Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2091: Dragon King Hall

Hearing this, Mu Qing also understood what Headmaster Wu meant.

It is impossible for the Royal Court of Life to let most of the Law Bodies enter the Origin Realm at once.

In general, it is still mainly about exploring information.

Therefore, for the time being, a person will create a stronghold belonging to the Royal Court of Life in the Origin Realm, so that he can respond to the incoming royal court officials at any time and conduct a deeper exploration and inquiry of the Origin Realm.

When the time is right, most of the high-level officials of the Royal Court of Life will come to the Origin Realm completely, and then it will be the time to really establish the Royal Court branch.

And Wu Xuanji intends to give Mu Qing the task of setting up a stronghold in the origin world first.

Naturally, there are many benefits. After all, it takes a lot of resources to establish a stronghold, and Mu Qing can get some good things.

At the same time, this stronghold does not need to gather a large number of strong people, which is different from the sect forces.

"As for the information you brought back, I have already reported it to the Lord of the Royal Court, and this reward will not be given to you for a while," Wu Xuanji said.

Mu Qing had no objection, he just told the senior officials of the royal court what he had experienced, and even he did not expect to be rewarded.

Wu Xuanji smiled and patted Mu Qing on the shoulder, "I will try my best to help you get better rewards, and it is also an excellent opportunity to hand over the origins of the stronghold to you."

"The background of our royal court is unimaginable, and now the attention of the senior officials of the royal court is on the catastrophe that Time Master said."

"As long as you continue to get some information about the death demon in the origin world, or make contributions in related areas, you will definitely be rewarded."

"As long as the credit is big enough, and even breaking through the power of the body in the future, the royal court can help you prepare the sacred artifact of the law!"

Wu Xuanji laughed, without the slightest pretence of the power of the Dharma body.

And he also asked Mu Qing to do it. As long as he made some merits, he could mention it in the next meeting to help Mu Qing do some good things.

The overall operation of the Royal Court of Life is basically determined by these high-level officials.

Every Dharma body is a high-ranking member of the royal court, with a noble status, ordinary trivial matters can be decided without authorization, and major matters are held in meetings.

After all, the lord of the royal court is in a deep sleep all the year round, and it is impossible for him to be in charge of the royal court all the time. Therefore, the people who manage the royal court on weekdays are all seniors of the law.

As one of the top executives, Wu Xuanji can naturally help Mu Qing to gain some benefits.

What's more, He Zhangjiao is also a powerful dharma body, belonging to the high-level royal court. There are two dharma bodies in the gate of time and space. As long as you want to help Mu Qing win more benefits, you can do it.

As for giving Mu Qing the stronghold of the origin world, it is not only because Mu Qing is familiar with the origin world, but also because Wu Xuanji heard that there is a conflict between Mu Qing and the dragon domain on the origin world.

As long as Mu Qing successfully established a stronghold, it would represent the facade of the royal court.

At that time, if Mu Qing faces the target of the dragon domain on the origin world, Wu Xuanji can use this as an excuse to ask the strong in the royal court to help Mu Qing.

Mu Qing naturally knew that Wu Xuanji pushed this task directly to himself, completely for his own good.

Not only does it allow him to have more opportunities to make meritorious deeds, but it also allows him to gain the powerful backing of the royal court.

If Mu Qing himself met someone from the Dragon Clan, even if he died, other high-level officials in the royal court would not come to take a look.

But as long as the establishment of a stronghold in the origin world is used to link Mu Qing himself to the royal court.

When the time comes, Mu Qing can ask the high-level officials of the royal court to deal with it!

"About the four ancient secret methods in your body, I have carefully studied it, and it should not affect you."

At this time, Headmaster He next to him touched the white beard on his chin and said to Mu Qing.

When Wu Xuanji went to hold a high-level meeting, Mu Qing informed Headmaster He of the four ancient secret methods in his body.

The Dark Sky Dharma King was helpless about this, and Mu Qing did not give up. Perhaps the two headmasters of the Gate of Time and Space have the means to crack it.

However, Headmaster Crane's answer was almost the same as that of Dharma King Dark Sky.

"It can only be said that it is indeed the secret method created by the death demon, and even I can't strip it out of your soul."

Headmaster He shook his head, and then showed a hint of surprise, "It's the friend you said who has the ability to control the soul. When he achieves the body of law, he will most likely be able to help you with similar means."

"Forget it, since it won't affect me, then don't bother about it." Mu Qing sighed lightly, and he didn't know how long it would take until Ronan reached the Dharma body.

After all, as an ancient species, Ronan doesn't seem to even have an incorporeal body, and Mu Qing can't guarantee whether he can reach the realm of the dharma body.

"Don't worry, this thing involves the death demon, so as long as the death demon is completely killed, everything will be solved?" Headmaster He laughed, showing no reverence for the death demon.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wu Xuanji again.

Wu Xuanji nodded and said with a light smile: "I also deliberately told the information brought by Mu Qing at the meeting, involving important matters such as the resurrection of the dead demon."

"If there are really traitors, then Death Hell will definitely try to enter the origin world to stop the Death Demon, and they will be even more anxious than us!"

When it comes to the word traitor, Wu Xuanji almost gritted his teeth.

After all, a traitor had already appeared in the gate of time and space before. It was Mo Shan, a strong man who had built a holy tower.

After this incident, Wu Xuanji hated the traitor deeply.

"Wait! Are there traitors at the top of the royal court?" Mu Qing was stunned.

The high-level people are all dharma-bodied masters. Will there be betrayers at this level of existence?

"It's just suspicion!" Wu Xuanji snorted coldly, and he couldn't be sure whether the betrayer really existed.

"Then we will see the reaction of the Hell of Death. If the Devil of Death really intends to be resurrected, the Lord of Hell who has obtained the power of the source of death must be the first to sit still." Headmaster Crane chuckled.

This news was brought by Mu Qing, and only the senior officials of Wang Ting know about it.

If there is a sudden action on the side of Death Hell, and it is eager to enter the Origin Realm, most of them can be sure that there is probably a betrayer in the upper echelons of the Royal Court, who is tipping off Death Hell.

"I'm going to the Moon Emperor Mausoleum, which is the only passage to the Origin Realm, so I can't miss it."

After continuing to talk for a while, Wu Xuanji turned around and left and went to the tomb of the Moon Emperor to sit in the passageway.

He Zhangjiao and Ming Xuan continued to study the power of time.

In fact, as long as they don't directly peep at the future pictures like the time masters, there is basically no danger. The seal is quite strong and will not be easily broken.

Mu Qing originally thought that the banning secret method would be helpful to them, but unfortunately the power of the banning secret method relies on the true meaning of the ban.

Mu Qing left the time rift, and suddenly the stars around him flickered, condensing into a fist-sized star.

An Shaomu's voice came out on Xingchen, "Brother Mu, I heard you're back?"

"You will be fine if you have nothing to do. There will be a Tianjiao meeting in five days. Why don't you take this opportunity to get together?"

An Shaomu briefly explained to Mu Qing that the so-called Tianjiao Party was actually a gathering held by the Tianjiao figures of the major forces.

As Mu Qing, he is naturally qualified to participate. It can even be said that he can participate as a superpower like the Gate of Time and Space.

After all, who is a member of the super power, who is not a genius.

Mu Qing nodded and agreed.

It just so happened that he could tell An Shaomu and others about the task of establishing a stronghold in the origin world that Wu Xuanji gave him.

Wu Xuanji gave him a lot of freedom to choose his own personnel.

After all, to establish a stronghold, it is impossible for Mu Qing to go alone.

So Mu Qing planned to pull An Shaomu and others, and he didn't have many acquaintances in the Royal Court of Life.

At the same time, An Shaomu and others are also inextricably linked with the senior officials of Wang Ting, and they are insiders of the origin world, so the news will not be exposed.

After Mu Qing wrote down the location coordinates conveyed by An Shaomu, he waved his hand gently, and the small star in front of him turned into a little starlight and dispersed.

That small star is actually derived from the communication rune.

Since Mu Qing's Yuan Shi Huan Yu Jing reached the realm of the eighth-level scriptures, the manifestation of the immortal starry sky has been further revealed.

Not only various magical powers and secret methods can be embodied in the immortal starry sky in the form of galaxies and stars, but even small things like communication runes can be used!

Mu Qing threw other people's communication runes in the immortal starry sky, so that he could contact others at any time, and he could also be augmented by the immortal starry sky.

In the multiverse, this increase has no specific performance. After all, any communication rune here can communicate with multiple universes.

But it is different in the origin world, where the message transmission is slow, and it takes a while for the half-step body to cross the large domain.

The communication rune on Mu Qing's hand is increased after being placed in the immortal starry sky, and this range will be greatly increased.

At the same time, he also tried to assimilate the dark rune given to him by the Dark Sky Dharma King and integrated it into the immortal starry sky.

It failed.

Think about it, after all, it is the powerful thing of the Dharma body, and it also contains the will and strength of the Dark Sky Dharma King, how can it be so easy to succeed.

However, the immortal starry sky itself is also equivalent to an infinite storage space, and the dark runes are still thrown into it, but they are not presented in the appearance of stars.

In the next few days, Mu Qing, with the help of the resources of the Gate of Time and Space, completely stabilized the realm of the Master of Eight Tribulations, and began to accumulate at the same time to prepare for the Master of Nine Tribulations.

Occasionally, he went to the time rift to talk with Headmaster He to prove himself.

After all, this is the opinion of an almighty dharmakaya, and it is very useful to Mu Qing.

It can be said that in the gate of time and space, Mu Qing's status is no worse than that of a half-step body powerhouse, and the treatment can even be said to be unique.

Five days passed quickly, and Mu Qing walked out of the gate of time and space, and went to the coordinate node given by An Shaomu through the gate of the world with a single thought.

After coming out of the World Gate, Mu Qing came to a cloud layer.

Surrounded by magnificent dragon statues, there is a huge island not far away, and a huge dragon statue holds up the entire island.

On that island, you can see a majestic palace surrounded by countless dragon-shaped visions.

Mu Qing immediately understood where this place was.

One of the superpowers of the Royal Court of Life, the Dragon King Palace!

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