Overnight, yesterday's exhaustion has completely disappeared.

"I haven't slept so soundly in a long time!"

Aiwen sat up from the bed and stretched comfortably.

Good health means vigorous energy. If he doesn't do some heavy work during the day, he can't even sleep at night.

"Sir, Lieutenant Colonel Zarak was here last night and he gave us a day off.

"You were sleeping at the time, and Lieutenant Colonel Zarak didn't ask us to call you."

Lance from the adjacent store said something to Aiwen.

"OK, I see."

Aiwen nodded, washed up, put on the military uniform, left the dormitory, and walked towards the restaurant.

Yesterday's task was done from morning to afternoon, and he fell asleep after returning. He didn't eat lunch or dinner. He was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

Aiwen patted his stomach in satisfaction after going down with three sets of meals.

When he was about to go back to the dormitory to call Amy back, he saw people from the Lucky Star Army gathered together, chatting mysteriously.

The Lucky Star troop, like the Tough Guy troop, is a tactical troop, and they can be regarded as neighbors who have competition but have a good relationship.

"Auston, are you seriously 17?"

"Tofet Star is just a small medium-lived planet, how could the fortress send out a fleet."

"This is what I saw with my own eyes. I went to the entertainment area with Major Alger in the morning, where you can see space. There is an extra fleet around this transport ship."

Alston, who was questioned, smiled triumphantly.

"What does the Starship Troopers want to do? Do they want to bomb the planet Tofeet?"

"Impossible, there aren't many enemies on Tofeet, maybe they came here to transport bugs, I heard that the tough guys killed a transport bug.

"I think you guys are thinking too much. The Federation wants to build a transfer station on Tofeet Star. The Starship Troops may only be here to send engineering troops and transfer station modules."

The members of the Lucky Star team talked about it.

The Star Fleet can't be dispatched casually, once it is dispatched, there will be major events.

"A fleet....."

Aiwen walked towards the dormitory thoughtfully.

The guys from the Lucky Star Force guessed right, the fleet may have come to establish a transfer station.

There is also the radioactive mineral vein discovered by the tough guy army, which is also a very important strategic resource, and it is worth a trip by the Star Fleet.

But he doesn't need to guess, just ask Amy directly.

Amy is the captain of a major. The rank of major is not high in the Starship Troops, but the authority of the captain is not small.

So she should know a lot about the internal affairs of Starship Troops.

"Good morning, Amy."

"I was so tired yesterday, so I fell asleep as soon as I got back."

After returning to the dormitory, Aiwen called Amy back immediately.

"I know, what happened yesterday has spread."

"You found a high-level resource mine and killed a transport bug, which is not an easy thing to do.

Amy said with emotion.

After dating Aiwen, she began to pay attention to the tough guy unit.

The luck of this army can be good or bad.

Every time you go out on a mission, you will encounter major events, and you always turn the routine tactical mission into a major strategic mission.

That is to say, the combat effectiveness of the tough guy unit is strong enough. If it is replaced by an ordinary legion squad, one mission will have to die several times.

"Amy, I have something to ask you."

"I heard that Starship Troopers sent a fleet. Is this to completely clean up Tophet Star?"

After chatting with Amy for a while, Aiwen raised his own doubts.

What he cares about is when the operation against Star Tofeite will end, and when the tough guys will return to Ares Fortress to stand by.

The transport bugs were dead, and the bug swarms had been wiped out by the major tactical forces. Tian Fei Te star had no oil for him.

"You don't know yet?"

Amy raised the corner of her mouth, smiled and said softly: "Perhaps it would be better to tell you in person, my Mr. Monster.

"I'm only five kilometers away from you now, but I'm going to attend the captain's meeting in the morning, so we can only meet again at noon."

"I'm waiting for you."

Aiwen froze for a moment, then laughed.

It seems that there is good news to be heard at noon.

There are also several types of interstellar fleets, the three common ones are cruise reconnaissance fleets, domain defense fleets, and mobile warfare fleets.

Amy is the captain of the battleship, and she can come here to show that the fortress dispatched a mobile warfare fleet.

The work of the Mobile War Fleet is very simple.

Nothing but bombing or bombing!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ai Lai came to the large transport ship where the tough guys were on standby.

"Can we talk now?"

Two hours later, Amy applied for the officer's single room.

Aiwen sat on a chair, and Amy, who was flushed, sat on his lap, her eyes blurred.

The girl stuck to him as soon as he met, and in the end he had no choice but to have a pre-dinner exercise with Amy, completely suppressing her.

"There is more than one radioactive mine on Tofeite!"

"Last night, a resource exploration team went to Tofeite star, and they found that Tofeite star is a radioactive mineral star."

Amy put her hands around Aiwen's waist, put her chin on Aiwen's shoulder, and said softly.

"What about the rating?" Aiwen was very surprised.

"Rating?" Amy raised her head and kissed Aiwen on the chin, "The whole planet is full of perfect-grade ore stars.

"Perfect grade?!"

Aiwen was completely stunned, he knew why the fortress was going to dispatch the star fleet.

A perfect mineral star means that, except for the two rings of the core layer, the crust and mantle layers have minerals, and more than 65% of the entire planet's mass is composed of mineral veins.

Therefore, the perfect mine star can be understood as a planet full of mines underground.

"So the Federation changed its mind, not only to build a transfer station here, but also to build it into a heavy industrial colony star."

"Next, our task will be very heavy. The Starship Troops will turn Tofeet into a round ball, and then the Tactical Troops will take care of the remaining mice."

Amy talked about the follow-up tasks.

What he didn't realize was that Aiwen's face turned bitter immediately.

Did you make a mistake!

Just let the legion do things like killing insects and destroying the Tofeite star race!

How long will it take to clean up a planet with just a few tactical troops?

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