Three hours later, the tough guy unit was back on the ground.

It's five o'clock in the afternoon on Earth Day.

A full nine hours have passed since we set off at eight o'clock in the morning.

During these nine hours, the real fighting time was not too long, and most of the time was spent on walking. It took five hours just to go back and forth in the spiral mine tunnel.

It's easy when you go down, but difficult when you go up.

The uphill road is more difficult than the downhill road, not to mention the need to take care of the wounded and carry the weapons of the Tofit star.

There was a big war underground, and the ground was not idle.

Outside the entrance of the lower cave, there were a lot of corpses of soldiers and insects.

After inquiring, I found out that shortly after the large army entered the cave, a group of soldiers rushed here.

However, there were not many soldiers and insects. The three teams guarding the gate took advantage of the terrain to kill all the soldiers and insects attacking the entrance.

When the tough guys returned to the wind-eroded plain, the transport ship was already waiting.

Woodrow received an order from the command center to fully cooperate with Zarak to carry out the reconnaissance mission, and was ready to respond to the tough guys at any time.

So after returning to the starship to replenish the armed forces, Wood Road has never been far away from the tough guy army.

He drove the transport ship and kept circling above the signal source of the tough guy army, waiting until now.


After boarding the transport ship, Aiwen found a corner and lay down.

There are a lot of armed boxes in the main cabin, but there are no seats. It should be that Woodrow didn't dare to stay on the starship for fear of accidents with the tough guys.

But it doesn't matter, lying down is more comfortable than sitting.

He had done too much work today and received a lot of electricity. Both physically and mentally, he felt exhausted.


At this time, the closed door of the cockpit opened.

Woodrow handed over the pilot to the co-pilot and went to the main cabin.

Seeing that the number of tough guys remained the same, Woodlow let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Guys, well done!"

"I've already heard from the flight team that you killed a bug ship, it's a biological starship!"

"Major Woodlow, don't be so excited."

Rex laughed triumphantly, "If the command center didn't request to capture it alive, we could have killed one last time we were in Ocean Star."

Connecting two planets, colliding with two transportation bugs, one is captured alive and the other is killed.

When it comes to fighting transport bugs, tough guy troops are the best troops.

"Tell me, I'm interested in biological starships."

Woodrow came to his senses and sat next to Rex.

Rex's face became a little embarrassed.

The first time I saw transport bugs, the tough guys only attacked the first floor, and then retreated.

The second time I saw the transport worm, the transport worm was directly killed by Aiwen with a tactical nuclear bomb, and I didn't even fully see its appearance.

So as far as he knew he knew nothing about transport bugs.

"Major Woodlow, I can't steal the limelight from the hero."

"Although no one knows more about transport bugs than me, it was only killed by Alves today, maybe you can ask him."

Rex quickly came up with a theory, pointing to the anti lying on the side.

Rex's voice was not loud, but it was still heard by many people.

The teammates who heard Rex's words all showed strange expressions.

This guy is a reliable partner, but he likes to brag too much. The key is that no one can catch up with his bragging, which is completely embarrassing.

"Hey, Alves!"

Woodrow immediately changed his target and sat next to Aiwen.

"I don't know much, I only know a little about the basic ability to transport bugs.

"The fuel they use is similar to that of starships. It is an organic fission material that can serve as nuclear fuel."

"After ignition, the speed can be increased to supersonic speed within three seconds, and the highest speed has reached the speed of light or even superluminal speed."

"The first transport bug we encountered before, it only took an hour to fly from the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars to the ocean star."

Aiwen opened his eyes helplessly and said.

He just wants to have a good rest now, but he has a good relationship with Woodrow, so it's not easy to refuse.

Each tactical unit has its own transport ship team partner.

The transport ship unit partner of the tough guy unit is called the Eagle King Unit, and Woodlow is the captain of the Eagle King Unit, the famous transport ship ACE in the Ares Fortress.

But when it comes to transport bugs, he also thinks that this thing is really awesome...

The defense is about the same as that of a starship. Ordinary firearms can only scratch a layer of skin. The speed is also terrifyingly fast, and interstellar travel is no problem.

Look at others, they can evolve from giant plasma worms to this point.

This is real evolution!


"This is the biological starship I imagined!"

Woodrow's eyes lit up, and he was imagining himself driving a biological starship.

Ten minutes later, the transport ship returned to the starship.

When leaving the flight area, a large group of people rushed towards the medical area.

There are too many players injured this time, the total number has exceeded one hundred, and most of them were injured by voltage guns.

Aiwen's team members also wanted to drag him to the medical area, but he refused.

Ordinary trauma treatment is fine, just apply some medicine and put on a bandage, but the injury caused by the voltage shock must be checked comprehensively.

His physique is too strong, if he is checked out, he will be in trouble.

Although it is impossible to be pulled into slices, experiments such as blood drawing research are inevitable.

Until this problem is resolved, he will not deliver it himself.

So it's the old way.

Buy therapeutic needles directly from the mall, and stick a few needles just in case.

He is a rich man now, and his life energy of 1800 is sprinkled with water, so he can't suffer himself.

After finding a toilet and getting 4.7 injections, Aiwen returned to the dormitory area.

Turning on the private communicator, Amy made a lot of calls to him, but he was not allowed to bring a personal communicator during the mission, so he missed all of them.

After failing to call a few times, Amy also guessed that Aiwen was on a mission, so she sent a text message instead.

The content of the text message is very simple.

The main point is that she has returned to the Zuxing transfer station, got her new battleship, and took many photos of the new battleship for Aiwen.

But Aiwen didn't see the difference between the old and the new. In his eyes, the starships are all the same, but the size is different.

"Amy, I just got back on the starship, I'm a little tired today, I'll call you back tomorrow morning.

After returning a text message to Amy, Aiwen put the communicator aside.

He was exhausted today. .

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