Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2090: Meeting

The Royal Court of Life, in the independent space of the Dragon Head Universe.

One after another, the atmosphere is tyrannical, and the figures that implement the ancient and the modern have descended here one after another!

These are the high-levels of the royal court, the Dharma body is powerful!

Zhangjiao Wu was already here, and after that, there were Dharma-bodied masters such as Qinglian Jianxian, Jian Chen, Yuelian, and Daoist Zhenyuan.

"What happened? The meeting was called so quickly." Qinglian Jianxian looked at Wu Xuanji in surprise.

They had just had a high-level meeting at the front of the time to discuss things in the origin world.

As a result, it was not long before Wu Xuanji held a high-level meeting again.

Wu Xuanji took a look and found that a few Dharma body masters were not present, but he didn't care.

The high-level meeting of the royal court is not mandatory, as long as it is the legal body of the royal court, it is eligible to hold it.

Of course, generally, there is nothing to hold a high-level meeting, but it has recently involved the origin world, so the number of meetings is more frequent.

This high-level meeting may or may not come, but there is one situation that is different, that is the meeting held by the Lord of the Royal Court in person, so no matter what you are doing, you must be present!

In the current high-level meeting, a lot of Dharma body powers have already been present, but the Hao Shang Zhenren of Leixiao Palace and the monk Kongsuke who do not belong to any superpower have not arrived.

Wu Xuanji did not intend to wait any longer. After the meeting, there will be a special person to pass on the specific information of the dharma body who was not present.

"Just now, the arrogant Mu Qing of my Gate of Time and Space returned from the origin world." Wu Xuanji said solemnly.

The other Dharma bodies were stunned for a moment and had a slight impression of the name, and then they remembered that it was the Gate of Time and Space Tianjiao mentioned in a meeting at the front-end time.

In fact, these Dharmakayas will not forget what they see, but after all, they are at different heights.

The previous Mu Qing was just a character who hadn't even reached the realm of dominance. Even if he was considered a genius, it was difficult to be remembered in a serious dharma body.

"He brought important news about the origin world. What can be confirmed at present is that the birth of the origin world has a great relationship with the death demon, and in the origin world, there are already dead demons who have given birth to their own consciousness. Collect other remains."

Wu Xuanji repeated the information brought by Mu Qing again.

Hearing this news, many high-level officials present changed their color.

"Is this true? The death demon has fallen for so many epochs, but he is not dead, and he intends to be resurrected?" Rao Shi Jian Chen frowned, showing how amazing the impact of this news.

"There can be no mistake, Mu Qing has been in close contact with him, and it is certain that it is the slough of the dead demon. At the same time, the four dharma masters in the origin world are also searching for the whereabouts of the dead demon in an attempt to stop it." Wu Xuanji With a serious expression, he looked at the crowd.

"So, the catastrophe that time dominated the prophecy in the past, could it be that the death demon attempted to resurrect?" Qinglian Jianxian thought while rubbing his chin.

It is indeed a catastrophe when it comes to the death demon, especially the opponent's attempt to resurrect.

As for the news of the four dharma bodies in the origin world, An Shaomu and others had already reported them long before Mu Qing returned, so everyone present knew that the dharma bodies of the origin world were the Moon Emperor and the Dark Sky Dharma King, who had fallen.

"Death Demon is the supreme ruler. If these existences attempt to resurrect, I am afraid that they need to sacrifice their lives with the power of the law!" Yue Lian, the law body of the Yueling Palace, said.

This is just a guess, but many Dharmakayas agree.

"Maybe we should take the initiative, we can't sit still, not to mention that the passage left by the tomb of the Moon Emperor is almost ready to use." Zhenyuan Taoist suggested.

The other Dharma bodies nodded.

During the period when Mu Qing entered the Origin Realm, the senior officials of the Royal Court also discovered it in the tomb of the Moon Emperor.

There is a lot of information about the origin world, and there is also a sealed channel that can lead to the origin world!

During the recent period of time, the high-level officials of the royal court have been busy with the passage of the Yuehuang Mausoleum.

"At present, among the four Dharma bodies in the origin world, the Moon Emperor can get in touch, and the Dark Sky Dharma King can also win it." Wu Xuanji analyzed.

It is not to draw these two Dharma bodies directly into the royal court, at least to develop some friendly relations.

Other high-level officials have no opinion on this either. The matter of contacting the Dark Sky Dharma King can be done by Mu Qing, while the Moon Emperor has already left a message in the Moon Emperor Mausoleum in the multiverse.

Obviously, the Moon Emperor wants to let the powerhouses in the multiverse know the existence of the origin world.

As long as they are friendly with these two dharma bodies, then the forces of their life royal court can safely step into the origin realm and develop to a certain extent!

"Do you need to be watching from the Hell of Death? Although our entry and exit from the Moon Emperor's tomb was hidden, it was still detected." Qinglian Jianxian changed the subject.

There are many strong people in the **** of death, and they are not general.

The high-level officials of the Royal Court of Life have frequent movements, and the **** of death must be aware of it.

"Don't worry about it for the time being, not to mention that even if those guys move, we can't stop them."

"Furthermore, they should be more anxious about the resurrection of the dead demon." Wu Xuanji sneered.

The other Law Bodies looked at each other and then realized this as well.

You must know that the two supreme masters of today are actually not perfect, and often need a long sleep.

The Lord of Hell and the Lord of the Royal Court, these are the two supreme rulers of today!

At the beginning, these two were also the Dharma Body Powers, and they were the best among the ancients.

Later, both the Death Demon and the Ancestral Dragon of Life fell after the **** battle, and the two of them each inherited the power of the supreme source and became the master.

It is a pity that there is power but no matching realm, so the Lord of Hell and the Lord of the Royal Court often need to sleep to avoid accidents.

The Lord of Hell inherits the power of the source of death, the power that belongs to the death demon!

If the death demon attempts to resurrect, I am afraid that the first one will be the death demon, depriving the Lord of Hell of the original power of death that originally belonged to him!

"If that's the case, then finalize the next plan!"

"Wait until the passage over the Moon Emperor's Mausoleum is opened, and bring people into the Origin Realm!" Wu Xuan shouted extremely lowly.

After the meeting, the Dharma body masters left in an instant.

Entering the origin world is not for aggression. In fact, according to the description of An Shaomu and others who came out first, and the addition of Mu Qing later, the origin world can only be regarded as barely comparable to the multiverse.

At present, these Dharma bodies are powerful, and this realm rarely needs external things to improve themselves. Even if the origin realm is full of heaven and earth treasures, it will not arouse their greed.

The purpose of bringing people into the world of origin for development is to find out what happened to the catastrophe that the time master said.

If it is really related to the resurrection of the dead demon, then the major dharma bodies will enter the origin world together to prevent the resurrection of the dead demon!

The situation in the entire multiverse is relatively stable now, and they don't need an extra Supreme Lord to disrupt the situation.

After seeing everyone leaving, Wu Xuanji was thoughtful, and immediately space fluctuations enveloped him and returned to the time rift at the gate of time and space.

"The meeting has roughly determined the next direction. There is a passage to the origin realm in the Moon Emperor Mausoleum. When the seal on the passage is broken, we will enter the origin realm."

"As for the origin world, you are familiar with An Shaomu and others, so most of you will be dispatched to go there together. Of course, the rewards will not be small."

Wu Xuanji looked at Mu Qing and chuckled.

Mu Qing nodded and did not refuse.

Later, he learned some news from Wu Xuanji and He Zhangjiao. It turned out that the Moon Emperor had already left clues about the origin world in the so-called Moon Emperor Mausoleum.

Even, a channel was specially sealed for use by people in the multiverse.

"The Moon Emperor wants to let people from the multiverse enter the origin world?" Mu Qing was a little surprised.

At the same time, he was also surprised by the Moon Emperor's methods in the bottom of his heart.

Although it is true that the Dharma Body Power of the Origin Realm can leave the Origin Realm at any time, it is not so easy to go back after leaving.

The origin world was originally completely independent, but after the death of the death demon, it may be that the energy of a puppet of the origin master could not maintain its complete operation, and some loopholes gradually appeared.

These loopholes are the connection between the origin world and the multiverse.

Some lucky creatures can enter it by chance.

But without the strength of the law body, it is basically impossible to leave the origin world.

The Dharma Body Master does have the ability to leave the Origin Realm, but the location of the loopholes in the Origin Realm is not fixed. After these Dharma Body Masters leave, it will be quite troublesome to come back.

Mu Qing also knew that even the Dark Sky Dharma King was unable to directly create a fixed passage, at most a temporary passage.

At this point, the Moon Emperor's methods are even more powerful!

"Could it be that the Moon Emperor has long known that the origin world is related to the death demon, so he left behind early?" Mu Qing guessed in his heart.

Wu Xuanji smiled lightly and looked at Mu Qing, "I didn't expect your realm to reach the dominance of the Eight Tribulations so quickly. Among the many geniuses who participated in the three major competitions, you have left the others far behind."

"Even Jianxinhen is now the ruler of the Seven Tribulations."

He sighed a little. Mu Qing's breakthrough speed was unprecedented. It must be known that Jianxinhen itself is special and is the master of reincarnation. Only after Jian Chen's training can he reach the master of seven tribulations.

This speed is already quite astonishing, but Mu Qing is even more exaggerated.

Wu Xuanji and the others hadn't had time to train Mu Qing, but Mu Qing went to the origin world to stroll around, and when he came back, he was already the master of the Eight Tribulations.

"I originally planned to let you take it with you in the gate of time and space, and try to focus resources on you as much as possible. As a result, you returned after an accident, but you have already reached the master of eight calamities."

"In this way, the resources that were originally planned to be given to you are useless, and your current strength is enough to take on a big responsibility."

Wu Xuanji thought for a while, and then said: "Wang Ting intends to send some strong people to the origin world first and establish a stronghold."

"This task will be handed over to you. After all, you are more familiar with the origin world, and the senior officials of the royal court will go to the origin world from time to time to inquire about the information."

"It will take a while for the royal court to enter the origin world in a big way. After all, we can't let all the dharma bodies enter it at once."

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