
The Emperor Tianyue absolutely did not expect that Emperor Shengyao and the others would directly admit it, and even threatened to kill him. Emperor.

He felt a little bad, and subconsciously displayed the Taiyue Mirror. Immediately, his face changed drastically because he found that his foresight ability disappeared.

“Emperor Anwu, this thing made by your Demon Guild is really amazing! Even a powerhouse like Emperor Tianyue can abolish the predictive ability of Taiyue Mirror!” A Tian Jijiao He laughed, and at the same time looked towards the black shadow next to him.

The Emperor Anwu gave a weird smile, “After all, the predictive ability is too terrifying, so our Demon Guild has been quietly conducting research on predicting for so many years, and now it has finally achieved some success.”

“You guys!” The Emperor Tianyue was furious. Only then did he react. What his two dísciples said is probably true, and the other party raided the Tianyue Guild while Mu Qing was executing his sentence. Mu Qing’s matter may also be related to them!

The Emperor Tianyue was furious, and he sacrificed the Taiyue Mirror in his hand.

Even if Taiyue Mirror’s predictive ability is eliminated, there is still a powerful resolution. Facing such terrifying powers, the emperor’s body must be resolved into dots, the soul flew away and scattered!

The countless dísciples of Taiyue Palace around were shocked. They didn’t expect things to happen to this point. The emperors in Taiyue Palace actually started fighting!

“Hurry up! The Great Emperor’s battle is not something we can observe at all, it will definitely die!” Someone yelled.

However, when they wanted to leave here, a group of powerhouses stopped them.

“chi! !”

Blood light splashed, a Heavenly God powerhouse wearing golden armor shot, and the weapons in hand were Heaven Grade Divine Item, and the strength was amazing, Like a wolf entering a flock, a slaughter has begun.

“Who are they? Why do they appear in our Taiyue Palace?” A dísciple from Heavenly God Peak’s Taiyue Palace cry out in surprise.

The powerhouse of Celestial Court does not belong to the Taiyue Palace, and it is impossible to enter in generally speaking, not to mention the execution place, and their presence here means that there has been an insider in Taiyue Palace!

“Several guilds headed by the Shengyao Guild have all turned their backs!” The Heavenly God Peak’s eyes widened, and he saw not only the powerhouse of the Celestial Court, but also the Shengyao Guild, the Shura Guild, and the demon. The guild is also massacring, and there are even evil races!

Next moment, an evil race rushed over and tore its body in half.

Among the evil races and Celestial Court, there are many God Sovereign Level powerhouses!

At the same time, there were hundreds of guilds in the Taiyue Palace, and half of the guilds defected. The Shengyao Guild led the slaughter of the surrounding Taiyue Palace dísciple.

“I surrender! Don’t kill me!” Some Taiyue Palace dísciple panicked and begged for mercy. Unfortunately, whether it was Celestial Court or the evil race, they seemed to have not heard it. Meter.

“What on earth do you want to do?!” The Emperor Tianyue scolded, the divine force in his body became violent, turned into a moon, and went away.

Emperor Shengyao sneered, and his holy light divine force exploded, like the dazzling divine sun, against Emperor Tianyue.

The Emperor Tianyue without a strong foresight ability, the Taiyue Mirror in his hand has only become a powerful Divine Ability, so that Emperor Shengyao is no longer afraid.

“Don’t waste time, Tianyue’s predictive ability is better than the little bastard of Tianyue Guild. Even the sixteen-faced ball can only eliminate his predictive ability for a short period of time. Time!” Emperor Anwu loudly said.

At this moment, Emperor Tianyue was directly violent, roaring again and again, and the terrifying power of the Great Emperor was constantly vented, displaying heaven-shaking, earth-shattering Divine Ability, and blasting towards Emperor Shengyao.

Suddenly, the corners of Emperor Shengyao’s mouth lifted slightly, and he waved his hand to condense one after another divine light to the cross, forming a large formation that trapped Emperor Tianyue.

At this moment, Emperor Tianyue lost a part of his rationality, his eyes were red, but he didn’t notice, a Space Crack behind him split silently.

“Evil Killing Flash!”

A staggering beam of light penetrated, fiercely hitting the back of Emperor Tianyue.


Emperor Tianyue flew out suddenly, with blood light splashing behind him, and then he smashed the sacred cross from Emperor Shengyao Condoense.

The Emperor Sheng Yao waved his hand and all the sacred crosses gathered and exploded.


The power of the Great Emperor level is definitely not comparable to that of the God Emperor and Heavenly God. The entire Taiyue Tianmen area, except for the Taiyue Tianmen itself, has everything else Shattered by an after wave of energy, the true Divine Grade closer to here, don’t die directly from the Taiyue Palace dísciple, and those of good luck also coughed up blood and were seriously injured.

Mu Qing’s side, although it is relatively close to Tianyue Great Emperor’s side, Yue Ya waited for God Emperor Peak to take action and resisted the aftermath.

“I wanted to cause chaos when the Primal Chaos Giant was born, but didn’t expect that the group of guys exposed what happened to the Tianyue Guild, causing turmoil in advance.” The punishment god emperor appeared in a flash. Mu Qing is beside him, untie the silver chain on his body.

His face is solemn, and he has long suspected that some traitors will cause chaos, but he didn’t expect so many guilds to choose to betray, more than half of them!

Mu Qing nodded, even he didn’t expect this. The scene was completely chaotic. The great guilds headed by the Shengyao Guild would slaughter the dísciple of the Taiyue Palace. They did not care about the dísciple of the Taiyue Palace. Life and death, as long as they can occupy the Taiyue Palace.

Yueya and the others next to him were taken aback, what’s the situation? Is there a relationship between the punishment god emperor and Mu Qing?

The old man of Destiny blew his beard and stared, and stood up desperately. As a result, this guy didn’t seem to need protection at all.

Mu Qing laughed, then looked towards the two on the dragon turtle’s back.

Taize carrying Lingzixuan who was in a coma on his back, with a look of regret, “Mu Qing Junior Brother, I’m sorry, we blamed you by mistake. There have been many traitors in the Tianyue Guild. The entire Tianyue Guild has been It’s ruined!”

Mu Qing shook the head, saying: “Eldest Senior Brother, things have happened, so I can only mourn.”

The predictive ability of Tianyue Guild is too inverse Heaven, among them, Moon God, the Supreme God’s foresight ability can be said to be against the sky, but the Moon God has a problem, which is not enough to prove it, and now the strongest foresight ability is Emperor Tianyue.

Although everyone in the Tianyue Guild has not fully developed their predictive abilities, since there is one Tianyue Great Emperor, there will be a second one. So Shengyao Guild, Celestial Court, Evil Race, etc. all To influence Taiyue Palace, you must destroy this predictive power first, even Tianyue Big Imperial Capital can’t let it go!


At this time, Taize exclaimed and found that Emperor Tianyue in the sky was attacked by a sneak attack and his body was stained with blood.

“It’s you?!”

The Emperor Tianyue said bitterly, a long and narrow wound was torn from his back, and blood spurted out.

In front of him, there is an old man covered in black curses. Unlike the evil race that controls the transformation of other races by special means, he is a real evil race!

The old man lingered in the black air, holding a Purple Gold knife, and a grinning smile appeared on his face.

“Last time I let you run away, it’s not so easy this time!” The evil clan old man said, he is a great emperor, and the evil clan invaded for the first time. , It was he who severely wounded Emperor Tianyue.

“The evil sword emperor of the evil race, Tianyue, can die in his hands, you should be thankful.” Shengyao the Great laughed.

next moment, the Purple Gold knife in the hands of the Evil Blade Great drew out, Supreme Blade Qi rushed into the sky, and slashed towards the Tianyue Great Emperor.

At the same time, Emperor Shengyao also took action. The twenty-four-winged sacred angel illusory shadow emerged behind him, and a condense shot of sacred lance in his hand penetrated.

The Emperor Tianyue is in crisis!

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