Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 27 The System Update Is Complete!

half an hour later.

Zarak is back, followed by the rest of the tough guy unit.

Aiwen didn't even need to count, she could tell at a glance that there were absolutely no one hundred and twenty people here, not even half of them.

Hannah hurried up to inquire about casualties.

There were ten teams of twelve, and one team did not come back.

Of the remaining nine teams, thirteen people did not come back.

That is to say, in the morning operation, the tough guy troops killed a total of 25 people.

There are more than 30 people receiving treatment in the medical area, but if they can return to the starship alive, it means that their lives are saved.

There are no silver-like pewter gun heads in the tough guy army, but they are all master insect killers. Even if a limb is broken, they can use military merit to apply for mechanical limbs to make up for it.

After knowing the casualties of the troops, Aiwen's heart was also a little heavy.

Still underestimated the cruelty of war.

Among the tasks performed by many teams, the task performed by the first team may be regarded as the least difficult task.

The reason why Zarak was arranged to lead the team was because the scientific research data was too important, which raised the level of the mission.

If it weren't for the tank beetle's intervention, their morning mission could be said to be without any danger.

Improving combat power is urgent!

The system will be updated tomorrow morning, and then all the life energy generated today will be used up!


Around ten o'clock in the morning on Earth Day, the large transport ship returned to Ares Fortress.

Zarak canceled the training in the morning, and took a lot of tobacco, alcohol and snacks from the restaurant, giving the team some time to relax.

Aiwen asked Hannah, and Hannah said that this is the rule of the tough guy army.

The best soldiers, have the best enjoyment!

Aiwen is not interested in having fun, he just wants to shoot guns and farm life energy, but the free time is still very good.

He originally wanted to ask Zarak to help him get the equipment he wanted, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

Zarak has a lot of things to do in the past two days, and just selecting new members is not something that can be done casually.

So Aiwen thought about it and decided to take a stroll in the fortress.

At present, the total population of the federation is more than 40 billion, and the regular troops not counting the reserves are all in the early 100 million.

As the top ten ares space war fortress in the federation, the garrison strength reached nearly two million.

In order to accommodate nearly two million people, spaces such as the living area, the training area, and the medical area must be allocated. One can imagine the scale of the Ares Fortress.

From the outside, the whole of the Ares Fortress looks like a hexagonal crystal, but it is placed horizontally.

There are two circles of spiral nets surrounding the fortress, one circle is the generator of the energy shield, and the other circle is the berthing area of ​​the starship.

From a distance, the fortress looks like a silver bullet surrounded by two air currents.

If you look closer, uh...

The line of sight will probably be blocked, except for metal or metal, you can't see the ends of up, down, left, and right, just like an ant looking at a mountain.

The emergence of a cosmic war fortress means the drying up of several resource planets.

However, the Federation currently does not have much resource pressure.

Because the Federation has nearly a hundred planets of life, more than a thousand planets of resources, and countless desolate planets for testing weapons and throwing garbage.

Of course, the Federation always reports good news but not bad news to civilians.

If they were so rich, the new barracks would not be equipped with armor, and the resource stars would also be divided into levels.

Because of the freshness, it takes two hours to visit Aiwen.

On the way, he also walked around the garrison floor of the First Legion and saw Johnny and others.

But the old friends are training, there is no time to chat, so Aiwen took a look and left.

Come back when he gets his corporal epaulets!


"Ding! The system update is complete!"

"Open the life energy mall! Open the virtual training cabin! The system space has been expanded to 10 cubic meters!"

"The host can use the updated system functions by itself according to the system notes!"

The next morning, Aiwen was having breakfast.

Halfway through the meal, the system he was thinking about finally started to move, and several reminders sounded in succession.

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Status: Corporal of the Tough Guy Army.

Attributes: Strength 20, Spirit 20, Speed ​​20, Stamina 20,

Skills: melee combat 7, gun use 8, starship driving 6, telepathy 8

Items: infantry armed *1, hemostatic needle *3

Life energy: 1960

Aiwen looked at the panel for the first time, staring at the balance of life energy.


To be honest, he was a little disappointed. He originally thought he could get two or three thousand.

But there is no way, most of the bugs in the bug swarm are soldier bugs, killing one only gives 10 life energy, and a wave of grenades can't spawn too much.

If there were not many worker bees in yesterday's bug swarm, he might not even be able to get 1000 life energy.

But thinking about it carefully, he should be satisfied.

How long did it take for the operation yesterday morning? The fighting time was less than half an hour, which is quite a high salary.

After comforting himself, Aiwen didn't rush to add points, but looked towards the mall.

Since it is called a life energy mall, the currency must be life energy.

He has to see if there are any products that are more cost-effective than adding points.

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