in the sky, twelve great emperors, like the sun, exuded dazzling brilliance, dazzling.

“It’s a bit difficult now. Is it true that our Taiyue Palace is going to be destroyed?” Yue Ya’s face was ugly.

The Old Man of Destiny recovered from his injury, and his expression was extremely heavy.

The entire Taiyue Palace has become a mess, and there are rebels in various places to kill, and the huge Taiyue Palace is already falling apart.

Mu Qing looked up towards in the sky, his eyes fell on the two people in the ruthless palace.

“Azure Dragon, Ji Jia…” Mu Qing whispered.

The two are acquaintances, and what he didn’t expect is that Azure Dragon has now become the emperor, and Ji Jia has also reached the Heavenly God Realm.

The speciality of the Ruthless Temple, Mu Qing has also heard Tu Lao said that by killing his compatriots and kinsmen, to promote the progress of his cultivation, Azure Dragon itself is a god of nine extremes, with extremes Strong potential, coupled with the terrifying bloodline method of Ruthless Temple, soaring strength!

“Saintess, please come out the cursing flower!”

At this time, the Evil Blade suddenly spoke, making everyone stunned.

“Saintess?” Emperor Shengyao was also slightly surprised, and then found that A Tianji, who was standing next to them, walked out with a smile, the appearance on his face changed, and she became another woman. A trace of coldness and evil.

“Are you Saintess?!” Emperor Anwu and Shengyao Imperial Capital were shocked.

Originally, the leader of the Asura Guild died in the True God grand competition that evil race invaded. Later, A Tianji, a female god emperor in the Asura Guild, became the new leader with her strong strength.

Emperor Shengyao and Emperor Anwu went directly to the Shura Guild. Although the Shura Guild ranks relatively high, because the new leader is only the emperor of God, even if it’s a cooperative relationship, they don’t pay too much attention to it. .

At this moment, they were shocked to find that this A Tianji turned out to be Saintess of the evil race!

There is a trace of fear in both of them. This evil clan method has also been too terrifying. Thinking about it carefully, the reason why they can successfully destroy the Tianyue Guild is relying on Atianji’s control of people. Special means, only now I discovered that the opponent is an evil race!

“Evil knife, then Mu Qing will be handed over to me.” Saintess of the evil race said, she restored her original appearance, it was the curse spirit born from the cursed flower!

Just somehow, she became the evil Saintess!

She waved her hand, all around in the sky inexplicably white mist swept out, and then a thin silhouette appeared on a leaf boat, holding an ancient lamp.

This person is Jin Jiuyin. After being controlled by the Cursed Flower, he became the guide of the Cursed Flower.

The cursed flower is an ominous thing. When Jin Jiuyin draws it out, its lifespan will be affected.

Evil Blade Great Emperor is nodded, Mu Qing is just a trifling Heavenly God, even if Saintess wants to save his life, no one will say anything.

“Sorry, then Mu Qing, we are in the Celestial Court.” The Purple Wind Great Emperor of Celestial Court said, the scepter in her hand fiercely smashed, and there was a sudden gust of wind and rain, one after another gale moved towards Mu Qing swept away.

The curse spirit’s face condensed, waved a black claw and tore away.

But at this time, Gu Feng strode out, and with a wave of Qingfeng’s ancient sword in his hand, the amazing sword qi slashed across the air, cutting off the black claw.

The Evil Sabre Emperor also moved at this moment, and the Purple Gold knife in his hand was cut down, and the wind was annihilated.

The people around are surprised. There is a conflict between the evil race and Celestial Court?

The gaze of Emperor Shengyao fell on Mu Qing. These Two Great Influences all wanted to get this guy, why on earth?

Mu Qing also frowned. It is understandable that Cursing Flower wanted to deal with him, but Celestial Court also shot him, probably because his identity as the Star Empire was exposed.

“Evil Blade Great, how about this, give this guy to the Celestial Court first, and then return him after a while, how about?” An Wu Great suddenly said, he was obviously standing here in Celestial Court side.

Emperor Shengyao glanced at Emperor Anwu. The rebellious forces in the Taiyue Palace should be led by him, but Emperor Anwu clearly showed a connection with Celestial Court at this moment.

This made Emperor Shengyao a little bit displeased. The Asura Guild had a relationship with the evil race, and the Devil Guild had other connections with the Celestial Court.

The two great emperors of Celestial Court did not find that Mu Qing was the remnant of the Starry Sky Dynasty, or that they did not pay much attention to this aspect at all.

The two Celestial Court emperors Gu Feng and Zifeng came mainly to deal with the Taiyue Palace. Naturally, other Celestial Court powerhouses are mainly responsible for the affairs of the Starry Sky Dynasty.

The Celestial Court wanted Mu Qing because of the in-depth cooperation with the Devil’s Guild. The Emperor Anwu originally thought that he had obtained enough records and blood from Mu Qing to be able to make After leaving the experimental body, he encountered bottleneck and needed to capture Mu Qing for further research.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I am here to kill people, not to come to see you quarrel.” The Azure Dragon of the Ruthless Palace spoke coldly, making a quick shot, and the terrifying Dragon Qi was shaking the world.

Yue Ya, the old man of Destiny, and the leader of the Star Guild sank, and this power was too terrifying, absolutely far surpassing Emperor Shengyao.

“hong long long!”

The ground began to vibrate violently, which attracted the attention of the emperors.

Mu Qing was finally sighed in relief, “Finally came.”

The punishment God Emperor was taken aback, and then suddenly looked towards Mu Qing, surprisedly said: “You Big Imperial Capital is liberated?”

He was surprised because the Divine Punishment mask he gave to Mu Qing was just to help the Primal Chaos Giant release, but now this movement is clearly a group The breath of the emperor was mixed.

“hahahaha! Taiyue Palace! I finally came out!” A silhouette with a terrifying aura rose to the sky. He was extremely tall, with eight arms, an animal body, and a human head dragon tail. The aura is the strongest Big, the billowing air vented.

The Tyrant!

This is a lone emperor, with no race behind him, he was born strong as an ox, he was born into a mountain and filled the sea, he became a god at the age of three, a heavenly god at ten, a god at fifty, a hundred-year-old emperor !

The tyrant did not name himself, his name was given to him by others.

“It’s coming out! It’s finally coming out!”

“After being trapped for so many years, I finally see the sun again!”

one after another The great emperor’s silhouette Rush out, a full twelve!

“Cough cough, everyone, don’t forget the kindness of Mu’s little brother.” An old man came, his breath is the weakest among the emperors, and after a period of recovery, he can only Reluctantly maintain the power of the emperor.

“Relax! Luo Tian old fogey! Although I prefer to kill people, I am also a great emperor. If I don’t even want to bear the favor of a Heavenly God, wouldn’t it make people laugh out of their teeth? “The tyrant’s thick arm hit his chest, making a loud noise.

“How come?” Emperor Shengyao was surprised, weren’t these great emperors the ones that Moon God suppressed in the first place? Why does it appear at this time?

“Where is the key to the god’s prison?” He turned his head abruptly, looking towards Emperor Anwu.

The Great Emperor Anwu was also a little confused, and took out a white rune, which was the key to the god’s prison.

The key has always been on his side, but how did these great emperors escape?

“Which is Mu little brother?” The tyrant looked around.

Mu Qing stepped forward, moved towards the great emperors cup one fist in the other hand, “Mu Qing is underneath.”

“Is it just Heavenly God Early-Stage? Can’t you think of me? There will be a day to be saved by Heavenly God…” The tyrant shook the head slightly, then opened the mouth and said: “But you can rest assured that we will remember this favor, although we are all loners, but this is the point. Credit is still there.”

These big Imperial Capitals were suppressed by the Moon God himself, and should be suppressed permanently. Now that Mu Qing has liberated them, this favor is gone.

Many emperors in the sky were very surprised. Many people realized at this time that as a trifling Heavenly God Mu Qing, the energy seemed to exceed their imagination.

“A bunch of mobs, kill them!” The Azure Dragon of Ruthless Palace was very disdainful and rushed out directly.

The war is about to start!

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