Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 28 Things Are Good! But Can't Afford It!


At the first glance, Aiwen was shocked.

This life energy mall is simply invincible, the system is finally playing high-end!

"Alves, what's the matter with you?" Hannah, who was sitting next to Aiwen, asked after seeing Aiwen's face change.

"Forget one thing, I have to apply for a new set of weapons after dinner."

Aiwen explained casually, speeded up the cooking, and then returned to the dormitory area early.

Opening the life energy mall, his saliva was almost drooling.

Power armor, super serum, high energy weapons...

There are products that are almost sci-fi in the mall, and he even saw large battleships and war fortresses.

In addition to these high-end goods, there are also many low-end goods.

For example, all kinds of firearms, medical supplies and other armaments, he has never heard of the better ones, and he can almost see them in the fortress armaments department.

He is tempted to want nothing, as long as he sees it, he wants it.


too expensive!

Really too expensive!

But whatever he wants, the minimum price is five figures, like the Big Mac of War Fortress, the price starts from eight figures!

Eight figures, how could he get so much life energy!

The only thing that comforted him was the expansion of the system space and the welfare activities that came with the mall.

He can log in to the mall every day and receive 100 life energy.

Then the mall will refresh a batch of 30% off products every day, refresh a 10% off product every month, and give a random product.

He didn't dare to think about 30% off products for the time being, because he couldn't afford good things after they were discounted, and this batch was refreshed today.

70,000 nuclear grenades after discount, 14 million star-based star destroyer energy cannons, 2.1 million quantum energy cannons...

Did you make a mistake!

He's just a poor guy, and he doesn't want to play high-end games for now!

On the contrary, the monthly benefits are very good, one product is 10% off, and one product is given away for free.

If he was lucky, he would be able to afford a five-figure product with a discount of 10%.

The free gifts are very fragrant, and you may be able to find the most expensive batch of big treasures from the list of over 10,000 products.

Large battleship! Fortress of War! Super Armor!

Aiwen, the head of state, has boundless mana, will last forever, and will rule the universe!

Aiwen's eyes became brighter and brighter, and then...

Close the mall page, go to yours!

The meal needs to be eaten at a bite, and the road needs to be walked step by step. He has no time to focus on dreaming.

Honestly be the leader, first break through the peak of human physical attributes, and ensure that you can protect yourself on the battlefield before thinking about consumption.

But the 100 life energy given by the mall is really good.

Now his balance is 2060, he can point two constitution attributes, or two skills.

But Aiwen was not too anxious to add points, he looked at the virtual training cabin.

After seeing how to use system comments, Aiwen's eyes brightened.

To put it bluntly, this thing is a paid skill simulator, which can be turned on in a sleep state, and it needs to consume 10 life energy for an hour.

During the simulation, he can summon virtual worms, or a virtual starship cockpit, a virtual training ground, and then conduct skill training.

This is a great feature!

He can take advantage of the virtual training grounds and crank up his skills, and if he's gifted, he'll have no problem getting them all up to 10.

As for those who cannot be improved, they can only wait for the follow-up to use life energy to pile up.

After learning about the mall and the virtual training cabin, Aiwen turned his attention to the panel and spent 2000 life energy to increase his strength and endurance to 21.

The next moment.

Aiwen only felt a warm current surge from his body.

The warm current became more and more obvious, and he didn't feel any pain, but he felt sore all over, as if he had been overtrained.

Fortunately, this warm current comes and goes quickly.

In just a few seconds, the discomfort on Aiwen's body disappeared, replaced by a sense of relief like a heavy burden.

Aiwen can feel that his strength has improved a lot, but he hasn't felt his endurance yet.

The improvement from 20 to 21 may be greater than the improvement from 15 to 20. After all, this is the sublimation of breaking the shackles.

The reason for improving strength and endurance is to carry more weapons and ammunition, because his speed is enough for the time being, and he is faster than his teammates anyway!

After yesterday's action, only a large amount of ammunition can give him a sense of security now.

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Status: Corporal of the Tough Guy Army.

Attributes: Strength 21, Spirit 20, Speed ​​20, Stamina 21,

Skills: melee combat 7, gun use 8, starship driving 6, telepathy 8

Items: infantry armed *1, hemostatic needle *3

Life Energy: 60

Glancing at the refreshed panel, Aiwen happily ran around the training area with a smile on his lips.

If this attribute continues to be added like this, sooner or later he will add himself to a humanoid titan.

(Seeing that there are more flowers, I hurriedly wrote another chapter. In fact, I was a little afraid that the rhythm would be messed up. Hold on to Ollie!)

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