“The ten of us, before we broke the Formation, were an alliance. Now there are many races on Earth. If we want to take this stone sword, we must be in unison!” Cody’s face suddenly became serious.

Mu Qing, the people of the star clan, have come beyond their expectations. If anyone comes to intervene again, they must be unanimous to the outside world.

“Among the ten people, Mu Qing and Lingyin have the strongest strength, but both of them are possessed by the Earth people. No matter how powerful they are, they can’t go far!” Flashing, he felt there was still a chance.

Others are also pregnant with ghosts, but their goals are the same. Before breaking the Formation, they are calm and form a short-term alliance.

Once someone intervenes, the weaker than them waved away, and the stronger than them teamed up to kill. The appearance of Mu Qing had already given them a warning.

If you delay any longer, maybe more and more people will intervene. When the time comes, it doesn’t matter who owns the stone sword.

“I always think I have seen you.” Among the ten, a young girl suddenly looked towards Mu Qing.

Beside her, there is a younger boy with a proud face.

They are both Peak Kings. Mu Qing once met them in the West Lake Secret Realm. They are sisters and brothers of the ominous beast clan. They didn’t have such a cultivation base at the beginning, but now they have Kodi and the others. The same strength.

Long Mei frowns, looked towards Mu Qing, she felt very familiar.

Her younger brother Long Fang sucked his nose, his eyes flashed through golden rays of light, pulling Long Mei’s clothes corner, and whispered: “I think I met it somewhere.”

When they were in West Lake Secret Realm, what they met was what Mu Qing looked like after changing his appearance.

“Open Formation.” Cody called Jerry Bishop and ordered.

They Winged Human Race cooperated with the Holy See, and he himself is the god son of the Holy See, and his status in the Holy See is extremely high.

Jerry bishop nodded, after a while, the entire Holy Mountain Wave Island is a Formation.

Mu Qing’s eyes have strange lines, and the power of this Formation is clearly understood. It can be said that it is a very powerful Formation on Earth, and it can’t be broken by the Peak King.

“Quickly break the Holy Mountain Formation!”

When Cody drank it, everyone else was nodded.

The ten people present, apart from Mu Qing, Lingyin, Cody and the ominous beast clan brothers and sisters, there is only one from the Huolin clan, and that is Huoyuan.

The other four people also have the strength of Peak Kings. They have limbs and arms, and their bodies are branded with mysterious rune. They are medium-sized giants.

The last two of them were all dressed in black robes, and they were covered with black qi flames. They couldn’t see the origin.

But since these two people are standing here with other people, they should also be people of medium race.

“The stone sword that humans got inside was from the Earth Attribute and contained Power of Earth. It spurred the power of the entire Holy Mountain to form a Formation. If you want to break it, you need to combine the power of all of us. “Huo Yuan stepped forward, looked at the entire Holy Mountain array and said.

He seems to have some understanding of Formation. He told everyone that the defensive power of the stone sword with Power of Earth is amazing. In addition, the power of the Holy Mountain has been attracted. The defensive power can be said to be comparable Mighty.

They want to break the Formation, it will take some time.

“It will take several days to unlock this Formation, but if the ten of us work together, we can force the Formation to open!” Huo Yuan said.

The people present are all powerhouses of the middle race level, and everyone’s strength surpasses the Peak Kings on Earth too much.

Mu Qing is standing at the back, his eyes are flat, but he is thinking in his heart, do you want to stop them directly?

However, with so many people present, if they join forces, he will not be an opponent.

This group of people are all powerhouses with medium bloodline, and they will shoot together, maybe even if they are powerful, they will be killed!

At this moment, the others have mobilized the energy in the body, one after another beam soars into the sky, intending to break the Formation forcefully.

Mu Qing is not too good, the whole body is glowing, and the whole body is shrouded in stars, turning into a bright star, exuding a frightening atmosphere, and the origin power of the stars in the body is surging.


Suddenly, the entire Holy Mountain wave island vibrated, one after another scarlet rays of light penetrated from the outside, that can intercept the Peak King’s Formation, at This time is like paper, easily torn by blood light.


All the people who had planned to forcefully break the Formation stopped their movements, their expressions changed drastically, and their aura was much stronger than them.

The members of the Holy See on the Island of Wave in Holy Mountain felt a suffocation under this imposing manner, and couldn’t help trembling all over.

Mu Qing is also expression congeals. Looking at the place where the moved towards Formation broke, I found a terrifying silhouette emerged, the monstrous blood light permeated, and the killing aura enveloped the entire Holy Mountain wave island.

This is a very terrifying powerhouse!

Mu Qing rotates the pupil of the hole, moved towards there, and for a while, he can’t see through the weakness of the opponent, and even the corner of his eyes overflows with a trace of blood.

“How can you guys get the key to the treasure house?” In the endless blood light, a voice full of domineering came out.

In an instant, that silhouette shot directly, and a sea of ​​blood appeared, surrounded by a sea of ​​blood in the sky.


Jerry rushed out with a group of members of the Holy See. This is a very important stronghold in the Holy See. Now they are forcibly rushed in. They face Can’t hang it either.

“Don’t go!” Cody felt anxious when he saw this.

He secretly scolded the people of the Holy See for idiots. The strength of the other party made all ten of them feel heart palpitations. You kings go over, isn’t this going to die?

In fact, it was not beyond his expectation. I saw the silhouette coldly snorted in the sky, and he raised his hand with a finger.

Suddenly, Blood Sea Overflowing Heavens pierced out with one finger, revealing a sea of ​​corpses.


As a veteran king, Jerry Bishop is very powerful, covered in holy light, but he was pierced through his head with a finger and fell from in midair.

The faces of other members of the Holy See were horrified, and their bodies shattered under the touch of the blood light.

“unable to withstand a single blow!”

That silhouette was disdainful, and then turned over and slapped a palm, the same endless blood light gushing out, corpses everywhere, ghasts all over the sky.

This palm is directly moved towards Mu Qing!

Mu Qing frowned, he wanted to keep a low profile, and save his father Mu Yu after breaking the Formation, but didn’t expect this guy to shoot him as soon as he came in.

He is naturally impossible to sit and wait for death, with a cold glow flashed in his eyes, a starry spurge condenses out, a halberd breaks the sky, the sky is full of stars, and countless mysterious and mysterious runes condense into the Star River.

Mu Qing said that he is a member of the Star Clan, at least for now, he cannot use other means, otherwise it is inevitable that other people will doubt his identity.

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