“Taiyue Palace, except for Emperor Tianyue, all the other emperors have rebelled!” Xinrui frowns.

“Who the hell are those guys? Why do they want to attack Taiyue Palace?” Holy Spirit’s pretty face was horrified.

Mu Qing swept away, took a deep breath, “There are several forces, including the rebellion of the major guilds headed by Emperor Shengyao, the Celestial Court, the evil race…”

His eyes fell on the leader of the Asura Guild, cursing the forces of the Hua side, and also united with the Celestial Court.

Mu Qing felt a familiar aura from A Tianji, the leader of the Asura Guild, that was the woman born from the cursed flower.

“Is the cursed flower related to the evil race?” Mu Qing frowned and thought, there are some similarities between the evil race and the cursed flower, and that is the curse seal!

Those who are planted with seeds by the cursed flower will have black curses on their bodies after the seeds have completely germinated and grown.

And the Evil Blade Emperor and others who appeared in the Evil Race also have these black spells!


In the sky there was a loud noise, and Emperor Tianyue was covered in blood, and he could not hold on for long.

On the side of Emperor Shengyao, a large number of powerhouses gathered, and more than half of the guilds in Taiyue Palace turned against each other, and the emperors exuded a powerful aura.

In the distance, the breath of one after another great emperor came, and there were six great emperors in total, like the sky in the sky.

“Quick! Everyone! Help me take down the traitors of Shengyao!” Tianyue Great Emperor shouted, and the six great emperors are all the real high-levels of Taiyue Palace.

“Sorry, Tianyue. The Moon God is no longer good, nor is Taiyue Palace. Reform is needed, and you will become the first fallen emperor in this reform.”

Among the six great emperors, one of them coldly opened the mouth and said.

The Emperor Tianyue pupil shrinks, his heart sinks, and he even feels a touch of despair. His predictive ability is still not enough mature, and he has not reached the realm of the Moon God.

Once the Moon God, known as the omnipotent and omnipotent, unfortunately, now the Moon God is powerless to defend himself, and can no longer urge the foresight ability. The Heavenly Moon Emperor’s foresight ability is not up to this level, and he cannot know about this incident. happened.

“Except for me, you all chose to rebel!” The Emperor Tianyue heave a long sigh, but at the next moment, his eyes were red, and his terrifying divine force burst out.

Even if he is killed in battle, he will guard the Supreme Moon Palace!

“You are too stubborn.” Emperor Shengyao coldly shouted, and the emperors shot at Emperor Tianyue.

The six former emperors of Taiyue Palace, plus Emperor Shengyao and Emperor Xiedao, made a total of eight great emperors, and Emperor Tianyue was not an opponent at all.

“Even if I die! I won’t let you go!!” The Emperor Tianyue roared, a terrifying force brewing in his body, he wanted to cause self-destruct.

At this time, the Great Evil Sabre made a stab in the air, piercing the body of Emperor Tianyue, rolling evil force swept away, forcibly blocking the self-destruct of Emperor Tianyue.


Taize yelled up to the sky, and his proud Master fell from the sky at this moment.

“Isn’t it completely dead?” Emperor Shengyao looked at Emperor Tianyue below and muttered.

The Evil Blade Emperor shook the head, “My evil power has completely destroyed his divine core. Even if he survives, he will be a useless person and will not affect us at all.”

In this operation, multiple forces acted together, intending to cannibalize the huge force of Taiyue Palace.

The union of all influence, I don’t know how many great emperors, for their united forces, there is one more great opponent and one less great opponent. There is no difference. For example, the Moon Emperor has been abolished today, and the ability to predict The threat of ‘s no longer exists, and they can act lavishly.

The life and death of Emperor Tianyue, they don’t care too much.

“Next, let’s massacre!” Emperor Shengyao loudly shouted, his gaze fell on Mu Qing’s side, suddenly violent, a sacred lance came through.

Suddenly, the sacred lance stopped, as if being imprisoned by a force in midair, followed by a flash at the end of the moon, waving summon out of the world, covering the sacred lance.


It can be felt that an astonishing wave burst from that side of the world. The blow of Emperor Shengyao, but he intends to kill Mu Qing and the others Completely killed!

“Did you actually withstand this blow from me?” Emperor Shengyao was a little surprised. Yue Ya was just a god emperor, but it was unexpected to resolve his blow.

You must know the perception between the emperor and the emperor, but it is very huge, the attack of the emperor Shengyao just now, not to mention completely obliterating Mu Qing and the others, but it can still be done easily if they are seriously injured. of.

As a result, Yueya used a certain method to stop the sacred lance, and the world from his own condense enveloped the past, causing it to explode in his own world.

“It seems that I still underestimated you before. Although it is only the emperor, it is also the dísciple of the moon god.” Emperor Shengyao was obviously surprised, and then chuckled again, “but you are now It doesn’t seem to be so easy.”

Yue Ya looked at Emperor Shengyao coldly, with a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

The world of the god emperor comes from the transformation of the realm. He covers the sacred lance with the world and makes it explode in his own world. That terrifying force naturally destroys his own world into a mess.

“Sorry, it’s too late!”

The space in the sky shattered, and a huge Azure Dragon rushed out, turning into a cold and ruthless man.

Beside him, there is also a woman with no expression on her face.

“What’s the matter with you ruthless palace? It’s fine if you don’t work hard, but only one person comes with a Heavenly God junior!” The Great Emperor Anwu yelled, and every force was dispatched this time. A large number of people and horses and several Great Emperor level exist, and the Ruthless Temple is also a force created by Supreme God at any rate, but only two people came, one of which was Heavenly God!

“I alone is enough.” The man said indifferently, and at the same time a terrifying breath erupted from his body, sweeping the world.

Emperor Shengyao and the others were startled, and Emperor Anwu stopped talking, because they found that the people in the Temple of Ruthlessness were terrifying.

“Is it Azure Dragon? According to legend, it is the newest emperor of Ruthless Temple, but he is very powerful, vicious and merciless, and killed two of his dearest relatives to promote his cultivation. base!” An old woman with divine poise and sagelike features appeared, soar into the clouds and mount the mists.

She comes from Celestial Court, and her name is the Purple Wind Emperor!

All influence unite, and if the strength is strong enough, it is okay to send a smaller number of people, such as Celestial Court, a total of two emperors, a purple wind, an ancient peak, and the strength of the two It is a very powerful existence among the emperors, so it doesn’t matter if only two people come.

And the strength of the Azure Dragon in the Ruthless Temple is far beyond that of Emperor Shengyao and the others, so even if Azure Dragon brings a junior to come, they have nothing to say.

“Everyone is here, let’s start! Let the entire Taiyue Palace be completely erased from the universe!” Azure Dragon the Great Emperor of Ruthless Palace said indifferently.

In the sky, all influence gathered, there were only two people on the side of the Ruthless Palace, but the strength of Azure Dragon is extremely strong, ruthless, and the many guilds headed by Emperor Shengyao have the largest number of people, and the gods are nearly 100. , The emperor also has a full eight.

On the side of the evil race, only one great emperor, the Great Evil Blade, but this one directly inflicted the existence of the Tianyue Great at the beginning, with dozens of evil race gods behind him, all of whom were Elite.

There are two great emperors on Celestial Court, more than a dozen emperors and many Heavenly God Peak.

all influence Standing in the air, everyone in Taiyue Palace fell into despair.

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