“Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?”

After raising my hand to destroy the small star, Heavenly Lightning Seed’s mind fell into In the state of downtime, I froze there for a long time.

“By the way, I seem to be going to the Black Tortoise Star Domain to ask Sir Father if there is any news about what they need.” Heavenly Lightning Seed finally remembered.

He opened his own domain and looked at the empty space inside, but not surprisingly, he took out an astrolabe from the corner.

“so that’s how it is, this is near the Black Tortoise Star Domain.” He suddenly realized.


At this time, a stench wafted out of his body and made him want to vomit. He originally planned to go directly to the Black Tortoise Star Domain, but now it seems that he has gone It’s a shame.

If the person who let others discover the dignified Celestial Court, who is all smelly, I am afraid he will go into the crack of the ground!

Heavenly Lightning Seed was almost driven mad by the stench on his body. Those wild boar-like ominous beasts were not very powerful, but their feces were so smelly that they couldn’t be cleaned up.

He washed his body more than a dozen times, but there was still a faint smell escaping, giving him the illusion that feces were still on his body.

This is simply the most terrible!

As for the empty realm of Heavenly Lightning Seed, he didn’t react at all.

Because when Meiqian cut off the memories, she even deliberately erased them all.

In other words, in the impression of Heavenly Lightning Seed, it is right to think that his domain is empty. With his current memory, if there are a bunch of treasures in it, he will be surprised, because his memory does not The existence owns the memory of obtaining any Divine Item and Divine Stone veins.


On a certain star in the Black Tortoise Star Domain.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

A Heavenly God Peak roared, his eyes were red, and he chose to retreat.

This star has become a battlefield, and the forces of both sides are fighting, but it is nearing the end.

Because Guihong’s power is too large, there are a total of 300,000 True God army, and Heavenly God Peak has close to 30.

The only one in Guike that can match Guihong is the powerhouse of God Sovereign Realm, each with only one.

“You are not allowed to go!”

Guike was fighting with Guihong, and the sky burst, shaking the space. After hearing the sound, Guike roared.

The Heavenly God Peak is his subordinate, but now he wants to leave without authorization.

Actually, after taking the initiative to attack, Gui Ke already had regrets. He knew that he was too impulsive, and immediately rushed when he discovered that Gui Ziping was killed.

Unfortunately, before he could change his mind and withdrew his soldiers and horses, Guihong’s forces swarmed and refused to give him any chance.

The arrow has to be sent on the string, Guike can only brace oneself to hit it.

As the emperor, he and Guihong birds of a feather, the battle cannot be ended so quickly.

But his subordinates are no match for that many people, one hundred thousand against three hundred thousand, there is a huge gap in numbers, and they are not opponents at all.

Nowadays, the forces of Guihong have been killed with horror, half of the 100,000 are killed, and the rest have no intention of fighting again.

This is also not long after Guike took office, but his reputation was not enough, causing some of his staff to refuse to obey orders and start to retreat.

Turtle Hong laughed heartily, infused divine force in his voice, shouted: “The surrender will not kill!”

In an instant, a large number of people chose to surrender.

“You guys!”

Montaigne is Guike’s confidant, so naturally he will not surrender. He watched his subordinates all turn to the battle, and even moved towards himself. , I want to take credit with others!

He exploded, the divine light skyrocketed, and he shot them to death.

“Pu chi!”

A long spear penetrated his chest like a Heavenly Dragon.

He was stunned, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and his chest was completely red with blood dyed.

Montaigne turned his head and found that the other person was the Heavenly God Peak who was shouting to retreat.

“You…Aren’t you going to be a deserter?” Montaigne couldn’t believe that his former companion would attack him.

And he saw clearly just now that the guy in front of him should have just moved towards the distance and escaped.

This Heavenly God Peak has a distorted and terrifying face, pulls out a long spear, said with a smile: “What’s the use of being a deserter? It’s better to kill you and go to Guihong Elder to receive the reward. Maybe you can get a good position.”

“You!” Montaigne stared wide-eyed, and immediately burst into his mind with a blast of anger.

He yelled, desperately, enduring the severe pain, ignoring the wound, and rushing towards the opponent.

The Heavenly God Peak was also taken aback, but he was not afraid. Montaigne had been seriously injured and was not his opponent at all.

I saw him start a guerrilla warfare, delaying time. After a while, Montaigne was already weak, Dipankara was exhausted, and his consciousness was blurred.

A long spear came through the air, very fast, passing a stream of rainbow light and piercing his head.


A group of blood mist burst, and a Heavenly God Peak fell.


Guike roared over there, and he wished to kill the traitor below now.

Naturally, Guihong would not do what he wanted, pestering him, laughing while dragging, “Good job! Hahaha!”


Looking at the death and escape of his forces, most of them chose to seek refuge in Guihong. Gui Ke gritted his teeth and told him rationally that he could only retreat, otherwise he would be dead end.

He was very unwilling, failed to avenge his son, and even his own forces were seriously injured.

A lava world broke out behind Guike, the temperature was astonishing, the sky was full of red clouds, and a huge lava Fireball blasted down.

Guihong eyelids twitched, this power is somewhat dreaded even if he knows that Guike is desperate.

The wave world emerged behind him, and a large ocean rushed to the sky to intercept the lava Fireball.

And Gui Ke took the opportunity to escape back to the Destiny Star with his few remaining men.

When the lava was wiped out by Guihong, Guike had disappeared.

“Go ahead and point to the Destiny Star!” Guihong shouted.


Below, a large army of True God, led by the commander of Heavenly God Peak, rushed to the destiny star, grandiose, imposing manner like a rainbow, each The breath of living beings are gathered together at this moment.

Gui Hong was also shocked when he saw it. This power is huge. He should be happy, but at the bottom of his heart is irritable, because it is never his.

“Guike! You have no way to escape! It is still too late to surrender!” Guihong shouted with encircling the Destiny Star.

“You have the ability to attack!” Guike’s eyes are full of hatred, but he is now in the destiny star, with a protective great formation, he is in an invincible position.

He has already regretted his impulse in his heart. Now he is killed and he will not go out anymore. As long as he waits for the powerhouse of Celestial Court to arrive, he still has a glimmer of hope of comeback!

At this moment, there was a commotion on the Destiny Star, and the clansman of a large number of Turtle Clan began to resist Gui Ke’s leadership. Several clan elders joined forces and removed Gui Ke’s patriarch position.

“Old Guy! You guys don’t want to survive!” Guike didn’t care about the patriarch’s majesty at the moment, and in front of all the clansman, he scolded several clan elders.

Now the scene is chaotic enough, he is angry, didn’t expect that there is still civil strife on the Tianmingxing side.

He has always wanted to let several clan elders acknowledge allegiance to himself, because in Ling Turtle Clan, in addition to the Azure Daoist, these clan elders have the highest status and the greatest right to speak. If They acknowledge allegiance to themselves, then they can be said to truly control the spirit Turtle Clan.

Gui Ke didn’t expect that these Old Guys didn’t acknowledge allegiance by themselves, and they were even messing up at critical moments.

He is in a bad mood now, his eyes are red, and he intends to shoot directly, killing the chicken to warn the monkey.

“patriarch!! patriarch!” At this moment, a hand fell and stumbled over.

When Gui Ke saw this, he had a bad feeling.

The subordinate’s face was panicked, came to Gui Ke, crying, and said: “patriarch, the formation eye of the protective great formation, I don’t know why it was broken, ten medium Divine Stone veins disappeared!”


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