“This dead branch has an extraordinary background! It may have something to do with the seeds of Ancient Life Tree!” Tu Lao yelled.

Mu Qing can see it naturally, and the Ancient Life Tree seeds in his domain space are also trembling, and the two seem to have a certain connection.

“The seeds of Ancient Life Tree are actually absorbing the vitality of that branch!”

Soon, Mu Qing and Tu Lao exclaimed, they found the seeds of Ancient Life Tree Just like the same head swallowing giant beasts, madly eating away the vitality on the branches.

The jade green jade-like branches originally turned into old tree branches are turned back to old tree branches. The bark above is full of cracks. From these cracks, one after another green awns rushed out and poured in Among the seeds of Ancient Life Tree.


As the dead branches rushed into the realm of ten thousand demons, another artifact also fell into this place. The colorful lights flickered and swayed constantly, and finally returned to silence, stable and stable. Falling in a certain corner of the domain space.

“That is!”

Mu Qing’s eyes were sharp, and he found that artifact, which was the previous white bottle.

His face was filled with joy, and the white bottle exploded with astonishing gravity as soon as it touched it, pressing on it like a Great Desolate mountain.

Originally, he also wanted to move the white bottle into his own domain space, because he discovered that it was a treasure, and a random wisp of poison qi escaped from it, which was enough to threaten Heavenly God Peak.

And the gravity of this white bottle is even more terrifying!

Especially on the white bottle, when contending with the dead branches, when there is a violent collision, a fuzzy texture appears on the bottle, which seems to be some kind of text, but it is difficult to see clearly, as if someone was forcibly forced with some kind of utensil. erase.

Originally, Mu Qing has given up. This white bottle is too heavy. Even if you borrow the power of the Qianyuan Star Array to burn several millions of Divine Stones, plus two low-level Divine Stones that are at least tens of millions in total. None of the mineral veins succeeded in moving it into the domain space.

But absolutely didn’t expect that the white bottle was blocked by the road of dead branches rushing into the domain space, and a direct conflict occurred. In the end, the dead branches won out and were forcibly knocked off. A white bottle with terrifying gravity.

After the white bottle was knocked away, it happened to fly upside down into Mu Qing’s domain space, and under the majestic vigorous force escaping from the seeds and dead branches of the Ancient Life Tree, it converged its brilliance. , Fell in a corner and stopped moving.

This is definitely a surprise, and it helped Mu Qing save a lot of effort.

Mu Qing retracted his gaze and landed on the seeds and dead branches of the Ancient Life Tree again.

It is the seeds of Ancient Life Tree that resonate with dead branches.

As soon as the dead branches rushed into the space of the Ten Thousand Demons Realm, huge vitality energy burst out of their bodies, as if they were actively contributing, pouring into the seeds of the Ancient Life Tree.

Finally, the dead branches really dried up, the rays of light were dim, the bark cracked, and the sawdust swayed down.

It clicked.

The dead branches are broken into several pieces, there is no more vitality of azure, no more mysterious energy, this time they really become ordinary branches, dry and withered.

The huge vibrant jade green formed a vortex next to the seeds of Ancient Life Tree, and fiercely poured into it.

After completely swallowing such a huge vitality energy, the seeds trembled lightly, the jadeite was crystal clear, crystal clear, and a hazy brilliance spilled out.

Mu Qing and Tu Lao are both staring at the Ancient Life Tree seed, expecting its changes.

They don’t want to let go of any moment!

You must know that this seed was once acquired by the Celestial Emperor, and it was buried for many years. It used the huge vitality that escaped to evolve into a large forest of Ancient Life Tree, but in fact the body is still the seed. .

Even Celestial Emperor couldn’t make it germinate and grow, which shows how sky-defying this seed is.

Tu Lao often talks to himself, guessing whether the Seed of Ancient Life Tree will be a product that surpasses Supreme.

But what is on top of Supreme? No one knows!

In most spiritual eyes in the entire universe, the emperor is the end. A few people know the Supreme level. The top of the universe is probably Supreme. There should be no higher level.

“Yes! I have! It has changed!”

Tu Lao suddenly became excited, pulling Mu Qing and yelling, his eyes surprised.

Mu Qing is also not calm, craned his neck, looked towards there.

The seeds of Ancient Life Tree trembled slightly, and it could be seen that it fell in the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, buried in the billowing demonic energy.

Under the black and gloomy demonic energy, the extremely bright blue light bloomed at this moment.


On the seeds of Ancient Life Tree, a tender sprout grew out, and the sound was so crisp, a burst of light swept out from there, rushing out of the realm of magic.

Mu Qing was shocked, his body was enveloped by the light waves of this azure, and the azure lines on the body surface appeared, shining and lustrous, echoing in the distance.


His heart beats vigorously, like a drum, and then the fleshy body is crystal clear, glowing, and even mysterious scenes appear.


Mu Qing’s fleshy body started to catch fire. At first, I was shocked. Then I discovered that it was a vital flame, almost transparent, burning continuously, and impurities in the body. Completely ruled out.

After that, there was another jade-green lightning strike, and his body trembled lightly, swaying black shavings, which are body impurities!

You must know that Mu Qing’s fleshy body is definitely terrifying to an indescribable level, capable of killing Heavenly God in the mid-term with the fleshy body forcibly.

His earlier cultivation was the bloodline method of Titan Race, specializing in tempering the fleshy body, and then he created his own body refinement divine ability, with the blessing of Chaos Energy.

Perhaps his fleshy body is not comparable to the creatures that came out of Land of Primal Chaos, but at least it has reached the same level as the people of Titan Race.

On this basis, that burst of cyan ray swept over and helped his fleshy body clean up, tempering, and get rid of impurities!


At the end, Mu Qing’s fleshy body is almost psychic, with brilliance flowing, and between raising his hands and feet, there is a sound of words appearing.

“My fleshy body has improved a lot!” Mu Qing was very surprised, really didn’t expect such a chance.


There was a strange cry next to him, which shocked Mu Qing.

Mu Qing looked quickly, thinking that something had happened to Tu Lao.

In the end, he was surprised, because not only did Tu Lao have no accident, but also got a bigger chance than him.

The former Tu Lao was a member of the Supreme God, the Star God, General, and led his army to fight countless Star Domains.

He is a great emperor, the emperor of Asura Race, and after joining the Starry Sky Dynasty, he let the Starry Sky Lord cut off his connection with Asura Race.

Later, the Star Dynasty and Celestial Court fought. That battle resulted in murky heavens dark earth and countless lives died.

Tu Lao broke his body in that battle. In the end, he was very lucky to be in the same position with the broken Supreme Divine Item Wanyu Star Chart.

In order to survive, he became the Artifact Spirit of the Wanyu Star Map, relying on the weak power of this incomplete Supreme Item to struggling on whilst at death’s door.

The light waves of azure swept across, and also enveloped Tu Lao.

Originally, he used the power of the Wanyu Star Diagram to condense a body.

Now, he actually started to condense the fleshy body by himself, and the light waves emitted from the seeds of the Ancient Life Tree gave him a body!

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