“The strength of the new Second Palace Lord is terrifying!”

The dísciple of Tianyu Palace admires Mu Qing in the sky very much. Divine Vestige makes the originally powerful Flame Sect organization members helpless.

“There is a treasure house under Flame Sect. This action will give you the most credit. The treasure below has your share.” Great Elder finds Mu Qing and asks him to go to the Flame Sect treasure house first.

This can be considered as a sign of Great Elder. Although there are many things in the Flame Sect treasury, it is of little use to a Peak King like him.

Mu Qing nodded, he now needs a lot of resources to open the second star of the Ten Thousand Domain Star Chart.

The space was turbulent, Mu Qing’s silhouette was disappeared, and it appeared underground in a blink of an eye.


As soon as he entered here, all around a group of flames enveloped him. It was Hongxiu and Hongyan who spent a lot of effort to arrange the array.

Of course, this Formation will at best deal with ordinary Peak Kings.

I saw more than 20 stars in Mu Qing’s body shook, the terrifying origin power of the stars burst out, and the flames all around collapsed.

The origin power of the stars in his hand is condensed, forming an euphorbia, and the dazzling stars skyrocketed and swept away.

Only heard the sound of ka-cha, the Formation broke down, turned into Spiritual Qi and Mantian rune and dissipated.

This is the starry sky Euphorbia, condensed with Power of Stars, but it is not as good as the halberd.

A halberd is a fierce soldier, like a halberd, the more people are killed, the more terrifying the formidable power.

“Huh? And Formation?” Mu Qing walked forward for a while, his steps stopped.

A crimson Formation in front of him, the temperature is very high, and the palms of other people at Martial Master Level will melt when they touch it.

However, this is not a problem for Mu Qing. The Power of Water of Kunpeng Race is extremely corrosive to Formation.

In the past, Mu Qing didn’t understand why Heiyu’s Power of Water could corrode various Formations. After Heiyu advanced and became Kunpeng, he finally understood.

In the secret technique of Kunpeng Race, although the major is space method, the understanding of Power of Water is unambiguous.

Kunpeng Race has a Yellow Springs secret technique, a drop of Yellow Springs Water, which can break through the falsehood, not to mention the Formation, no matter it is Formation or anything, it can be broken. And also has extremely terrifying formidable power.

The Power of Water activated by Mu Qing only contains a trace of the power of Yellow Springs, but it is also terrifying,

I saw his origin power activated and mobilized the Power of Stars in the body. , A drop of water condense came, pierced through, and a mysterious force vented out, corroding the Formation in front of you into a big hole.

Mu Qing walked in, suddenly assaults the senses, assaults the senses, a large piece of plants containing special energy, and a piece of utensils, rays of light flashing, it is not at first sight Fanpin.

His face is happy, there are more things in Flame Sect’s treasure house than he thought.

Mu Qing celebrated the ten thousand domain star map, a Devouring Power shrouded all around, one after another energy was refining, injected into the second star that was still illusory shadow.

Taking away most of the things in the treasure house, Mu Qing stopped. This operation was carried out by Tianyu Palace, but he was not alone. It is better not to be too much.


A few days later, the news that Tianyu Palace wiped out the entire terrorist organization Flame Sect has spread throughout the network, and there is even a video that clearly captured Mu Qing. The shot divine might be windy and windy, rain and rain, thunder and lightning, and the method is just like Divine Immortal.

“What is the origin of the new Second Palace Lord of Tianyu Palace? What a terrifying strength!”

“It is also a king, why does the king in our city appear so weak? I was injured by an ominous beast a year ago.”

“Are you stupid upstairs? The king is also divided into high and low, okay? This video is the Peak King!”

One The comments on this website are very hot, and it is the first time that many people have seen Peak King’s action.

At this time, Mu Qing was frowning in Tianyu Palace.

In front of him, there is a huge star core entwining the strength of Thunder, which contains extremely terrifying power, and the divine glow is bright, as if it is about to explode at any time.

This is the Raiden Star Core!

Mu Qing has obtained this lightning star core for a long time. Originally, after he broke through to the king, he should be refining.

But now, he learned from Ping Lao that the god that of the ominous beast clan was not dead, but fell into the Demi-God Realm world because of the loss of the star core.

Even if this is the case, Demi-God is not something Mu Qing can contend with now.

If Mu Qing is now refining this lightning star core, it means that he and that Demi-God of the ominous beast clan have completely become deadly enemies.

The opponent must always want to regain his own star core and restore it to the power of the gods. If Mu Qing refining it, it can be said that the entire ominous beast clan has been offended.

“The Thunder Star Core should actually be called the Divine Core, which contains extremely terrifying divine power!” Tu Lao’s silhouette emerged, watching the Thunder Divine Core clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

He told Mu Qing that if the Ten Thousand Territory Star Diagram absorbs the power of this divine core, the second star can definitely be opened.

“But I think you still don’t waste this god core as well.” Tu Lao gave Mu Qing a suggestion.

“The attribute of this god core is the same as your blood spirit attribute. If you can absorb it, you can definitely transform it and advance to the level of visualization.” He stared at the god core, above strength of Thunder evolved into various Divine Beast, Rui Beast, ominous beast.

Mu Qing showed hesitation on his face, and then he discussed with Tu Lao for a long time, and finally decided to refining the Thunder God Core to advance his Purple Lightning Bamboo.

“The Wanyu Star Map can absorb all kinds of energy at any time to turn on the second star, but your blood spirit has only this time opportunity. Thunder Supreme Treasure is hard to find, there is a god in front of you. The nuclear appears in front of you, so naturally you have to seize this opportunity!” Tu Lao said.

The energy contained in the sacred core is extremely terrifying. At the beginning, the Yanhuang organization used the energy of the sacred nucleus for so many years, and the energy of the sacred core was not weakened much.

Mu Qing summoned Elder Lin and told him that he would retreat for a long time.

Elder Lin hearing this, but he was slightly surprised.

Mu Qing just broke through to the Peak King, why is it going to retreat so soon? is it possible that strength has improved again?


As soon as he approached the Thunder God Core, the Purple Lightning Bamboo in Mu Qing’s body suddenly vibrated wildly. Obviously, the Thunder God Core was very attractive to Purple Lightning Bamboo.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, the pure blue spirit strength turned into flames, and after he reached the Peak King, the quality of the spirit strength also improved.

He enveloped the entire Thunder God’s core with spirit strength, pulling out the energy in it.

hong long!

A lightning soars into the sky, turning into a huge illusory shadow in the sky, a tiger with eighteen tails!

This Thunder Tiger face looks sinister, opening his mouth to spit out the sky full of thunder.

“Junior! How dare you refining my god core!” The eighteen-tailed thunder tiger roared, it is the god of the ominous beast clan!

Of course, the thunder tiger illusory shadow in front of me is just a trace of the will of that god.

The people of the Yanhuang organization only used a small part of the power of the Thunder God Core, and these losses will not have any impact on the God Core.

And now Mu Qing wants to refining the divine core, but it touched Thunder Tiger’s consciousness, turned into an illusory shadow, and a terrifying heaven flooding Divine Might swept all around in an instant, enveloped Mu Qing.

“Shut up.” Mu Qing will naturally not be afraid of this Thunder Tiger illusory shadow, but it is just a trace of will evolving from it, and it is not threatening at all.

He condense a big star with a big hand, turning his hand over the clouds, raising his hand and the wind is blowing, and directly smashes the illusory shadow to pieces.

This will has lost contact with that god’s body, otherwise the ominous beast clan that god would not let the Thunder God core be abandoned in the Yanhuang organization for so long without taking it back.


a ray of magnificent light blooms, and a purple bamboo emerges from behind Mu Qing, swaying gently, escaping a large cloud of mist, covering the core of thunder and lightning.

Strength of Thunder, which contains divine power, poured out one after another and poured into Purple Lightning Bamboo.


1 month later, Tianyu Palace attracted a group of uninvited guests.

“Lin Xin?!”

Elder Lin was shocked. Looking at the delicate and pretty woman in front of him, her body trembled suddenly.

He opened wide and noticed Lin Xin’s strength. I don’t know when he actually reached the Peak King level!

“This…how is this possible? What about the Wuxi? He didn’t find you?” Elder Lin didn’t know what to say.

In front of Lin Xin, although her face was the same as before, she had an indifferent temperament. Her eyes seemed to contain Death Aura, like an iceberg, no one could approach.

But her dress is very sexy. She wore a light veil to cover her body with proud curves. Faintly discernible, her white body was exposed, like suet. jade-like snow white.

Elder Lin felt the one after another terrifying breath coming out of the other person, swallowed saliva and said, alert in his heart, and quickly contacted Mu Qing secretly.

He felt that Lin Xin in front of him was very strange, as if he was a different person, even more how Lin Xin was only able to reach the Martial Venerable cultivation base, while Lin Xin in front of him possessed the King of Peak’s The breath, overwhelming, almost made Elder Lin breathless.

However, Elder Lin contacted Mu Qing several times in a row, but there was no response. Only then did he remember that Mu Qing told him that he was going to retreat.

“Who is the witch seat? I don’t know.” Lin Xin said, her voice was empty and cold, very stiff.

“I heard that Mu Qing in your Tianyu Palace is very difficult to deal with. According to our guess, it should be the strongest younger generation genius among humans on Earth, so come and see it.” She stared at Elder Lin, making him feel extremely heavy pressure, as if there was a mountain on her shoulders.

And Lin Xin’s answer made Elder Lin tremble with fright.

What do you mean by not knowing the witch seat? Didn’t you still associate with Wuxi once?

And you Earth? Are you not from Earth?

Elder Lin suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened, looking towards Lin Xin with a cold face in front of him.


From the beginning of Lin Xin’s inexplicable disappearance, to the powerful strength and special temperament after the strange appearance now, it seems to be a different person.

Elder Lin suspects that it is very possible that Lin Xin has been controlled by aliens!

He quickly contacted Great Elder and the Grand Palace Lord, and then cautiously asked: “Are you from an insect race?”

There was a sudden flash in Lin Xin’s beautiful eyes After a trace of murderous intention, Elder Lin was shocked and took a step back.

“Don’t compare me with that dirty insect race, I come from Spirit Race.” Lin Xin said, her lovable body all around was surrounded by mysterious power.

“Girl, I don’t know what you are doing in our Tianyu Palace?” Sword light penetrated, and both Shui Yuexi and Great Elder arrived.

At this moment, Lin Xin’s eyes were finally no longer indifferent, a trace of grave expression emerged, looking towards Shui Yuexi.

“Are you Mu Qing?” She asked.

Apparently she has only heard of Mu Qing’s name, and she doesn’t know whether Mu Qing is a male or a female, and what she looks like.

Shui Yuexi shook the head and said: “Mu Qing is my son.”

“Then I am not looking for you, I am looking for Mu Qing, people from other races It is said that the only person on Earth who is likely to compete with high-level races is him.” Lin Xin retracted his gaze and threatened to fight Mu Qing.

The cold glow flashed in Shui Yuexi’s eyes. She had already learned from the message sent by Elder Lin that Lin Xin was probably controlled or possessed by an alien.

From the words and actions of the other party, she seems to be from a certain race in the universe, and she herself admitted that she is from Spirit Race.

“Mu Qing is in retreat, if you want to fight, how about I come to accompany you?” Great Elder stood up, raising his hand to display countless sword light.

Lin Xin shook the head, she extended the hand pointed a point, and the invisible power suddenly spurted out, all the sword light was dim and faded away.

“spirit strength?” Shui Yuexi and Great Elder cried out in surprise.

“It’s Soul Power.” Lin Xin retorted coldly.

“You are not qualified to fight with me. The woman next to you is almost called Mu Qing to come out. If it meets the requirements of our Spirit Race, I will promise to give you Tianyu Palace a big one. Chance.” Lin Xin frowned, seeming to be a little impatient.


Just at this time.

In the depths of Tianyu Palace, a purple sword light suddenly rose into the sky.

One after another horrible sword glow rushed out, and I saw a purple bamboo emerge from the sky, swaying lightly, the flower evolves into a sky full of thunder.

A young silhouette appeared in a silver robe, with a look of joy on his face.

In his hands, the core that was originally filled with the blazing strength of Thunder is now dim and full of cracks.


The last trace of strength of Thunder was injected into Purple Lightning Bamboo, only a clear sound was heard, the core was broken, but Purple Lightning Bamboo surged out A boundless divine light.

“God core?” Lin Xin, full of cold temperament, saw the shattered thunder core in Mu Qing’s hand, an unexpected expression flashed in her eyes, but her figure rushed out in an instant.

She raised her hand, one after another Soul Power condensed and turned into a giant sword, moved towards Mu Qing and cut it down.

“Be careful!” Shui Yuexi and Great Elder yelled one after another.

They were unable to help. Only then did they discover how far between their strength and Lin Xin was.

The giant sword condensed by Soul Power, once appeared, it contained a strange mysterious power, which made the minds of Great Elder and Shui Yuexi convulsed, and even the power of the veteran king could not be used. Out.

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