Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2101: Three Endless Regions

"Remember, if you encounter a force majeure opponent on the way, you can directly activate the Xiaoling Palace and you can persist for a long time."

Wu Xuanji warned again.

His description of the origin world is still based on the descriptions of Mu Qing and others.

He is also not sure whether everyone will encounter risks, so he specially told that if he encounters a strong enemy, he will use the Xiaoling Palace to protect himself with its power.

At the same time, the Xiaoling Palace also has a connection with the high-level royal court. Even if Mu Qing is in the origin world, he can also contact the life royal court.

It is precisely because of the special nature of the origin world that it is known from the public that it is difficult to transmit information, so the senior officials of the royal court worked together to create the Xiaoling Palace.

"Let's go!"

Mu Qing looked at Wu Xuanyi and the others, and after seeing them all nodded, he took the lead in entering the passage next to Yue Lian.

That channel is no different from a normal space channel. In the center is a slightly illusory vortex, slowly rotating.

This is the channel opened by the senior officials of the Royal Court after a lot of thought. It doesn't seem to be anything special, but it actually connects to the origin world!

Mu Qing saw the appearance of the Dharma body behind Yue Lian and Wu Xuanji, and the treasure wheel of the heavens and a bright moon were spinning.

Both of them are mobilizing their power to maintain the operation of the passage.

Open the channel to connect to the origin world, but it needs the power of the law to run!

This is far inferior to Mu Qing's World Gate, which has almost no consumption.

Mu Qing stepped directly into the passage, and then Wu Xuanyi and others entered one by one.

After a trance, Mu Qing found himself in another world.

After feeling the spatial intensity of this place, I determined that this place is indeed the origin world.

"I didn't expect it to come back here again." Wu Xuanyi sighed.

"I'm afraid I will stay here for a long time." Long Mingqing glanced around.

Mu Qing also looked at the surrounding environment. There is a river and a small hill not far away in the wilderness.

He didn't even know where it was.

But from the perspective of the environment here, it is definitely not the domain of the dead.

Mu Qing has been to the Undead Realm, and he clearly knows that the environment of the Undead Realm is quite harsh, full of negative emotions and ominous powers, the breath of death is everywhere, and the cemetery can be seen everywhere.

And here obviously has nothing to do with the undead realm.

After excluding one place, Mu Qing only hoped that it would not be Longyu.

He wasn't quite sure where the passage over the Moon Emperor's tomb would teleport them to in the realm of origin.

Although Mu Qing can use the World Gate to go directly to the Black Domain and Sanctuary.

However, the task of the top officials of the royal court was to find a more secure place outside the five domains to establish a stronghold.

Of course, if this is really the Dragon Domain, he will not hesitate to summon the World Gate and take everyone out of this place.

After all, the entire Longyu is looking for him, and even the Emerald Dragon Emperor has taken action before, which shows the determination of Longyu to kill Mu Qing!

"Let's look around first."

Mu Qing and everyone looked at each other, and then the figure turned into a stream of light, rushing towards all directions.

This origin world is not a dangerous place, and it is not much different from the multiverse.

However, the origin world is obviously much smaller than the infinite multiverse, so the dominant powerhouse here is more common.

With the strength of everyone, they can all be listed as high-level masters. As long as they don't encounter the half-step Dharma body and the strong tower, they can basically walk sideways here.

Mu Qing also stored the communication runes of everyone in the immortal starry sky and assimilated them into star points, which are extremely small stars.

The contact distance of the origin world is extremely short, which is the reason why it is restricted by the laws of heaven and earth.

In some respects, the origin world is not perfect.

In the past, the death demon created the origin world, intending to cultivate it into the second multiverse, with great ambitions.

It is a pity that before this plan was completely completed, the death demon and the ancestor dragon of life fought and both fell.

Only relying on a puppet like the Origin Lord to supply energy at the core obviously cannot fully support the Origin World.

However, the communication rune will be increased to a certain extent in Mu Qing's immortal starry sky, and the range of communication will become larger.

It's enough for now.

After a while, An Shaomu passed the news that a city had been found.

Mu Qing turned to inform the others of the news, and then they all converged.

They went to the city that An Shaomu found, and found that it was a relatively prosperous city, and at the same time there was an aura of dominance in it.

"It should be the city lord, who has the realm of three tribulations." Mu Qing sensed the aura of the strongest person in the city.

They entered the city as a group and saw the name of the city.

Falling Moon City.

Since the strongest person in the city is also dominated by three tribulations, everyone has no pressure and began to investigate the situation here on their own.

After a while, everyone gathered in a restaurant.

"It's probably certain that this is the Moon Region." An Shaomu said.

"I asked about it. This place is the site of the Dark Moon Sect. It seems that there is no need to worry too much."

A smile appeared on Mu Qing's face.

He was really afraid of being teleported to the Dragon Domain, so he would be worried.

The forces in the Moon Region are mixed. Although the Moon Emperor has established the Moon Palace, he will not interfere too much with other forces in the Moon Region.

This is the sphere of influence of the Dark Moon Cult.

There are two half-step dharma bodies on the bright side of the Dark Moon Sect, the Dark Moon Sect Master and the Divination Granny.

However, these two half-step bodies usually do not appear outside. For Mu Qing and others, there are very few people here who can threaten them.

As long as they don't go too far.

What's more, Mu Qing and others just passed by and didn't want to cause trouble.

"The task given to us by the royal court is to establish a stronghold outside the five domains. I found a map and can study it."

Mu Qing took out a huge map, which he found in Luoyue City just now.

The above roughly depicts the distribution of the five major domains. Of course, they are more concerned about the areas other than the five major domains.

The origin world is actually very big. Although it cannot be compared with the entire multiverse, at least those universes are indeed insignificant compared to the origin world.

And the five domains only occupy a part of the entire origin world.

It's not that the major Law Bodies do not expand their areas, but that expanding their spheres of influence is of little use.

The Dharma Body Powers don't have much desire for this. They must be pursuing more powerful strength, not power.

On the other hand, at present, the origin world has only five domains that are more suitable for habitation.

Of course, the undead realm must be excluded. According to rumors, the environment of the undead realm was transformed into this deadly appearance by the first generation of Lich King after many years of hard work, and many murders were committed.

Except for the five major areas, most of the other areas are deserts, with harsh environments, low levels of energy in the heavens and the earth, and countless dangerous places.

If you want to find something to settle down outside the five major domains, it is really hard to find!

Mu Qing's fingertips flickered with starlight, and directly drew two large areas on the map.

Centered on the five domains, these two large areas are located on the far left and the far right of the five domains, respectively.

Mu Qing pointed to the large area on the far left of the five domains, and said, "That is the endless **, there are many sea beasts, but sometimes you can find some islands with treasures, and many adventurers like to go deep into it to explore."

"According to the information I got, there are also some small forces in the endless **, and the strongest one is the Nine Tribulations that dominate the realm."

Everyone looked at the map, listened carefully to Mu Qing's description, and nodded slowly.

Their understanding of the origin world is not as good as that of Mu Qing.

And Mu Qing also learned some things from the Black Demon Sect, and just said it at this moment.

"Endless ** is a place. It is outside the five major domains. At the same time, it is sparsely populated, and there are only a few small forces, and there will be no strong people."

"Although the environment of endless ** is not suitable for cultivation, but we have the Xiaoling Palace, and it doesn't matter if you directly open up a holy place after activation." Mu Qing talked eloquently.

"Not bad." Wu Xuanyi nodded, "This endless ** is a place that can be considered."

Mu Qing then pointed to a large area on the far right of the five domains.

"This is an endless desert. It is even more barren than the endless land. It is rare to see treasures, and there are not many forces in it."

After thinking about it, he drew another circle in the endless desert.

"There is a larger force in the endless desert, the wasteland."

"The Wasteland was just created recently. There are two half-step powerhouses, the centaur Ronan and the ancient giant crocodile. They are a group of ancient species, and their strength should not be underestimated."

"Of course, my relationship with Ronan Centaur is not bad. Even if we choose Endless Desert to be neighbors with them, they should not push back."

Mu Qing finally added a sentence.

"At present, we are only building a stronghold, but after the event, there will definitely be a large number of people entering the royal court, and a branch of the royal court will be built out."

"If you choose to be in the endless desert, I'm afraid it will disturb the wasteland at that time. I think it is better to choose the endless **." Jian Xinhen expressed some of his own opinions.

The place they currently choose is a stronghold, as long as the selected area is relatively stable.

The relationship between Mu Qing and Ronan, the centaur in the wasteland, is not bad, but after the incident, other powerhouses in the royal court will come one after another, and it will be troublesome if there is any conflict.

Taking this into account, Jianxinhen recommends choosing Endless**.

"No rush for now, there is one last area." Mu Qing smiled.

"In the origin world, there are three endless regions."

While talking, Mu Qing drew a large circle at the top of the map.

"At the top of the five domains, and also the top of all regions, the sea of ​​stars above the sky!"

With a smile on the corner of Mu Qing's mouth, he said, "The three endless regions are the endless land, the endless desert, and the endless star sea above the sky!"

This endless sea of ​​stars can be said to be almost endless. In the vast sea of ​​stars, ordinary rulers may lose their way when they enter, and it can be regarded as a natural protection circle.

"And my suggestion is to be more inclined to build a stronghold on the endless star sea."

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