“It’s awful!”

The corners of Mu Qing’s mouth are overflowing with blood, and his body is trembling constantly.

He can no longer pull his hands apart. Don’t look at his current appearance with his hands holding the white bottle, but in fact, the astonishing gravity exploded from the white bottle directly crushed him, like Carrying Great Desolate mountains.


Suddenly, not far away, the skeleton split, and the bones turned into powder and swayed down.

A brown shadow suddenly penetrated through it, as if it had received some kind of traction, and rushed towards Mu Qing’s Ten Thousand Demon Realm.

It was an old branch that looked fragile and full of cracks, but it was wrapped in mysterious energy, as if it was being pulled by something, and it rushed straight.

Mu Qing felt a horror. Until this time, he could completely feel how extraordinary the dead old tree branch is. The mysterious energy covered on it is of unknown quality. It is ancient and wild. .

The dead branches burst out, like an ancient Divine Sword running through the void, terrifying!

Mu Qing’s cold hair is exploded, no wonder the bones of the chest are pierced, it turns out that this dead branch is so terrifying, it is estimated that even the emperor will be forcibly nailed to death!

Dang! !

It’s a coincidence that at this moment, in front of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, it is the white bottle that bursts with boundless gravity, on which the colorful rune lingers, extremely gorgeous, brilliance and brilliance.

Originally, the white bottle used gravity to crush Mu Qing, and there was a tendency to shake Mu Qing alive.

As a result, if the dead branches of Divine Sword ran through the sun, they rushed straight and hit the white bottle, and the two extreme turbulent energies instantly produced a violent impact.

Mu Qing was directly shaken by the afterwave of energy, and he was breathing heavily, his body aching, and his hands were dripping with blood.

Fortunately, the dead branches penetrated directly, otherwise he would definitely be crushed by the white bottle and his entire skeleton was crushed.

“Then what the hell is that?!”

Tu Lao was dumbfounded, he also thought about overloading to stimulate the power of the Ten Thousand Territory Star Diagram, saving Mu Qing, but in the end Here comes this one out.

A faint azure pattern appeared on Mu Qing’s body, and his injuries began to recover.

He looked towards the battle between the two sides not far away, and the colorful rune on the white bottle revolved, bursting with dazzling brilliance, rippling layers of terrifying gravity.

It can be seen that the ground nearby has been drastically sunken and turned into a big pit.

The dead branches show no signs of weakness, and mysterious energy escapes. On the dry and cracked bark, greenery emerges unexpectedly.

That is a very ancient power, which makes the dead branches look like Divine Sword, very sharp, to penetrate the white bottle, the “mountain” that intercepts it.

“It wants to get into your Ten Thousand Demons Domain! What is in your domain space? It is actually attracting him!”

Boss Tu cried out, It is obvious to see the behavior of the dead branches.

Mu Qing was amazed, he also didn’t know what was attracting the dead branches in his domain space.

But judging from the action of the dead branch, he was heading straight towards his domain space. He was hesitating whether or not to let it in.

Because the energy escaping from the dead branches was too terrifying, the ancient mysterious energy made him feel a little palpitating.

Mu Qing is worried that this dry branch rushes into his domain space, directly crushing his domain.

“The domain is destroyed, at worst spend some more time to reorganize!”

Finally, Mu Qing gritted his teeth and opened up the domain.

He wants to see what is in his domain space, it is worth letting the dead branches rush in so desperately.


The dead branches trembled lightly and suddenly glowed.

At this moment, the interior of the entire tomb is extremely bright, the mysterious energy on the dead branches exploded, and the terrifying power exploded, unexpectedly knocking the white bottle into the air all at once.

The dead branches rushed straight into the realm of ten thousand demons.


Mu Qing has been paying attention to his own domain space, for fear that the power of the dead branches will ruin this place, but found that the dead branches are attracted The culprit is the seed of the Ancient Life Tree!

In the realm space covered by demonic energy and full of cold demonic energy, there is a seed, jade green jade, crystal clear and near-transparent, shining with shining light, and there is a faintly close to it. The discernable fragrance gives people a relaxed and joyful feeling.

This is the seed of the Ancient Life Tree, which contains boundless vitality. Someone once gained its power. Before the Power of Vitality is exhausted, it can be called undead divine ability.

Mu Qing obtained this seed, the process was extremely thrilling, and in the end even the Lord of the Celestial Court appeared.

If it were not for hiding his breath by relying on the power of the Ancient Life Tree seeds, I am afraid that Mu Qing would have been directly suppressed and killed by the Celestial Emperor at that time.

After a certain connection with the seeds of Ancient Life Tree, Mu Qing’s body has a layer of azure lines, which looks very mysterious and contains tremendous vitality.

This made Mu Qing once thought that he had obtained the so-called undead divine ability. From then on, even if he died, he could be resurrected?

But then Mu Qing discovered that after possessing this azure pattern, at best, he can only be regarded as having a perverted level of resilience, not immortality.

Perhaps this level of broken hands and feet can be recovered, but if someone is really killed, it’s really bad, because the azure pattern is connected to the seeds of the Ancient Life Tree, although the vitality is suspected to be endless, but Unable to burst out all at once, it is difficult to be reborn.

In short, Mu Qing obtained the Ancient Life Tree seed, but did not possess the undead divine ability.

The old man of Destiny once told him that he had obtained the undead divine ability, which is actually an extremely huge vitality. Even if he dies, he can consume this vitality and allow himself to recover.

But the vitality is limited after all. Even if you can do as one pleases, there will be a day of exhaustion. At that time, the so-called undead divine ability disappeared from the body.

The azure lines on Mu Qing’s body, when he is injured, the Power of Vitality that escapes every moment is fixed, which can achieve rebirth with severed hand, but cannot reach the level of resurrection.

To put it plainly, the divine ability of immortality is to consume a large amount of vital energy at once, and Mu Qing’s azure pattern connects to the seeds of Ancient Life Tree, the vitality is endless, but it is impossible to make the seeds of Ancient Life Tree give itself all at once. Transmit a lot of life.

This is not a bad thing, after all, this abnormal recovery ability can be said to exist forever.

even more how, the old man of Destiny said that after gaining the undead divine ability, he is suspected of being cursed, and people and gods are angry. No matter where they go, there will be unfathomable mystery people killed, as if there are enemies everywhere.

At least Mu Qing did not encounter this point, indicating that this may not be the divine ability of immortality.

After getting the Ancient Life Tree seeds, Mu Qing also studied it, but he didn’t know its purpose and couldn’t make it grow.

He realized that the Celestial Emperor wanted this seed so much, there must be a reason, it was definitely Supreme Treasure, but he didn’t know its function that’s all for the time being.


In the realm of Ten Thousand Demons, a surging vitality rippling out, not from the seeds of Ancient Life Tree, but from the dead branches!

“It is reborn!”

Mu Qing and Tu Lao both looked shocked.

The jade green on the dead branches is surrounded by glow, mysterious lines are all over it, and it transforms into a vigorous and powerful branch, crystal clear and near-transparent, like jasper jade.

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