronan brought the ancient species, but he could settle down.

"By the way, the inheritor of the dragon family claimed to take your head to pay homage to the Golden Dragon King. He should have been eyeing you, be careful." Fang Ming said solemnly.

Then, he smiled again, "Of course, if you are in the black domain, you don't need to worry. With your own means, it's not certain whether this guy can find you."

"The strength of the dragon inheritor is unusual and somewhat mysterious, but he should not have the courage to enter the black domain to deal with you."

Fang Ming only mentioned this matter, but he was not worried about Mu Qing's safety.

After all, he had seen Mu Qing's methods before, and knew that Mu Qing's World Gate could be teleported to the outside world at any time in a special secret realm, and most of the Dragon Race inheritors would not be able to touch Mu Qing.

At the same time, the Black Domain is the territory of the Dark Sky Dharma King. Because of Mo Zi's injury, the Dark Sky Dharma King went directly to the Dragon Domain to make a scene, and the relationship between the two sides was tense.

If the inheritor of the dragon family really dared to go to the black domain to find Mu Qing, most of them would be slapped to death by the Dark Sky Dharma King.

"However, this dragon family inheritor is indeed mysterious. We in the Void Dynasty have not inquired about too useful information. We only know that the strength of the other party is not simple, and it is likely to be comparable to the half-step method body like Miss Mo Zi."

Fang Ming sighed a little, the strength of these inheritors who were personally cultivated by the Dharma Body is more terrifying.

"Anyway, I have offended the entire Dragon Clan, so I don't care about the threat of the inheritor." Mu Qing smiled and shook his head, not taking it to heart.

After chatting with Fang Ming for a while, Mu Qing said goodbye, stepped into the World Gate and left the Sanctuary.

That night, Mu Qing returned to the Black Demon Sect with a hint of anticipation.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the Sect Master's Hall, Mo Zi was already waiting here, and she showed a charming smile when she saw Mu Qing.

"Go, come into the house with my sister!"

Mo Zi was like a beautiful snake sticking to Mu Qing, her long legs wrapped in black silk rubbed the back of Mu Qing's hand.

Before Mu Qing could speak, she grabbed Mu Qing's collar and entered the sect master's hall.


After a fierce night, Mo Zi was still sitting on Mu Qing's body, her pure white arms wrapped around Mu Qing's neck, and there was a silver thread between their mouths.

Mu Qing looked surprised while kneading the delicate black silk jade feet.

"Have you realized the Pangu Axe?"

During the conversation just now, Mo Zi suddenly informed Mu Qing that he had made a certain breakthrough in the opening of the sky.

"That's right! But the transformation has not been completed yet. The whole process is too complicated and will take a certain amount of time."

"But the general direction is correct. We already have the prototype of the Pangu axe."

Mo Zi wanted to be proud, but when he thought that Mu Qing had already made a breakthrough, he suddenly felt a little boring.

Obviously it was the open sky banner created by himself, but Mu Qing took the lead in transforming it into a more powerful chaotic real meaning of heaven and earth, and mastered the Pangu axe.

"However, I just transformed the Kaitian flag into a Pangu axe, and the power is even higher. As for the true meaning of the chaos of heaven and earth like you, there is no direction at all." Mo Zi was a little puzzled, and did not understand why Mu Qing could , she can't.

Mu Qing was a little surprised. In fact, Mo Zi's breakthrough in the opening of the sky was beyond Mu Qing's imagination.

You must know that he himself relied on the power of the Code of Life to directly evolve the Kaitian Banner to the true meaning of the chaos of heaven and earth, and then mastered the magical power of the Pangu Axe.

Now, Mu Qing's Pangu Axe has been combined with the magic sword secret technique to become a more powerful Chaos Magic Sword.

But Mo Zi was different. Without the Code of Life, she could follow the vague direction given by Mu Qing and forcibly create the Pangu Axe.

It can only be said that he is indeed the inheritor of the Black Domain!

Mu Qing thought for a while, and then the immortal starry sky emerged, and he condensed a mass of chaotic power from it and injected it into Mo Zi's body.

"With the power of chaos, you must be able to create the Pangu Axe faster." Mu Qing chuckled.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and a radiance appeared in his palm, and the golden particles gathered together to form a ray of light.

That is the light of miracles!

Mu Qing wanted to give it a try at this time. Will the miracle light be effective for outsiders?

"What is this?" Mo Zi was stunned for a moment, only to see the golden light in Mu Qing's palm penetrating into his body.

But under her careful perception, she couldn't detect anything unusual, and she didn't find that golden light in her body.

Mu Qing smiled, "Of course it's a good thing."

After gaining the power of chaos and the light of miracles from Mu Qing, Mo Zi began to retreat.

When it comes to cultivation, Mo Zi seems to have become a cultivator, and even Mu Qing doesn't care.

Mu Qing took this opportunity to open the door to the world.

"It's time to go back!" Mu Qing took a deep breath.

It will take a while for Mo Zi to retreat, so he can just go back to the King of Life and inform Wu Xuanji and others about the origin world.

Mu Qing first opened the world door and directly locked the location of the multiverse time and space door.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qing had already appeared in the gate of time and space.

He glanced under his feet and determined that the position was correct. The star under his feet was his own.

Mu Qing's mind moved, and he easily broke the space and found the life tree demon, Popi, who was the housekeeper.

In the bottom of his heart, he couldn't help but sigh. In the end, he was still comfortable in the multiverse, and he could easily break through the space.

In the origin world, the space is solid, even if it is a half-step method, it takes a long time to cross a long distance, and there is always a feeling of being bound.

It is different here. A random thought can span countless light-years.

There is no repression like the origin world, and the distance spanned by ordinary masters here is longer than the half-step dharma body of the origin world.

"Ge... Your Excellency?!" Poppy was also taken aback when he saw Mu Qing.

After a while, Poppy finally calmed down and said, "Welcome back, Your Excellency, I didn't expect Your Excellency to be missing for so long."

"Missing?" Mu Qing was stunned for a moment. Didn't An Shaomu and the others come back a while earlier than him?

Soon, Mu Qing responded.

When it comes to the origin world, this is a high-level secret of the entire life court, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary people to know.

Maybe the high-level people know that Mu Qing is still in the origin world, and most of the others will only think that he is missing.

"Come back and have a look, you can go to work first." Mu Qing nodded and sent Poppi away.

Then, he was about to find Headmaster Wu or Headmaster He, but suddenly found that the scene around him began to distort and changed.

I saw the environment around Mu Qing flipped, showing a mirror image of time and space, and then everything in front of him suddenly shattered.

After the space in front of him shattered, Mu Qing found that he had appeared in another place.

This is an independent secret realm, densely covered with stone forests, misty, with a small lake and a stone house. It looks quite simple, but every place contains a supreme mystery.

That is the charm of the power of time!

Before the stone house, there were three figures.

They are the two headmasters of the Gate of Time and Space, Wu Xuanji and He Xianren!

The third is Ming Xuan, who is now a disciple of He Xianren. After temporarily solving the problem of the curse of time, he began to study this mysterious and supreme power with He Xianren.

"Headmaster Wu and Headmaster He."

Mu Qing stepped forward and saluted, and at the same time, he secretly sighed at the means of Dharmakaya's power, and brought himself over in the blink of an eye.

"Sure enough, it was you, Wu Xuanji noticed that your star suddenly had an aura, so he pulled you over." Headmaster He said with a smile.

Wu Xuanji looked at Mu Qing with a smile, "It seems that not only did you not have an accident, but you also got a lot of opportunities to break through to the realm of the eight robbers in one fell swoop, which is much more powerful than Wu Sheng and the others."

Later, Wu Xuanji brought Mu Qing to the stone table by the lake and sat down.

His face gradually became serious, "Tell us about the situation in the origin world."

Although An Shaomu and others also reported the situation of the origin world to the senior officials of the King of Life after their return, Mu Qing stayed in the origin world for a longer time and knew more about it.

Headmaster He also chuckled and said, "About the origin world, we, the senior officials of the royal court, have been investigating for so long, and it is very likely that you have not gotten as much information as you alone."

"According to the level of intelligence, the two of us will report to the Lord of the Royal Court and give you a reward."

Mu Qing's eyes lit up slightly.

This so-called reward involves the Lord of the Royal Court, and I am afraid it is not a simple reward.

So, he said roughly what he found in the origin world.

The specific details are actually similar to what Mu Qing told the Dark Sky Dharma King, basically the situation around the special secret realm.

Headmaster Wu and Headmaster He heard the words, and their faces suddenly became solemn.

"The birth of the origin world is actually related to the death demon? And the dead demon still attempts to collect all the sloughs and resurrect the death demon?"

The two looked at each other with surprise deep in their eyes.

"This matter is of great importance. I will report it to the top management and hold a meeting." Headmaster Wu said solemnly.

The next moment, the space around him distorted and disappeared in place.

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