Starry sky euphorbia, the bright starry sky is rolled up when it is shot, which is more in line with the identity of the star clan.

When other people saw Mu Qing’s move, their expressions were slightly startled. They all felt the surging origin power of the stars on Mu Qing.

“Sure enough, he is a member of the Star Clan, with advanced bloodline and stronger origin power than us!” Huo Yuan sighed with emotion.

The origin power of Mu Qing’s body is too terrifying, making them basically sure that Mu Qing is really a member of the Star Clan.

If you are an Earth person, it is absolutely impossible to have such a strong origin power!


A power that shakes the sky and the earth erupted, and the terrifying energy fluctuations turned into storms and swept all around, and the entire Formation collapsed directly under the aftermath.

Mu Qing holds the starry sky Euphorbia, the starlight is dazzling, almost tearing the entire sky, a halberd penetrates through it, and smashes that bloody palm into pieces.

That silhouette was full of blood-colored rays of light all over, and it came out lightly exclaimed, and a strong smell of blood-reeking qi permeated.

“Which race are you from?” The blood-colored silhouette said, his a pair of vision penetrated out, full of terrifying killing aura.

“Stars.” Mu Qing held the starry sky Euphorbia, his face was very flat.

He feels that the opponent is also the Peak King, but the bloodline is very powerful and the strength is terrifying.

“But I feel the Asura breath of my clan from you.” Scarlet silhouette said solemnly, his eyes fell on the starry sky spear in Mu Qing’s hand.

The blood-colored rays of light on his body slowly dissipated, revealing his body appearance. He is two meters tall, burly and full of muscles, and has a pair of horns on the top of his head.

“Asura Race!”

Kodi and the others startled, staring wide-eyed, they didn’t expect the Asura Race people to appear!

Mu Qing frowned, I didn’t expect that the powerhouse that appeared suddenly would be from Asura Race!

At this moment, the Shura is also looking at him, his eyes are also slightly surprised.

Although the person in front of him is starlight brilliant and accompanied by Power of Stars in his hands, he looks like a person from the Star Clan, but he feels a trace of strength of Asura from Mu Qing’s body, even he still From the starry sky spear in the opponent’s hand, I saw the shadow of the Slaughter God’s Halberd.

“Your strength is very strong. If you kill you and refine you into a puppet, your potential should be great!” The Shura grinned, but he showed extremely terrifying murderous intention.

Mu Qing’s mind was startled, and suddenly felt a killing aura moved towards him.

“And your starry sky Euphorbia, the cultivation method is also handed over.” He is extremely domineering and extremely arrogant.

I saw his eyes suddenly red, and a terrifying gaze penetrated through.

Mu Qing waved the starry sky euphorbia in his hand, breaking the sky with one halberd, shattering the sky.

However, that line of sight is not simple, containing the most terrifying power. With one blow, the starry sky spurge in Mu Qing’s hand was broken!

Mu Qing was hit by a huge force and walked backwards, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

“It is indeed our Asura Race person, but you can rest assured that I planted the seeds of Slaughter Shura in your body, which is enough to restrain his Slaughter God!” Tu Lao was very confident.

How does he exist? Following the Starry Sky Venerable God and dealing with the existence of the Great Emperor level, he shot the Killing Seed buried in Mu Qing’s body, of extremely high quality, and could definitely restrain that Shura.

“Don’t show mercy, despite the shot, I have nothing to do with Asura Race.” Tu Lao said.


that Shura’s shot is heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the scary power of horror bursts out in an instant, and it becomes a terrifying in the sky. The bloody kills the gods.

He was condense, and the sea of ​​blood rushed away in an instant. Huo Yuan, Cody and the others were shocked, and they backed away, not daring to touch this sea of ​​blood.

They are all aware of the gap between the two sides. They are only a medium race, and the Shura in front of him contains a high-level bloodline, which is much stronger than them.

Mu Qing gave a faint scream, he took out a thunder pool, and the golden glow swept the sky in an instant, one after another ferocious Thunder Tribulation fell.

The violent impact of the two terrifying energies can be said to be equal.

“People from the Star Clan, even know how to use thunder methods?” The Shura face was weird.

Lingyin and the others were even more shocked. For the first time, they discovered how far they were from people of higher races.

“Who are you who is the person from the Star Clan?” Ling Yin was very surprised. After this comparison, he realized how big the gap between him and Mu Qing was.

That Shura, is the body descending to Earth, possessing the strength of the Peak King. Obviously, he is still in his infancy, but his strength is not trivial, which is comparable to the half-step Supreme Being.

And Mu Qing, but the bloodline hasn’t even reached the low level, it can compete with that Shura!

“I think we need to join hands to help him. If the real battle strength of this Asura Race breaks out, it will definitely have the strength of Peak bloodline!”

Huo Yuan suggested.

The two people of the Juli clan are also nodded, in a low, muffled voice said: “Yes, but we still have to wait and see for a while, until Mu Qing and That Shura are both injured. Let’s take another shot and defeat the people of Asura Race!”

The others are nodded. They think this is a good way. Wait until Mu Qing is injured before taking the shot, so that when they join forces to defeat that Shura, Mu Qing will also not be able to show much strength due to injuries on his body.

Mu Qing was in midair, watching these guys indifferently, sneered in his heart, he naturally knew what these guys thought.

What alliances and cooperation are all verbal talks. Once they encounter a conflict of interest, they will immediately turn their faces.

Everyone had agreed to join forces before, but after seeing Mu Qing’s powerful strength, they changed their attention and planned to let Mu Qing and that Shura fight for a while and consume Mu Qing’s power.

“Suffer to death!”

That Shura does not care about other things, in his eyes there is only fighting, only killing!

I saw the blood light in his hand condensed, one after another terrifying energy penetrated through, and a bloody euphorbia condensed, and the horror breath came out in an instant, extreme horror.

God of Slaughter Halberd!

He displayed the halberd, moved towards Mu Qing with a single blow, and the power was terrifying, all around Blood Sea Overflowing Heavens, corpses appeared, and countless evil spirits were wailing.

Mu Qing condense starry sky euphorbia, but it was directly crushed, and the opponent’s strength was too strong.

However, at this time, a blood-colored seed in Mu Qing trembled abruptly, all around the power of the blood evil that originally belonged to that Shura unexpectedly surged crazily at this time.

“What’s the matter?”

That Shura complexion changed, before he could react, he found that the halberd in his hand was broken directly, turning into a light, and penetrated In Mu Qing’s body!

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