"There's something wrong..."

After reading the task content, Aiwen scratched his chin and laughed.

If I remember the plot correctly and the follow-up is going well..

He can fight a wave of base defense first to save a lieutenant general, and then fight a wave of suppression to capture a cerebrate alive.

Both life energy and military merit!

And he has the prophetic advantage, as long as he is stable and does not make waves, the risk is almost zero.

As for the plan of the cerebrum... none of his business!

Cerebral worms can brainwash whoever is willing to brainwash. It is best to brainwash a few more generals.

For example, saving the brainwashed general, smashing the conspiracy of the Zerg, saving the future of the Federation, etc.

Soar to the general in place, okay!

The only thing that surprised him was that the P star incident happened a little early.

In the original plot of "Five Zero Zero", the P star incident will happen after Carmen graduated, and now there is more than half a year before Carmen's graduation.

Maybe it's the butterfly effect.

His appearance has greatly changed the original plot.

So far, there have been two brain worms killed by him alone.

The God of Worms suffered a loss, and it is not difficult to understand that the Cerebral Worms started the capture plan in advance and infiltrated the high-level federation in advance.

But that's fine too.

Carmen, who has not yet graduated, obviously will not encounter the ship crash accident in the original plot.

And Zarak will not die in the P star base, because it is his team that will perform the rescue mission this time.

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 19

Status: Colonel of Tough Guy Force

Attributes: Strength 58, Spirit 58, Speed ​​58, Stamina 58

Skills: Melee combat 15, gun use 15, starship driving 15

Abilities: Telepathy 28, Power Control 23

Items: Multifunctional Nano Warframe, Silver Wing Destroyer, Heart of Darkness Frigate, Bionic Dragonfly Helicopter, Ammo Source Booster Pack

Life energy: 2.66 million

"Okay, I'll let you go this time!"

Glancing at the personal panel, the corners of Aiwen's mouth raised slightly.

The balance of life energy is very satisfactory, so the cerebrates you will encounter next, you don't have to kill them, and directly capture them alive in exchange for military exploits.

He had been promoted to colonel five days ago, and he had entered the promotion buffer period, and he should have to wait half a year for the next promotion.

Thinking of this, he was a little bit looking forward to it.

The Federation has never captured a brain worm alive, and he is about to successfully capture a brain worm alive.

This kind of strategic military achievement of great significance will definitely allow him to break through the promotion buffer period and be directly promoted to a colonel or even a major general.


Half an hour later, the transport ship arrived in the outer space of planet P.

When the flight area was opened, the transport ship carrying the fourth action team of the tough guy unit left the starship and flew towards star P.

Along with the transport ship was a flying unit.

The flying unit will bomb the mission area first, and then go to the tactical unit to perform rescue missions.

After sitting on the transport ship and listening to the explosion for ten minutes, the transport ship finally landed on planet P.

"I smell bugs!"

Aiwen led the team members off the transport ship and looked around.

Star P is a planet of advanced life, the air quality is very good, and there is no need to wear a suit of armor.

The size of this planet is very small, a circle thinner than Pluto.

If Pluto is an icy planet, then P is a loess planet, and there is no sign of native life on the surface.

What can be seen in sight is only hard soil slopes, layer by layer, like waves, like a desert without sand.

"The team dispersed and headed for the target area.

"Attention bomb team, no tactical nukes allowed."

"Listen up, our mission is to rescue Lieutenant General Amos, not to fight the bugs.

After walking for a while, Aiwen ordered the team to disperse.

The P star base is ten kilometers ahead, and there is an area where insect swarms have been infested, so the transport ship cannot land directly nearby.

Ten kilometers is a long way on the battlefield, but he is not worried.

The brainworm's plan is to lure them into the base, and then order China and North Korea to besiege.

Before they arrive at the base, the brain worms will not attack them.

Because compared with confrontation, catching a turtle in a urn is obviously more likely to make humans aware of the existence of intelligent insects.

So on the way to the base, at most they will encounter a little shrimp......

The reason why he forbids the team members to use tactical nuclear bombs is because he wants to keep the tactical nuclear bombs until the insect swarm appears.

When carrying out rescue missions, one team can equip one tactical nuclear bomb, and ten teams can equip ten nuclear bombs.

When facing a large-scale insect swarm, a tactical nuclear bomb goes down...

Guaranteed 500,000 life energy!

"Sir, the signal is abnormal!"

"There is strong magnetic interference here, and remote communication cannot be used."

"We're going to stay here until noon. The next time the command center opens a large server window, it will be five hours later."

When Aiwen ordered the team to disperse, Tiz hurried over to report.

She is the team's correspondent, with a small server on her back.

She tested it just now, and the team can only use the range channel now, and it will fail if it is a little farther away.

This situation meant that the team lost contact with the command center.

There is no solution, as long as the command center discovers the abnormality of the rescue team, it will be enough to open the communication window of the server immediately.

But a large server is not something that can be turned on casually.

Because the radio waves emitted by large servers are too strong, it is easy to be targeted by plasma bugs.

Therefore, when the starship is in the extraterrestrial space of the Worm Planet, it is always cautious to open the server.

There is no sea on star P, so there is no safe zone in the outer space of star P.

"1.7 in five hours?"

"I bet we could get to the command center within two hours.

"Okay, Sergeant, get out of my sight and go do what you have to do."

Aiwen laughed and waved at Tizzy.

"Within two hours?"

Tizzy went back to the team without knowing why.

But when she walked halfway, she suddenly reacted and reached out to pat her face.

She's out of her mind!

The small server on her back can't shield the magnetic field, which doesn't mean the large server in the base can't either.

As long as you arrive at the P star base, all problems will be solved!

(The snot flowed uncontrollably, and the person softened again. I might not be able to bear it anymore...).

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