Guike stood still, stunned.

He looked at patriarch cautiously, and he could see Guike’s face was flushed, and smoke was almost coming out of his head.

Suddenly, Guike’s body trembled lightly, and he vomited a stream of fresh blood. The dignified emperor was coughed up blood with anger.

Even in the battle with Guihong, he didn’t suffer any injuries, but now, his body is shaking, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

“Why! Why is it like this!” Guike roared, he couldn’t accept it. After he came into contact with the powerhouse of Celestial Court, he clearly should go to Peak.

But now, everything is not going well for him, and now he has fallen into this situation.

“I don’t know. All the True God guarding the formation eye said that no one had entered there, but the formation eye was destroyed!” His body trembled, and the god Sovereign Aura on Guike breathed. It broke out, making it hard for him to resist.

Gui Ke panicked, but rarely calmed down, thinking about what else could be done to escape alive.

But this time is too late.


Outside, there was a huge rumbling sound, and waves swept the Destiny Star.

Guihong and his army set foot here, there is no protective great formation, they are like no one.

Guike’s last forces were almost killed.

Guihong took the lead, with a group of Heavenly God Peak, imposing manner, surrounded Guike.

Several elders of the spirit Turtle Clan also appeared, their strength is also very strong, full of hostility to Gui Ke.

There was no one around Guike, all his confidants were killed in battle, and the other men had surrendered, or were rebelled by the clan elders.

“You had murdered the patriarch of the sky earlier, and you should have expected this day!” A clan elder shouted.

There was an uproar in the Turtle Clan. The original Azure patriarch was actually killed by Gui Ke?

Suddenly, Gui Ke’s prestige in Turtle Clan was completely gone.

Guike’s eyes were red, and he soared into the sky, wanting to break through.

After all, he is also a god emperor, and his real opponent is only Guihong. Other people, even Heavenly God Peak, are not concerned.

“It seems that there is still a need to help Gui Hong, the two of them have little difference in strength and cannot completely kill Gui Ke.” Mu Qing kept watching the battle secretly.

Although Guike flees, the entire Black Tortoise Star Domain belongs to Guihong, and Mu Qing can control everything behind the scenes.

However, Mu Qing did not want Guike to survive, and planned to cut weeds and eliminate the roots.

“Do you need me to do it?” Dragon Tortoise asked, using the power of his Emperor Peak to deal with Gui Ke with no difficulty.

Mu Qing shook his head, Dragon Tortoise is not impossible, but it is better not to participate.

He and the Azure daoist are both in the dark. Even if Mu Qing is now the domain owner on the surface, there are not many people who know him. Not to mention the Azure daoist, it belongs to the outside world. The dead.

But almost everyone in the Black Tortoise Star Domain knows the existence of Dragon Tortoise.

It is better for him not to interfere, lest he comes to the powerhouse at Celestial Court when the time comes.

“Why don’t you let me take action, as long as I hide my breath and appearance, it shouldn’t be someone discovers my true identity.” Azure daoist took the initiative to ask Ying, he thinks that he and Guihong will join forces, it should be enough Kill Gui Ke.

Mu Qing shook the head, a smile appeared on his face, be eager to have a try.

“Let me try it!”

Dragon Tortoise and the Azure daoist were stunned, and some couldn’t believe that Mu Qing, the mid-term Heavenly God, was actually going to deal with it. A god emperor?

Although Mu Qing’s strength is terrifying, even if they kill a Heavenly God Peak, they are not surprised at all, but they have to deal with a god emperor, which is really beyond their expectations.

“Don’t worry.” Mu Qing’s eyes flickered.


The entire sky is almost discolored, rendered crimson on one side and azure blue on the other.

Guihong and Guike fought, and the power of God Sovereign Realm exploded, and even Heavenly God Peak could not intervene.

“You can’t stop me, I will break your corpse into pieces in the future!” Guike’s eyes were full of resentment. He gnashing teeth, wishing to kill Guihong now.

But now his general trend is gone, and if he continues, he may fall here, so he can only retreat temporarily.

“Not good!” Guihong complexion changed.

Guike wanted to escape, but he couldn’t stop it. After all, the two of them had the same cultivation base strength, and there was no crushing situation.

Guihong can only entangle Guike for a short time. After a long time, Guike caught the opportunity and left.

hong long!

That piece of lava world burst and turned into a sky full of lava and the ocean fell down.

This is Guike exploding his world, paying the price to stop Guihong from catching up.

Guihong’s expression changed, he still had a chance to catch up with Guike, but the lava was almost like a vast ocean falling down, if he didn’t care about it, the men behind him would definitely suffer.

He gritted his teeth and could only hold back the wave of the world and resist the lava ocean.

“Guihong! You wait for me!”

Gui Ke coughed up blood, he was full of killing intents. After this escape, he must return and be cut down. Guihong first level.


Suddenly, a terrifying sword qi penetrated through the void, and slashed on Guike’s body.


Gui Ke’s shoulder was marked with a bone-bearing wound, and it was painful.

He stopped his figure, looked up, and hung a mouthful of Divine Sword in the east direction. The whole body was bronze, covered with mysterious lines, and the escaping breath was very terrifying, it was a Sovereign level Divine Item!

This divine sword is even more blessed. The sword light is shining and makes the eyes tingle.

You can see that on that Divine Sword, one after another lines are condensed into three words, Executing Immortal Sword!

Gui Ke’s heart fell to the bottom. He saw that there was someone else who wanted to take action against him, and the person who could take out the Sovereign level Divine Sword must be a divine emperor!

He gritted his teeth, his breakthrough time is not long, and there is no Sovereign level Divine Item of his own, which is the same as Guihong.

Gui Hong not far away saw this, and then wondered who was helping him, but immediately seized the opportunity and rushed forward.

Gui Ke’s secretly thought was not good, so he changed the direction and rushed, but immediately stopped and fell into shape.

In the south direction, there is a fairy sword hanging, Immortal Qi linger, sword intent vertical and horizontal, Slaying Immortal Sword!

He looked towards other places.

In the west direction and the north direction, there is a fairy sword hanging, both of which have reached the Heaven Grade. One sword is called Xianxian and the other sword is called Juexian!

Guike’s face is extremely ugly, he is surrounded by all sides!

With the operation of the sword array, a portal has emerged in the four directions of East, South, West and North.

Executing Immortal Sword’s portal is Zhu Immortal Sect. On Zhu Immortal Sect there is a Sovereign level Divine Sword, returning to Zhu Xian. He is sharp and sharp. The sword qi suddenly agitated, and ordinary people only feel A bright light flashed in front of my eyes.


Even Gui Ke did not react, but he felt a sharp pain.

I saw his arm, a blood line stretched out in the middle, blood light splashed, and one hand was cut off!

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