Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2100: Xiaoling Palace

Xin Rui looked at the door of the world in front of him, feeling unreal, and froze in place.

Although he is not very clear about the origin world, he can be sure that the origin world is definitely not an easy place to enter!

Because of following the footprints of the saints of reincarnation, Xinrui found that the saints of reincarnation had actually searched for the origin world for many years, and it took a lot of effort to enter.

As a result, when Mu Qing raised his hand, he told him that he could enter the origin world?

"You can enter the origin world first, and then I will also go to the origin world, and we will meet again at that time." Mu Qing said to Xin Rui.

He plans to enter the origin world with Wang Ting, so he will not be with Xinrui.

Xin Rui nodded, "I'm just going to follow the traces left by the saint of reincarnation, one person is enough."

Before he left, Mu Qing stopped him and gave him another world breaker.

"The place you entered is the peerless city of the sanctuary, and the sanctuary used to be the area ruled by the saints of reincarnation."

"You can look for the traces of the Saint of Reincarnation in the Sanctuary. At the same time, this World Breaking Talisman can be regarded as a token. Those who hold the World Breaking Talisman to find the Holy Treasure Palace will help you contact the Void Dynasty."

"The Void Dynasty used to have a close relationship with the saints of reincarnation, maybe they will know something."

"Of course, if you encounter an enemy that cannot be dealt with, you can also go to the Void Dynasty for help."

Mu Qing urged.

Xin Rui's current strength is not weak, and has reached the master of seven robbery.

But if he encounters an opponent who is strong in the Holy Tower or a half-step body, most of them are not enough, so Mu Qing will give him the Breaking Talisman, so that he can have a way out.

He also expects that if Xin Rui can find out about the whereabouts of the saint of reincarnation, maybe there will be some unexpected gains.

Xin Rui nodded seriously, entered Mu Qing's world gate, and in the blink of an eye came to the Peerless City of the Origin Sanctuary.

When Mu Qing saw this, it was also at the same time that the World Gate returned to the Royal Court of Life.

Two days later, Mu Qing got news from Wu Xuanji and was ready to enter the origin world!

Originally, the senior officials of their royal court discovered the passage in the tomb of the Moon Emperor, thinking that they would be the first to enter the origin world.

As a result, after the death **** entered first, the ancient Gorefiend tree somehow entered in some way.

After going back and forth, Wang Ting became the last one to enter the origin world.

Mu Qing entered the time rift and found Wu Xuanji.

When Wu Xuanji saw Mu Qing coming, he didn't say much. After nodding, the treasure wheel of the heavens turned, and the invisible power of space shrouded, and the two disappeared here in an instant.

At the same time, Jian Xinhen, Wu Xuanyi and others who received news from the high-level officials of the royal court were also shrouded in the power of space.

When everyone came back to their senses, they found that they were in the same ancient tomb.

There were not many people present, except for Mu Qing and others, Wu Xuanji and a graceful and beautiful woman.

She was wearing a long white dress, her body was crystal clear, and she was surrounded by the brilliance of the moonlight.

This is the headmaster of Yueling Palace, Yue Lian!

There is a phantom of the bright moon floating behind Yue Lian's head. While the whole person is quiet, it is full of divinity.

Because it is the tomb of the Emperor of the Moon, the royal court basically uses the dharma body, Yue Lian, to handle the affairs of this place.

Mu Qing glanced at the Dharma body with some curiosity.

He thought of the Moon Emperor.

On the surface, Yuehuang and Yuelian seem to have the same power.

But since these two Dharmakayas exist, it means that their law paths are not the same.

Mu Qing didn't know much about Yue Lian, a high-level royal court official, and didn't know what the power of the law was.

However, what is certain is that the power of the law between Yue Lian and the Moon Emperor of the Origin Realm should be extremely similar.

During this period of time, Mu Qing also had some understanding of the power of the law.

Generally speaking, as long as you find out early that the path you are walking is already occupied by Dharmakaya, you can change the direction of the path when you are in the holy tower realm.

For example, if the law of flame is already occupied by the law body, then it can be changed into the law of the scorching sun, the law of pure yang, the law of yin fire, etc. in the realm of the holy tower!

As long as the attributes are similar, you can use the power of the holy tower to easily jump to another law path and continue to practice.

Of course, there is only one chance!

The two dharma bodies, Yuehuang and Yuelian, should belong to similar laws and attributes, but they are not exactly the same.

As for Emperor Ruxu and Wu Xuanji, the paths are completely the same.

The key virtual emperor was born in the origin world. At first, he didn't know about the multiverse. Otherwise, in the multiverse, as long as you join the royal court to inquire, you will be able to know which law paths are occupied.

"The seal on the passage has been completely broken, and you are the first to enter it." Wu Xuanji looked at Mu Qing and the others.

The first group of people was actually the people selected by Mu Qing.

Wu Xuanyi, Ao Yulin, Zhang Zhen, Jianxinhen, An Shaomu, Long Mingqing, Shiyan.

With Mu Qing, there are eight in total.

Of course, this is only the first batch, because they have entered the origin world earlier and are familiar with it, so they are the first to enter.

After determining a suitable place, Wang Ting will send a second batch of strong men to help Mu Qing and others establish a stronghold.

"By the way, try not to choose one of the five major domains, even if you have a good relationship with the Dark Sky Dharma King, it won't work." Wu Xuanji warned.

After all, this time Mu Qing represents the royal court of life, and the senior officials of the royal court will come later.

If it is established in the five major domains, it will more or less cause other dharmakayas to be unhappy.

However, the Sanctuary has no legal body to sit in, so you can think about it.

Mu Qing nodded, he also understood the truth.

"Also, although the information you brought back has not been confirmed to be true, I have paid you the reward in advance." Wu Xuanji's eyes fell on Mu Qing.

The information that Mu Qing brought back was of great importance and involved the death demon.

But after all, it was Mu Qing's verbal words. Afterwards, the high-level officials of the royal court had to enter the origin realm to investigate and confirm that Mu Qing's information was correct before giving the reward.

However, Wu Xuanji didn't want Mu Qing to wait for so long, so relying on his own relationship, the high-level meeting decided to delegate the reward first.

Mu Qing also looked at Wu Xuanji curiously, wanting to know what kind of reward.

"The first thing is about your holy tower materials. You are not far from the realm of the holy tower, and the realm of the holy tower requires you to prepare rare and precious materials that match the attributes to build."

"Ordinary people naturally have to spend a lot of time on this, and members in the royal court also have to perform a lot of tasks to obtain or exchange with the royal court."

"However, when you reach the level of the Holy Pagoda, you can directly apply to the high-level officials of the royal court, and you can get all the materials for building the Holy Pagoda!"

Wu Xuanji said with a smile.

Mu Qing's eyes lit up, this reward is not bad, he just passed the news of the death demon, and he can get this kind of reward, which is really a big profit.

He heard from Mo Zi that the Holy Pagoda is after all the existence that the Nine Tribulations Lord uses to connect and communicate the power of the law, so the materials for the construction of the Holy Pagoda need rare and precious materials.

The key is that these rare and precious materials have the same attributes as their own cultivation path. It is more troublesome to find and it will take a lot of effort.

Mo Zi herself is not worried, her father is the Dharma King of Dark Sky, and he has a lot of background, so he can help her arrange this matter easily.

Mu Qing originally intended to perform the mission of the King of Life in exchange for the corresponding rare and precious materials.

Life Royal Court can be described as a fairly good platform, as long as enough tasks are completed, anything can be obtained.

However, it is not needed now, and the senior officials of the royal court will give it away for free!

"Cough, there is a second reward."

Wu Xuanji then took out a palace the size of a palm.

"This is?" Mu Qing and the others looked curiously and found that the palace looked the same as the Lingwang Palace!

At the same time, Mu Qing could also feel that this small palace actually contained a strong energy aura and spatial fluctuations.

Just the wisp of breath that escaped made him feel refreshed, and his cultivation was a little better!

"What is this?" Mu Qing was a little surprised, this treasure is far more than the third-level treasure.

Could it be the fourth-level treasure?

A level difference, but a world of difference.

The nine-day soul-returning willow that Mu Qing obtained at the beginning was the fourth-level treasure!

"This is the Little Spirit Palace. Although it is far inferior to the real Spirit Palace, it can also evolve into a holy place after being activated. It belongs to the fourth-level treasure!" Wu Xuanji introduced.


Mu Qing's face showed surprise. This palm-sized palace is indeed extraordinary, and it is really as he thought, it is a fourth-level treasure!

"After you find a suitable stronghold location, activate the Xiaoling Palace, which will cover an area and have strong defensive capabilities."

"At the same time, cultivating in this area will also greatly increase, and it will also speed up the accumulation for you to dominate the realm."

Wu Xuanji briefly described the function of the Xiaoling Palace, which is regarded as an auxiliary treasure.

"The second reward given to you by the senior officials of the royal court is that you will master the Little Spirit Palace. Although it is not aggressive, it will be of great help to your cultivation."

"The specific magic effect, wait until you master and activate it, and experience it yourself!"

After Wu Xuanji finished speaking, he handed the Xiaoling Palace to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing quickly took it and put it into the immortal starry sky.

He has an urge. If he directly swallows and absorbs this Little Spirit Palace, he will probably get an unimaginably huge amount of energy!

You must know that the third-level treasure and the fourth-level treasure are quite large.

The third-level treasure corresponds to the realm of domination, while the fourth-level treasure already corresponds to the realm of the law body.

The middle span is huge!

As for the fifth-level treasure, there are not many in the entire multiverse, known as the immortal treasure.

The existence of the Death Wand, the Bloody Holy Grail, the Palace of the Spirit King, etc., are all immortal treasures and are classified in the fifth level!

Watching Mu Qing put away the Xiaoling Palace, Wu Xuanji curiously glanced at the immortal starry sky behind Mu Qing that gradually faded away.

"Characteristics of the body of law, this is the first time I've seen such obvious characteristics of the body of law, that the illusory universe can actually affect reality."

Wu Xuanji showed a surprised expression.

The illusory universe corresponds to the realm of domination, everything is illusory, and it is the embodiment of the sutras of domination.

Only when one reaches the realm of Dharmakaya, can the illusory universe be transformed into a real universe, possessing many powers.

He didn't expect that Mu Qing's illusory universe could have some abilities of the real universe!

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