“What do you say?” Dragon Tortoise was taken aback.

Several clan elders including Mu Qing are also very curious.

In addition to accelerating the cultivation speed, does the power of the Star Domain order have any other effects?

The strange glow flashed in the eyes of the azure daoist, said solemnly: “The Star Domain command controls the Black Tortoise Star Domain, and the Black Tortoise Star Domain also has the destiny array arranged by Old Ancestor himself, which is the destiny star. It’s the terrifying Formation of Formation Eye!”

“Guike’s group of guys only know the use of Star Domain to cultivation, but they don’t know that this Star Domain command can stimulate the fate of the formation, although it is only used to protect A Formation of the Black Tortoise Star Domain, but as long as it can be mobilized, it is at least a God Sovereign Level battle strength!”

He extended the hand, and a glimmer of brilliance penetrated into Mu Qing’s eyebrows. Everything about the Star Domain order was told to Mu Qing.

The Star Domain order itself is held by the Destiny Old Man. Later, the Destiny Old Man joined the Taiyue Palace. Therefore, the Star Domain Order is often given to the Azure Daoist. Regarding the use of the Star Domain Order, except for the Destiny Old Man, he is The most familiar.

Mu Qing was surprised that this Star Domain command still has such effects, which made his original plan more feasible.

He wants to recapture the Black Tortoise Star Domain from Guike’s Old Guys. All he needs is strength!

Previously, he used tactics to get Kamekawa and Guike to fight. If he has enough strength, he can fish in troubled waters and gather forces.

But now, his trifling Heavenly God Early-Stage cultivation base, even if it has the title of domain owner, but those Heavenly Gods on the Black Tortoise Star Domain may not acknowledge him at all.

“You are the heir of Old Ancestor, and now you are the domain owner. This is Old Ancestor’s choice. Then I will try my best to help you. The Black Tortoise Star Domain is also time for a big baptism!” Tian Qing Daoist’s face was serious.

He realized that Black Tortoise Star Domain had already begun to rot in secret.

Once there was an old man of Destiny pressing on the top, and with the power of the Emperor Peak, comparable to the great emperor, everyone was breathless. The Black Tortoise Star Domain was unified and harmonious on the surface. .

After the old man of Destiny fell, Guike and the others rebelled, undermined the Azure Daoist, and took the position of patriarch.

Guihong and other Elder also begin to stir, and several people divided the entire Black Tortoise Star Domain.

The power of Black Tortoise Star Domain has been completely divided, and it is no longer respected as one person.

“Sneak attacked you, do you have any influence?” Mu Qing asked.

He frowned. He remembered the cold air inside the Azure Daoist, but the cold air condense from the Immortal Technique, an eternal ice-bound, was very unusual.

And the person who shot was at least the Emperor Peak, otherwise Dragon Tortoise would be impossible and helpless.

hearing this, Azure Daoist’s face became solemn, and a trace of panic appeared in his eyes.

Even though he was attracted by Gui Ke earlier, he still had a certain degree of vigilance, because Gui Ke’s behavior was too weird at that time.

However, he didn’t expect a god Emperor Peak to take action. The imposing manner made him unable to resist. Almost instantly, he was enveloped in coldness, bloodline, skeleton, and divine force. Wait, everything is frozen.

Azure Daoist shook his head and said: “It’s a pity, I didn’t find out what that person was like, I can only vaguely feel a strange power, with a misty air, cold to the bone!”

“I want to ask you one thing.” Mu Qing nodded.

“What’s the matter?” Azure Daoist was curious.

A strange light flashed in Mu Qing’s eyes, saying: “For now, don’t show up in front of Guike and the others. There is an extraordinary force behind Guike, it should be Celestial Court!”

“Celestial Court?!”

Everyone present startedled.

The existence of Celestial Court is very clear to everyone present.

“Are you sure?” Azure Daoist frowned.

He knew that there were other people behind Guike, but the Emperor Peak shot him, definitely not the powerhouse in the Black Tortoise Star Domain.

But he has not yet associated the person behind him in Celestial Court.

Mu Qing nodded, his face solemn, said: “I can be sure, because the cold in your body comes from Celestial Court. If it weren’t for my special means to restrain it, I’m afraid even Dragon Tortoise senior’s World Strength cannot keep you.”

“Why did the people of Celestial Court help Guike seize the position of patriarch?” The clan elders were puzzled.

For Black Tortoise Star Domain, Celestial Court is a huge monster.

Mu Qing shook his head. He didn’t know, but the only certainty was that there must be someone from Celestial Court behind Guike.

This is why he wants the Azure Daoist not to appear in a hurry.

From several clan veterans, Mu Qing learned that the Azure daoist has a great appeal in the spirit Turtle Clan. If he appears, most of the clansman under Guike will turn back.

In that way, although it can temporarily gain a power, it will also expose the Azure Daoist. Behind Guike is a Celestial Court god Emperor Peak.

Dragon Tortoise can withstand a god Emperor Peak, but it is unlikely to withstand a god Emperor Peak in Celestial Court!

Celestial Court’s powerhouse, Mu Qing has been in contact with, and today’s Celestial Court has been reformed. Almost half of the forces have split off to form a clan of ancient humans, but the remaining Celestial Court, Still powerful terrifying!

The azure daoist has finally recovered a life, they must ensure that the azure daoist will not have any more accidents.

At the critical moment, the appeal of Azure Daoist will play a more important role!

“How is the situation now?”

Azure Daoist asked.

He still doesn’t know what’s going on outside. Even though he has been frozen for a while, he doesn’t need to think about knowing that Heaven and Earth turning upside down must have happened outside.

Several clan elders looked towards Dragon Tortoise and Mu Qing.

Their power in Turtle Clan has been completely deprived of by Gui Ke, and they have been here ever since. They have never gone out. Although they have heard a little about the outside world, they are definitely not as good as Dragon Tortoise and Dragon Tortoise. Mu Qing and the two knew clearly.

“Let’s talk about it, kid! Instigate the battle between Guichuan and Guike, what will you do afterwards?” Dragon Tortoise looked towards Mu Qing.

The expressions of the others changed suddenly and were surprised.

Provoked the battle between Guichuan and Guike?

A hint of surprise appeared in the eyes of the Azure Daoist. It seems that the heir of Old Ancestor is more powerful than he thought. Maybe he is the right choice to support him.

“Outside the outside world, Guichuan and Guike will inevitably fight. This is when we take the opportunity to develop our forces. Originally, I planned to let the three of Guihong and others pull in, but now it seems unnecessary. Now.”

“Actually, it is very simple to win a force. Dragon Tortoise senior will take a trip in person and secretly hold Guihong and the others.”

“I will let the turtles Chuan and Guike clash and create chaos, mainly to cover people’s eyes and ears. When everyone’s attention is focused on the battle between the two, our actions will be easier, and Guike’s power will be weakened.”

Mu Qing’s eyes exploded.

He opened the mouth and said.

“Next, our goal is not Guichuan and Guike, but Guihong!”

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