“Mu, don’t we really need to take advantage of Guike’s fight with Guichuan to gather some forces?” Dragon Tortoise was puzzled.

Since Mu Qing’s goal is the Southern Region of Guihong, why provoke the battle between Guichuan and Guike.

Mu Qing shook his head and said: “Kuichuan is just a Heavenly God Peak after all. He is not Guike’s opponent at all. When he is killed, then his power will fall apart, and the first For the one who receives this force, the solution will be Guike, and it is difficult for others to intervene!”

He is not optimistic about Guichuan.

Be aware that the original owner of Black Tortoise Star Domain is the old man of Destiny.

How long will the elders die today? Even though the Kamekawa method is monstrous, it is impossible to make everyone in the Western Region acknowledge allegiance at once.

Kekawa is the ruler of the Western Region, but he hasn’t mastered it for a year. How much can he have in the Western Region?

Once Kamekawa falls, the creatures in the Western Region will find that the general situation is gone, and they will inevitably surrender. After all, most of the creatures in the Black Tortoise Star Domain only recognize the destiny old man.

“I did this so that everyone’s attention was focused on the Western Region, and we were here to capture the Southern Region!” Mu Qing corner of the mouth slightly raise, don’t look at them. This kind of person, but in fact, as long as you control Guihong, the Southern Region is equivalent to them.

To cause confusion, Mu Qing’s main purpose is to avoid the Celestial Court people as much as possible.

Originally, he relied on the Star Domain order and the Azure daoist to have a high probability of taking Turtle Hong, but in order to guard against the unexpected, he was called Dragon Tortoise, the emperor Peak.

The Celestial Court powerhouse behind Guike is at least the Emperor Peak. If it appears, only Dragon Tortoise can resist it.

Although Mu Qing still has ten great emperors rune in his hands, he is afraid that he will call those great emperors over, and he will slip away when he hears the name of Celestial Court.

In the Taiyue Palace, these great emperors were frightened by the Celestial Court, and finally ran away in despair. He didn’t want to call when the time comes to help an emperor, but he ran away again.

The only person who can really help is Luo Tian, ​​the Shura Emperor.

But Mu Qing knows that Luo Tian now has his own business to do. He was betrayed by several clansman of Asura Race, and now is the time to settle accounts.

So, to exclude those unreliable emperors, we still need Dragon Tortoise for help.

However, Mu Qing guessed that the people of Celestial Court are not currently in the Black Tortoise Star Domain.

Because when Luo Tian descended before, but there was no aura of the Great Emperor, including Gui Ke also knew the appearance of the Great Emperor Luo Tian.

If the Celestial Court people were in the Black Tortoise Star Domain, they would have acted a long time ago.

Of course, I’m not afraid of 10,000, but just in case, I’m afraid of an accident if I bring Dragon Tortoise. I really want to meet a Celestial Court powerhouse of God Emperor Peak. I’m afraid he and Azure Daoist will not be able to return. Up.

“Have you heard? The Central Region and the Western Region are fighting, and Turtle Clan’s patriarch Guike personally led the army to invade the Western Region.”

“Well, Guihong Elder told us not to go out, so as not to get involved in the battle.”

“Hey…I don’t know why Guike can also become a patriarch, and there are several other Elders, all of a sudden. The Black Tortoise Star Domain is divided.”

“Hush! This kind of thing is unspeakable!”

On a star in the Southern Region, Mu Qing came to a city, all The people around discuss spiritedly, they are all talking about the battle in the Western Region, guessing how long it will last.

Mu Qing and the others restraining aura, mixed in the crowd, no one noticed.

They passed the Transmission Formation of this star and came to the location of Guihong, Bolan Star.

Mu Qing took out the Star Domain order, and the rays of light bloomed on it. At the same time, the entire wave of stars emitted obscure waves.

It can be seen that a layer of rune enveloped the wave star in an instant, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He passed the Star Domain order to completely block the wave star, even if the wave star bursts, people outside will not notice it.

Azure daoist has told Mu Qing all the usage of Star Domain order, after a period of time, Mu Qing has been able to use it proficiently.

Mu Qing did not immediately find Guihong, but instead asked Azure daoist and Dragon Tortoise to help bury several low-level Divine Stone veins near Guihong’s palace.

These Divine Stone veins are the property of Azure daoist and Dragon Tortoise. Mu Qing himself does not have so many Divine Stones.

Mu Qing both hands forming seals, the stars flickered on his body, and then the stars condensed in the sky.

In a short period of time, thousands of stars are all over the sky, swaying starlight.

The Qianyuan Star Array!

Using Mu Qing’s own strength, the arrangement of the Qianyuan Stars Array will at most reach the mid-term level of killing Heavenly God.

But now, with the assistance of Dragon Tortoise and Azure daoist, plus the supply of several Divine Stone veins, this Qianyuan Star Array has been greatly improved.

Mu Qing took out a picture scroll with a piece of starry sky on it, which was exactly the map of the ten thousand domain stars.

This is the Supreme Treasure of the Star Dynasty, but because it is damaged, the power is not even as good as a Heaven Grade Divine Item, which has been used as a space storage by Mu Qing.

This time, to set up the Qianyuan Star Array, but it needs the power of the Wanyu Star Diagram to control the Array.

“Who is it!!!”

An astonishing wave came from the palace, the tortoise flood rose to the sky, the power of Divinity Sovereign Level swept all around, and there were waves behind it. Rise, the turbulent ocean world emerges.

One after another power suddenly surged next to his palace, which surprised Gui Hong, and rushed out to check, unexpectedly found a familiar silhouette.

Guihong sneered, and said: “My beloved Sir Domain Lord, how come to me in time? I just broke in without telling me the next sound.”

He is secretly surprised, Mu Qing is only Heavenly God Early-Stage, and on the wave star, he has several Heavenly God Peaks under him, and he can come to his side without letting anyone discover it, indicating that the other party has several points of means.

“Nothing, I just want to have a chat with Guihong Great Elder and talk about the construction and development of the Black Tortoise Star Domain in the future.”

Mu Qing said while talking. Continue to seal, perfect the Qianyuan Star Array.

In the eyes of Gui Hong, this scene is completely provocative!

His face turned gloomy, and murderous intention emerged in his eyes.

“Are you provoking me? Setting up Formation in front of me, do you think that by virtue of the identity of the domain owner, you can make me jealous, shouldn’t you kill you?!”


The wave world behind Guihong is rolling up huge waves.

“Where and where, how dare I provoke the Great Elder of Guihong, I am sincere to cooperate.” Mu Qing stopped, and a picture of the starry sky flashing blazingly behind him finally completed the Qianyuan Star. The layout of the big array.

“What are you going to do?” Gui Honghu said with a face. During the Western Region war, this kid suddenly appeared here, definitely harboring malicious intentions.

Mu Qing chuckled, took a few steps forward, looked towards Guihong in the sky, and said: “Can you please Guihong Great Elder, submit to me the domain owner?”

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