Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 149 P Star? Such A Familiar Name!

When the four teams return to the training ground.

The other three teams also came back one after another.

After Aiwen found out, his worries were unnecessary.

There are four action teams in the Tough Guy Army, only his four teams have lost more than half of their staff, and the other three teams have less than thirty people.

The tasks performed by the second team and the third team of the home team are all routine tasks.

The downsizing only happened on the first day of landing on Tayskar.

From the second day onwards, the three teams were all incorporated into the legion, and carried out missions with the legion troops, and the security was very high.

Only his four teams were used by the commander-in-chief as the vanguard of the legion.

Of course, he didn't blame the general of the strategic army in his heart.

What is a tactical unit?

This is the tactical unit..

Enjoying treatment comparable to starship troops and strategic troops, the tactical troops have to bear more responsibilities than ordinary infantry troops.


"We've all heard that you killed a brainwave worm!"

"My God, that's the smartest and most mysterious bug, tell us what it looks like!"

Rex Hannah and others surrounded Aiwen.

They learned about the situation of the fourth team from the mouths of the old teammates of the fourth team.

Seeing Aiwen bored outside the crowd and not speaking, they all knew that Aiwen was feeling uncomfortable, so they discussed it and planned to encourage Aiwen.

"What does it look like?"

"Probably looks like Geto."

Aiwen pretended to rest her chin and thought for a while, then her eyes fell on Getuo.

"Oh, Shit, how can there be such an ugly bug!" The master screamed strangely, "If I see a brainwave bug, I will definitely have a nightmare!"

"Get out!"

"Whoever is jealous of my handsome face, I will definitely make him have nightmares tonight."

Gotuo clenched his fist and punched the master in the stomach, then looked at Aiwen and said with a smile:

"Alves, you are a monster."

"You have caught up with Lieutenant Colonel Zarak now, and I think you will be a general soon!"


Aiwen shrugged and sighed inwardly.

This is what the old ancestor said really makes sense.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Aiwen left the restaurant.

With a strong smell of alcohol on his body and a stack of personnel lists, he returned to the officer's single room.


Amy was sitting at the work table, drawing in her hand, she just said hello to Aiwen, and then continued to work.

As time goes by, the way she gets along with Aiwen has changed.

From the period of passionate love to the period of stability, both parties take everything for granted, a bit like a married state.

"Baby, what are you up to?"

Aiwen hugged Amy from behind and leaned her head on Ai Cai's shoulder.

Amy took notes on a star map and drew a lot of lines and marks, as if preparing for the voyage.

"New strategic goals."

"After conquering the food planet of the bugs, the Federation wants to try to attack the parent star of the bugs, Klendar."

"However, before that, the Federation will gradually wipe out the planets around the Klendasu star, and kill all the bugs that can be killed."

Amy explained in detail, stood up and patted Aiwen on the waist.

"Isn't that an all-out war?"

Aiwen sat on the chair and hugged Amy on his lap, with a surprised expression on his face.

The Federation's most important thing has always been profit, and a full-scale war with the Arachnis Zerg will definitely not get as much as it pays.

"It's just a strategic goal."

Amy shook her head and continued: "The Klendasu star is close to the galaxy, and it is too far away from us."

"makes sense."

Aiwen stroked Amy's pretty face and nodded slightly.

The distance between the Klendasu star and the ancestor star is more than 40 trillion kilometers.

With the current technology, even with a hundred times superluminal speed and nodal string jumps, it will take about a month to reach Klendasu star.

A long voyage means no direct access.

Because on the way to Klendasu star, there are countless worm stars.

Those worm planets formed a siege net, and used plasma cannons to lock the route to Klendasu star, which was more exaggerated than the net of heaven and earth.

Before getting rid of these worm stars, the Federation couldn't even touch a hair of Kelun Dasu.

After chatting with Amy for a while, Aiwen also started her own work.

Pick new players.

He needs to pick out sixty-two new members from the major armies of the fortress.


It's still the same, with a base of combat IQ of level 4, a base of physical talent of level 3, and the threshold is an upper class soldier.

In the next few days, Aiwen's life was back on track.

The fortress gave the tough guys a seven-day holiday.

His new team members came to report on the second morning of the holiday.

There are fifty-eight old players and sixty-two new players. There are too many places to adjust. The first thing is to let the new players integrate into the collective.

Considering the unity of all aspects of the team, he summoned the team members and came to an early training session temporarily.

Let him take the first step, and then leave it to the team leaders.

After finishing the team, he and Amy lived in a two-person world.


He and Amy are the same kind of people, and they get along very comfortably, so when there is no task, he and Amy will get tired of being together.

It wasn't until the second day after the holiday that the two were passively separated.


At 7 o'clock in the morning, Aiwen led the team into the boarding field, boarded the ship and found four exclusive transport ships.

[Go to the P star defense base and carry out the rescue mission]

"I wipe?"

Seeing the content of the mission just issued, Aiwen was stunned.

He forgot a lot about the plot of Starship Troopers.

But he was very impressed with this P star.

In the original plot, the Federation captured a brain worm alive on Planet P.

The most important thing is that the brain worm was deliberately captured alive by humans after receiving the order of the worm god.

The purpose is to let humans study it deliberately, and it can also use this to understand humans, and even brainwash some high-level humans with telepathic abilities.

This time, the call for help from the P star base was not what the base wanted to send out at all, but was sent out by brain worms or parasites controlling humans.

The brain worm set a trap and wanted to put on a big show.

It just wants to kill the people who came to the rescue, and let humans know that it is a trap. It is associated with the intelligent insects on planet P commanding the dancing insects.

Then when human beings want to capture intelligent worms alive, brain worms will do their tricks.

(I got up at five o'clock in the morning, but my throat exploded and my body was limp, so I drank some wine, slept for a day, got up better, and stayed up all night. Nine).

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