Black Tortoise Star Domain has become very chaotic at the moment.

Since the death of the Old Ancestor, the Old Ancestor, the Black Tortoise Star Domain has been divided. Now, the Central Region and the Western Region have been with swords drawn and bows bent, and there have been many conflicts.

The three major areas of southeast and north are all converged, showing the appearance of watching a theater, and they are determined not to be involved in this battle.

Mu Qing and the others have been watching the changes.

Finally one day, one after another powerful aura surged in the Central Region, and battleships floated up and moved towards the Western Region and flew away.

Mu Qing’s eyes lit up. In the Taiyue Palace and other places that pay attention to his own strength, he really hasn’t seen any technological power.

The azure daoist on the side told him that most races only focus on strength. After all, their own strength is the kingly way, and few people go to study foreign objects.

But in the universe, there are some races, because of their special physique, they cannot be cultivated, or they cannot be cultivated to a high level.

Those races realize that if they don’t become strong, they will inevitably be enslaved, so they find another way to study the power of science and technology, such as some mechas, mechanical transformation people, cosmic battleships, and so on.

In the end, these originally low-strength races relied on the power of science and technology to rise and became a Peak power alliance called the Science and Technology Alliance. The peak races that are so powerful are afraid of it, don’t dare provoke.

It can be said that the Science and Technology Alliance is composed of several races that control the power of Peak’s science and technology.

Basically, all technology-related things in the universe are purchased from the Technology Alliance.

“hmph! This guy has all the things of the Spirit Turtle Clan as his own!”

Azure daoist coldly snorted, those huge cosmic battleships are all destiny Purchased by Old Ancestor.

There were a total of seven cosmic battleships in the sky, and they went away. The heat wave distorted the void and left traces.

These seven cosmic battleships are comparable to the battle strength of seven Heavenly God Peaks, and have large-scale destruction capabilities. As long as the Divine Stone is continuous and not damaged, it can output unlimitedly.

“Are you going to fight?”

“Patriarch has done something to Kamekawa Elder!”

On the Destiny Star, the clansman of Turtle Clan was shocked. Phew, they saw a large number of battle strengths coming out of the Central Region and rushing towards the Western Region along with the seven cosmic battleships.

The battle has finally begun.

Guike gloomy face, leading a full of True God, thousands of Heavenly God descended to Western Region.

This is an extremely large force, among which there are more than a dozen Heavenly God Peak, plus seven cosmic battleships, and Heavenly God Peak Level battle strength, which can reach 20.

One hundred thousand True God is densely packed. Walking out of the cosmic battleship, looking towards the six stars in the Western Region, the murderous intention is revealed.

Of course, these 100,000 True Gods are obviously not comparable to the True Gods in the Taiyue Palace. It is estimated that the True Gods of the Taiyue Palace can beat a group of outsiders.

“Gui Ke! Are you really going to fight me!”

Ke Chuan’s face was gloomy, and he rushed out of his own territory, shouted loudly.

He is scared, really scared.

Such a large powerhouse in front of him, coupled with a god emperor Guike, is not something he can resist at all.

Don’t look at Guichuan himself controlling the Western Region. He has six stars under his command, but his strength is Heavenly God Peak.

I can make up ten Heavenly God Peak battle strengths in the entire Western Region, and True God can also make out six to seven thousand.

Compared with the forces in Guike’s hands, this force is fundamentally impossible to compare.

Once the war starts, it will be a one-sided trend.

“Today, you must die!”

Gloomy face of Guike, if something like that happened, he is absolutely impossible to let Guichuan continue to live.

He waved his hand, and the seven cosmic battleships behind him bloomed with rays of light, one after another energy cannon gathered energy and burst out suddenly.

The terrifying blazing white light beam rushes away frantically.


Seven beams of light fell on a star in the Western Region, and the terrifying circular light wave shook out, crushing all the buildings and creatures. .

Ke Chuan’s face changed drastically. He knew that Gui Ke was serious.

“Do you really want to do it! Western Region is also part of the Black Tortoise Star Domain!”

He shouted and hopes Guike can show mercy, otherwise they can only fight to the death Up.

Gui Ke sneered and said, “How can it be? Black Tortoise Star Domain is missing six stars, but still Black Tortoise Star Domain. Just give me a period of time, and I can even develop Black Tortoise Star Domain. To the point where it is comparable to the Peak race!”

After that, the killing intent filled his eyes, and he said: “Kill me!”

Behind him, a dozen Heavenly God Peak, led a thousand Heavenly God, grandiose, rushed into the Western Region.

One hundred thousand True God troops entered the country and killed six stars in the Western Region.

Guichuan gritted his teeth, he burst into flames and rushed to the stars.

He was cold and greeted Gui Ke.

Guike’s face is full of disdain.


The lava world emerged, suppressing the void, and the red glow filled the space, like a volcanic eruption, one after another lava filled this space.

The frost field of Guichuan was once again penetrated by lava and burned into nothingness.

He coughed up blood and was seriously injured, but his eyes were fierce. He took out the means of trump card, and a stone appeared in his hand. One of the illusory shadows rushed out and got into the Kamekawa. in vivo.

Suddenly, the cold air on Guichuan’s body was surging, and it became completely violent.

The Frost Domain, which had been burnt down, is now condensed again, and has undergone brand-new changes.

In his frost field, a touch of brilliance to the extreme emerges, wisps of divine clouds rippling, and a unique breath is born.

World Strength!

The entire field of frost continued to expand, and the cold air and frost inside began to evolve into the appearance of individual creatures.

Gui Ke is frowned, he can clearly feel the aura of Guichuan’s body is constantly soaring.

He was a little surprised, the strength of Guichuan, at this time, reached the God Emperor Early-Stage!

Immediately, he sneered again and said: “It just used some means to forcibly raise the cultivation base. Even if you temporarily reach the emperor, how long can you hold on?”

Gui Ke Shot directly, the force of lava is grandiose, forming a vast expanse of ocean, swept away.

He is an authentic powerhouse, world-class divine force continuously, and Kamekawa, relying on the power of that stone, has just begun to make divine force the birth of World Strength.

Guichuan gritted his teeth, and a frost storm enveloped his body.


Xiaguang rushed into the sky, and the frost field behind him completely transformed into the frost world, resisting Guike.

He just wants to survive now!


Black Tortoise Star Domain, Southern Region.

Different from the Western Region that is constantly fighting, the creatures here are the same as before, but because of the command of the ruler of Guihong, everyone can only move in the Southern Region and cannot go out temporarily to avoid being involved. fighting.

At this time, space distortion and the entire group appeared in the Southern Region.

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