“What method is this?” Luo Han’s face was solemn, and the halberd in his hand had collapsed at this time!

He doesn’t understand what Mu Qing used, but it must be very extraordinary. He actually restrained their Asura Race’s halberd!

“Impossible! The stars are absolutely impossible to have such a method!” Luo Han frowns, he absolutely does not believe that the people of the stars can restrain his halberd.

Their Asura Race, but their reputation for killing, relying on a shot of Scarlet Euphorbia in their hands, even the Peak Race was terrified, and they jointly targeted them.

Asura Race, but the most powerful existence in the higher races, how could a person from the Star Race destroy the proud halberd?

Luo Han couldn’t figure it out. Of course, even if he died, he would not have thought that there was a seed of killing in Mu Qing’s body, which Elder Tu himself penetrated into Mu Qing’s body.

The seniority of Tu Lao in Asura Race can be said to belong to the old Ancestral level. The Luo Han condense’s halberd in front of him is naturally unable to resist, and the power of the blood evil is all sucked away.


A scream came out, and Luo Han suddenly shot and punched away. The blood light was monstrous, calling out the illusory shadow of the killing god, terrifying The imposing manner swept over Huo Yuan in an instant.

Huo Yuan of the Huolin clan was taken aback. He was originally watching the battle beside him. How could he have thought that Luo Han would not deal with Mu Qing, and would directly deal with him!

He didn’t have time to react. He was directly seriously injured by a blow. The scales on his body shattered and a large amount of blood spilled.

Luo Han waved his hand, drawing a lot of blood from Huo Yuan’s body, condensed into a decapitating knife, moved towards Mu Qing and went away!

This decapitation knife is not simple, imposing manner and extremely terrifying. It comes from the blood condense of Huoyuan from the Firescale clan.

The low-level bloodline contains a trace of divine power, and the medium-level bloodline is even thicker. Luo Han used the secret technique of Asura Race to extract Bloodline Strength from Huo Yuan’s body, and a condense decapitating knife. Attack towards Mu Qing.

“What are you still doing in a daze?” Mu Qing suddenly roared when he noticed that Cody and the group were still staying aside.

Cody and the others just shot, the holy light is dazzling, turning into a cross and piercing through.

Lingyin condense soul giant sword, slashes towards Luo Han, and the people of the Juli clan even hold four big hammers to strike out terrifying shock power.

The sisters and brothers of the ominous beast clan also worked, condense golden energy, forming a terrifying dragon flame, burning the sky.

Those two people wearing black robe and covering their bodies with black qi flames are even summons. They appear to be dark puppets. They look like ominous beasts as well as humans. They are obviously in Earth. Refined from above.

The sisters and brothers of the ominous beast clan glared at him. These dark puppets have their ominous beast clan.

Ling Yin looked at the two black robed men, and then looked towards Mu Qing, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, as if waiting for a good show to be performed.

Mu Qing glanced away, and the killing intent in his eyes rose wildly, because among the dark puppets, one of them looked exactly like the witch seat!

Lingyin told him before that the witch seat may have been attacked by insect race, but now the witch seat has become the puppets of these two black robed man, that is to say, these two unidentified men People, from insect race!

He forced the murderous intention, because the bloody beheading knife had already come to him.

Luo Han is very strong. He has a monstrous blood light. He has even shot and performed six secret techniques, all of which contain the terrifying power of blood-reeking qi.

The blood light enveloped everyone, and he unexpectedly shot Mu Qing and the others all at once, with one enemy ten!

Now, even if Cody and the others didn’t want to interfere, they all showed their full strength.

Of course, they are all based on Mu Qing, and they still have some small ideas in their hearts, wanting Mu Qing to take the lead.

After all, the person in front of you is Asura Race, and they still have a trace of awe in their hearts.

If it weren’t for the key to the treasure house, they would definitely not be an enemy of Luo Han!

Mu Qing sneered even more when he saw them like this. The Power of Space shook his body, and he appeared behind Huo Yuan for a few moments.

The bloody decapitator noticed that Mu Qing had changed direction, turned around immediately, and came out of nowhere.


Huo Yuan did not react yet, the decapitation knife fell, fiercely cut off his head, and a large amount of scarlet blood spattered out!

“Power of Space?” A look of dreading flashed in Luo Han’s eyes.

He understands that Mu Qing of the star clan in front of him is more terrifying than he imagined, not only knowing how to mine, but also able to control the Power of Space.

However, this makes Luo Han’s eyes more intense. If he can kill Mu Qing and seize the cultivation Power of Space and the secret technique of thunder, it will definitely have a lot of power for him. Big improvement.

“Mu Qing! What are you doing?!” An angry roar came.

I saw that Huo Yuan, whose head had been chopped off, was not dead. He took his head back and pressed it on his neck again. A white flame full of Life Aura emerged.

Huo Yuan was bathed in this white flame, the wound healed unexpectedly, and his head was reattached.

He looked towards Mu Qing with cold eyes at the moment, and asked: “What do you mean?”

Mu Qing glanced at him and said indifferently: “You are blocking yourself In front of me, what is my business?”

Huo Yuan’s face suddenly became ugly.

“Mu Qing! What on earth do you want to do!” The two of the Juli clan shouted angrily.

Others also stared slightly hostile gaze at Mu Qing. They should have joined forces to deal with Luo Han, but they didn’t expect Mu Qing to deliberately draw Luo Han’s attack to Huo Yuan.

Lingyin also frowned, not understanding what Mu Qing meant.

Now Luo Han’s strength is clearly the strongest. Mu Qing does not deal with Luo Han, but weakens their strength. This is definitely an unwise choice in her opinion.

However, where did she know that Mu Qing had no plans to make alliances with them from the very beginning.

Mu Qing alone is not the opponent of Cody and the others, but now Luo Han is different.

The appearance of Luo Han and Mu Qing deliberately directed his attack on Huo Yuan, making the scene chaotic.

In this way he can fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to act.

Huo Yuan roared, and regardless of Luo Han, he moved towards Mu Qing directly.

He has an intermediate bloodline in his body, which contains divine nature and is very powerful. Even his head was chopped off just now, but he still hasn’t died.

These people are terrifying in strength and have a lot of means, so they are not so easy to be killed.

Huoyuan knotted out the printing method, one after another terrifying strength of Raging Flames came out, like a scarlet ocean.

The bright stars in Mu Qing rushed out, but turned into an extremely rich Power of Space. With a big wave of his hand, the space in front of him collapsed.

The fire sea of ​​Huo Yuan condense was twisted away by Power of Space inexplicably.

“Fuck! What do you mean Huoyuan!”

One of the Juli clan yelled and saw that fire sea fell on him, raging It burned.

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