“Who?” Mu Qing frowned suddenly, his blood spirit was more advanced, but someone suddenly shot him.

“This power…” Then, the spirit strength in Mu Qing’s mind fluctuated, and when he reacted, he found that one after another mysterious power enveloped him.

This power pierced into his mind, and a storm formed in an instant, swept through the whole mind, and the spirit strength that reached the blue quality collapsed one after another.

Mu Qing groaned, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his eyes condensed, and two nine-section purple thunder bamboos appeared behind him, and a circle of weird lines appeared in his eyes, and he saw a circle in front of him. The terrifying giant sword is cut.

This sword is not aimed at his fleshy body, but his soul!

He just glanced at it, and he felt that his soul was about to be taken away. The giant sword was like a soul-removing hook, which made people feel extremely cold.

The giant sword is invisible, but Mu Qing’s pupils showed a strange pattern, light purple, which made him clearly see that giant sword aimed at the soul penetrated through it.

This giant sword is condensed by Soul Power. Ignoring the shackles of Power of Space, the space daoist robe on Mu Qing can’t be blocked at all.

Mu Qing was jealous, and went directly to Space Jump, avoiding the past, but the next moment found that the soul giant sword turned the direction and continued to pass through the hole.

“Does it still carry the automatic navigation function?” Mu Qing complexion changed, with five fingers and a grip, one after another space blade tore through, but he could not touch the soul giant sword.

He didn’t believe in evil, and then he showed the space greater teleportation. The entire space in front of him collapsed, but he still couldn’t help the giant sword.

“Soul Locking Curse!”

Suddenly, a starlight on Mu Qing’s body soared into the sky, it was the map of the ten thousand domain stars, and a black light on it burst out and turned into countless runes. Block the soul giant sword.

Mu Qing sighed in relief, a circle of light purple lines appeared in the pupils, looking there, I found that the soul of the giant sword was completely imprisoned, impossible to move even a little bit.

The Ten Thousand Domain Star Chart returned to Mu Qing’s body, but it was Curse Siyu who had just shot it.

After Mu Qing walked out of the Hall of Yinxing, he cursed thinking rain and entered it, feeling the curse avenue, plus Tu Lao has been lonely in the star map for many years, now there is a curse Siyu was with him, naturally, he was very happy and gave a lot of advice.

Currently, Cursed Siyu is already a veteran king, but under the guidance of Tu Lao, the power of cursing appears and disappear unpredictably, coupled with the perception of the Hall of Stars, her strength is more terrifying.

After Mu Qing’s blood spirit was advanced, Purple Lightning Bamboo derives into two, the bamboo leaves imprint the lightning pattern, and thunderclouds are brewing between swaying.

Originally, Mu Qing relied on the power of Purple Lightning Bamboo to see through the weakness of his opponent, but now this power has become an existence similar to Innate Ability.

Mu Qing named it the Pupil of Hollow, able to see through the enemy’s weakness, see through the weakness of the Formation, see through the weakness of the Formation, see through everything!

For example, the soul giant sword just now, if there is no pupil of this hole, he will ask for the Tao, and his soul will be crushed by it.

“I really want to take precautions against this in the future. If it weren’t for Cursing Siyu to act this time, I couldn’t help this soul giant sword!” Mu Qing became vigilant.

“Good means, the people of Insect Race and Winged Human Race said that you are very strong, not like an Earth person who can’t even reach the low-level races. Now it seems that it is so!” The voice came.

Mu Qing’s pupil of hole virtual stared suddenly, but was surprised.

He discovered that the person who shot him was a young woman. What surprised him even more was that this woman looked exactly like Lin Xin!

When did Lin Xin have the strength of Peak King?

Mu Qing was puzzled, the next moment reacted immediately, with the power of the hole of the virtual pupil, he saw Lin Xin’s body full of terrifying Soul Power.

“This is definitely not Lin Xin himself!” He frowned, the origin power of stars in his body gushing crazily, evolving into a sky full of sword qi, and rushing towards Lin Xin.

Lin Xin looked at Mu Qing in the sky, actually slightly surprised in her heart.

The Soul Power of their Spirit Race is very weird. Although it is a medium race, with the terrifying of Soul Power, it can even defeat the higher races of the same tier.

However, her unfavorable Soul Power was resisted by Mu Qing when she faced Mu Qing.

“Spirit Race is a medium race in the universe, majoring in Soul Power, it is difficult to have rivals in the same level, but it is precisely because their Soul Power is too difficult to cultivation, leading to Spirit Race’s god level Not many, so I have not been promoted to a higher race.”

“The lifespan of Spirit Race people is very long, because their fleshy body will transfer their souls to other people when their life essence is approaching. , Continue to survive.”

Tu Lao sound transmission to Mu Qing, telling him the situation of Spirit Race.

Mu Qing’s eyes were cold, his eyes pierced at Lin Xin fiercely, and said: “You killed Lin Xin’s soul?”

According to Tu Lao, Spirit Race The person can body possession other people.

Lin Xin shook the head, a trace of disdain appeared on the cold pretty face, “Human bloodline can’t even reach low-level races. What’s the use of my body possession? Don’t worry, I Just being possessed by this woman, her own soul is in deep sleep.”

Mu Qing saw that she didn’t seem to lie, so she sighed in relief.

But he also became vigilant in his heart. Have the major races in the universe finally descended on Earth?

The Spirit Race that appears now is the same as the Winged Human Race of Kodi, both of which are medium races, but they are both very powerful. Even Mu Qing almost spoke.

Their strength can easily crush Earth humans of the same level!

“Your strength is very good, how about joining my Spirit Race? When the time comes, use your power on Earth to help me find a treasure house. By then, the benefits will be indispensable to you.” Lin Xin’s eyes appeared There was a hint of pride.

Although their Spirit Race belongs to a medium race, their strength is comparable to that of a high race. They are also the most powerful races in the universe that have descended on Earth.

Spirit Race is somewhat similar to Asura Race.

Although the Asura Race is a high-level race, its strength is comparable to that of the top-level race. However, because of too many killings, many top-level races jointly targeted, resulting in great injury of strength.

Nevertheless, no one in the universe would underestimate them. The battle strength of Asura Race can compete with top races in the same tier.

Spirit Race is the same. Their Spirit Race relies on the weirdness of Soul Power, and its battle strength is comparable to higher races. If Soul Power cultivation is not very difficult, Spirit Race would have been promoted to a higher race.

“My name is Lingyin, which can represent the entire Spirit Race. As long as you can help us find that treasure house, our Spirit Race can definitely give you a lot of benefits, and even make you a god. Human beings are promoted to a low-level race!” Ling Yin’s face was proud, she thought this condition was very rich.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely agree to Lingyin, because the most powerhouse on Earth is nothing but power, and the only Demi-God is the existence of the ominous beast clan.

Almost all human powers are in retreat, and they all want to break through the shackles to reach the realm of Demi-God.

Ling Yin looked at Mu Qing, her opponent’s strength was recognized by her, so she was willing to cooperate with humans that this low-level race couldn’t reach the bloodline, and she also felt that her conditions would not be rejected by the other party.

Unfortunately, she still underestimates Mu Qing.

Don’t say it is a medium race, Mu Qing has even been in contact with the Peak race, and he has two bloodline methods of the Peak race.

He looked at Lingyin, shook the head, and said: “The treasure house you mentioned should be regarded as something of our Earth, and it should be opened by our Earth people.”


Lingyin complexion sank, the ice cold aura on the lovable body swept out in an instant.

She feels that Mu Qing is too impossible to tell good from bad, she usually goes out on her own, even people of medium races have to be polite to three points when they see themselves, and this one can’t even reach the bloodline of low races. The humans who arrived, dare to refuse her!

She was irritated in her heart, and raised her hand to condense five soul giant swords, moved towards Mu Qing pierced through.

Mu Qing’s eyes flashed with strange light purple lines. Under the gaze of the pupil of the hole, the five invisible soul giant swords appeared before his eyes.


A rumbling sound of thunder and lightning came out, and the two purple thunder bamboos behind Mu Qing swayed, and the bamboo leaves crossed the space, leaving one after another thunder and lightning ripples.

The origin power of the stars billowing in Mu Qing’s body gushes out, and the rays of light are released all over his body. Two thunder bamboos turn into two thunder swords and penetrate through them.

The two thunder swords are extremely terrifying, three feet long, horrible sword qi, and purple glow.

The purple thunder and lightning flashed in Mu Qing’s eyes, and the two purple rays in the eyes of the hole swept out, revealing the invisible five soul giant swords!


Sword cry sounded through Heaven and Earth, two extremely bright sword lights rushed out, sword qi rushed into the sky, immortal intent, soaring sword!

Accurately speaking, this is the two soaring swords. Two thunder swords derived from Purple Lightning Bamboo pierced through them. Two extremely bright sword lights were twisted, and the five soul giant swords burst into pieces.

Two thunder swords flew back upside down, surrounding Mu Qing, and the sword intent evolves into thunder.

This is a figurative artifact of his blood spirit Purple Lightning Bamboo. It is extremely sharp, and the scary sword qi can easily tear the sky.

“How is it possible!” Ling Yin’s body was shocked, and he couldn’t believe it.

The reason why their Spirit Race is strong is precisely because of the weirdness of Soul Power, which invisibly shatters the enemy’s soul, which is very difficult.

Great Elder and Shui Yuexi felt that their souls were about to be taken away when they felt Soul Power.

This Soul Power needs to be resisted by special means, and Mu Qing even raised his hand with two thunder swords and defeated the soul giant sword.

“How is it possible! who the hell are you!” One after another hostile rays of light burst out of Ling Yin’s eyes.

Lingyin is like approaching the enemy, one after another violent Soul Power surges out.

“Earth people are basically impossible to have such strength, which race are you from?” She stared at Mu Qing, but she felt that Mu Qing was still an Earth person.

She felt a trace of bloodline breath from Mu Qing’s body, which was very weak and could not reach even the low-level races.

But the person in front of him, with the help of a body that is not available in low-level bloodline, crushed the soul attack that their Spirit Race is proud of.

“I am me, who else can I be?” Mu Qing has no good impressions of these major races from the universe.

Ling Yin gritted her teeth, but she knew she could not help Mu Qing, she was just possessed by Lin Xin, unable to burst her strength to the extreme.

“Look and see!” Ling Yin still intends to retreat. There are many Great Influences on Earth. Similar to Winged Human Race, she went to the Holy See. Since Mu Qing did not agree to join Spirit Race, she went to find other people.

However, the silhouette of the next moment Mu Qing suddenly appeared in front of her, wearing a silver robe with cold eyes.

“Did you let you go?”

Mu Qing eyebrow raised, suddenly all around densely packed Power of Space shrouded, sealing the place where Ling Yin was located, The two thunder swords cross the sky, and the sword qi is palpitating.

Ling Yin giggled when he saw this, “I admit that you can compete with my current state, but do you think you can stop me?”

Mu Qing frowned, yet There was no reaction, but a rays of light rushed out of Ling Yin’s body, and a stone sword emerged, smashing all the Power of Space, blowing a gust of wind, and taking her away.

“Oh right, the person you mentioned before is called the witch seat, I think he is almost dying, and the people of the insect race will not be as soft-hearted as we are.” Lingyin figure disappeared, but A paragraph was left.

Mu Qing complexion changed, two thunder swords penetrated out, but they only tore an afterimage.

“Wu Xi fell into the hands of the insect race?” Mu Qing frowned, and then learned from Elder Lin that Wu Xi left Tianyu Palace many days ago to look for Lin Xin, but then lost contact inexplicably .

“The girl of Spirit Race is Wind Sword in her hands.” Tu Lao suddenly said.

He told Mu Qing that there were five stone swords in total. They were wind, fire, thunder, rain, soil, and five attribute stone swords. Mu Qing held the Thunder Attribute stone sword.

“Where did the witch seat last?” Mu Qing asked, he was going to rescue the witch seat.

Insect race is similar to Spirit Race, and both are regarded as Peak in the intermediate race. Spirit Race is known for its Soul Power’s weirdness, while insect race is famous for its fertility horror.

Mu Qing now has the strength of the Peak King. As long as the insect race on the fire star does not come, even if the insect race on Earth is dispatched, he can protect himself.

He is not afraid of insect race, even more how. Before the powerhouses of the major races in the universe really come down, the Earth humans are still in the upper hand.

The blood-sucking Insect King of the insect race is about half-step Supreme Being. For people of other races, Mu Qing guesses that most of the strongest strength is similar to Lingyin, and they are all Peak Kings, but they are all It is the kind that can easily kill the same rank.

“I don’t know, he disappeared inexplicably, he couldn’t find it at all.” Elder Lin shook his head.

Mu Qing complexion sank, he had a foreboding that Earth would panic. The major races came for the mysterious treasure house. When the time comes, if a god-level descends to fight, no matter who owns the treasure house, Earth humans are the most damaged.

“The Heaven’s Chosen from the Western Holy See, Ai Li, just sent me a message that he wanted to see you.” Shui Yuexi approached Mu Qing, her face was a little surprised, she didn’t understand Mu Qing When did it have contact with the Western Holy See?


Mu Qing reacted, and then remembered that there was a green ghost curse under Ai Li who cursed thinking of rain.

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