Pluto is very far from the sun.

After landing on Pluto and looking up at the sky, even at the perihelion, the sun that can be seen is only as big as an ordinary star.

The earth has 24 hours of day and night, but Pluto has 20 hours of day and only 4 hours of night.

However, Pluto's day is no different from Earth's night.

About 20 hours of darkness, 4 hours of extreme darkness.

Today, though, Pluto lights up.

On the ice field of area A on the near side of Pluto, there is a severely damaged base fortress.

Countless Arachnis worms gathered to attack the base fortress from all directions.

Over the swarms of insects, there are still a large number of bombers flying, lighting up giant death fireworks one after another in the swarms of insects.

Humans have bombers, Zerg have plasma worms.

Not to be outdone, the giant plasma worms fired plasma cannons into the air one after another, attacking the bombers.

The continuous explosion of light and the plasma cannon completely lit up this endless dark ice field.

In this rhythmic war melody, Aiwen has entered a state of extreme excitement.

He teamed up with his teammate Rex and stood on a two-person defense tower, each with a heavy machine gun on the base, bombarding the crazy swarm of insects.

The prompt panel of the system is refreshed rapidly, and the balance of life energy is also rising rapidly.

"Come on, give me some more!"

"CNMD, come and eat the gun!"

Seeing that the life energy was approaching five figures, Aiwen kept shouting, and almost fanned the line of the heavy machine gun back and forth.


"I think you should save some strength, at least you don't have to shout."

"These bastards are impenetrable, our pilots will take care of them."

Seeing Aiwen's crazy appearance, Reiss on the side reminded him, complaining in his heart.

Why did Lieutenant Zarak put him in a group with Aiwen, Aiwen is like a madman when he fights bugs.

After listening to Aiwen yelling for three hours, he felt like his brain was about to burst.

Aiwen is no bird Rex, still immersed in the killing mode, controlling the sentry tower heavy machine gun, bombarding all the visible bugs in front of him.

He didn't take his hand back from the heavy machine gun until the swarm of insects within the range disappeared, leaving only two or three here and there.


After closing the sentry tower, Aiwen took off his helmet and lit a cigarette comfortably.

After taking two deep breaths, Aiwen looked at Rex and said, "Dude, I suggest you learn from me, excitement can make you fearless."

He didn't just shout for fun, but he found that this could inspire himself to the greatest extent.

It is better to cry when you are sad, and it will be happier to laugh when you are happy.

"If my throat was made of iron, then I think I would." Rex shook his head helplessly.

No normal person can shout for three hours straight, and he has to control a heavy machine gun.

Aiwen shrugged, and sat down directly on the ground, "I'm going to have a rest meeting, and call me whenever there is a situation."

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Status: Corporal of the Tough Guy Army.

Attributes: Strength 21, Spirit 20, Speed ​​20, Stamina 21,

Skills: melee combat 7, gun use 8, starship driving 6, telepathy 8

Items: infantry armed *1, hemostatic needle *3

Life energy: 10390

Opening the panel, Aiwen was extremely satisfied after seeing the balance of life energy.

A few days ago, he thought he was a poor ghost, but now he has become a millionaire.

Large-scale wars are different, and they are still base defense battles.

Seven days have passed since his first mission.

The scientific research data recovered by the first team of the tough guy force drove the federal executives crazy.

Scientists at the Pluto Scientific Research Center, although they failed to develop a new type of metal, found an extremely precious metal on Pluto.


Californium metal is one of the transuranium elements, the main use is medical treatment.

If you want to ask how good the medical effect of californium is, it is because of the development and use of californium that the term terminal illness has become history.

The price is probably hundreds of thousands of times that of gold.

The data given by the Federation is that the californium naturally produced by the earth does not exceed five grams a year, and it is all hidden in the mantle layer.

The Federation has the technology to manufacture californium, but the cost is too high.

Start a nuclear reactor, you can get 50 micrograms of californium within a year!

And one million micrograms equals one gram.

In other words, to obtain one gram of californium, one nuclear reactor needs to work continuously for 20,000 years, or 20,000 nuclear reactors have to work continuously for one year!

The cost is too high!

But the scientists at the Pluto Research Center found more than 100 kilograms of californium in the crust near the research center alone.

Not elements and micrograms, but natural californium veins!

It is estimated that there will be more than one million kilograms of californium in the entire underground layer of Pluto!

This is a strategic-level resource of the Federation. As long as they get these californium, the Federation's medical technology tree will be completely free.

At this time, Aiwen knew why the scientific research center had to activate a large server even though it knew that bugs could capture radio waves.

The scientific research center sent back information about californium metal, but their team was actually sent to recover it.

The team successfully completed the task, and the Federation also confirmed the existence of californium resources from the recovered samples and scientific research data.

So, the battle for Pluto begins!

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