As the closest war fortress to Pluto.

Ares Fortress received a unanimous attack order from the top federal officials.

No matter the cost, the whole army attacks!

Not only the Ares Fortress, but even the Baiqi Fortress in the Eastern War Zone were dispatched urgently.

These two war fortresses famous for their killings directly bombed the surface of Pluto, and they bombed for three days and three nights!

During these three days, the two fortresses were parked in the outer space of Pluto, and the dispatched interstellar fleet almost completely enveloped Pluto.

The entire Pluto turned into a ball of light, with flashing explosion spots everywhere.

It was not until this morning that the bombardment that lasted for seventy-two hours stopped.

The two fortresses took out a total of ten legions and two interstellar fleets, forming a joint army with a total number of over one million to fight for Pluto.

The total number of bugs on Pluto is estimated at five million.

After seventy-two hours of nuclear bombing, the number of bugs has dropped to about two million, and these bugs are all hidden in the ground.

Therefore, the fortress has formulated tactics to lure the enemy.

Put in special forces and engineering troops first, recover the bases and outposts that were previously captured by bugs, and at the same time hold on to them and repair them.

After the bugs were led out of the ground by the advance troops and began to attack the defense lines of the troops, Starfleet sent out bombers to clean the ground.

The tough guys are also part of the advance team.

The tough guy unit, originally one of the elite units of the fortress, brought back information on californium metal seven days ago and directly made great contributions.

Zarak was promoted to captain that same day, and his second in command, Locke and Peter, were also promoted to lieutenants.

In this operation of sticking to the enemy to lure the enemy, Zarak directly transformed into the supreme commander of an advance team, leading a thousand-man combat force.

Aiwen knew it just by looking at this posture.

When the battle for Pluto is over, Zarak may be promoted again.

As one of the members of the action team who brought back information on californium metal, he also has a high probability of being promoted from corporal to sergeant, or even directly to sergeant!

But he prefers life energy to promotion.

Today's brushing is very cool, from the morning of Earth Day to near noon, it took more than three hours to directly reach 10,000.

It's a pity that there are not many such opportunities, and the task of defending the base and fortress against the insect swarm is not available all the time.

He predicted that the situation on the battlefield would change in the afternoon.

If this wave of lures continues in the morning, the bugs on Pluto may not even reach seven figures.

Insects have very low intelligence, but they also know how to be afraid.

After several days of bombing, the bugs hid underground.

At this time, it is time for the joint army to enter the field. The infantry walks on the ground, and the bombers fly in the sky, sweeping all the way.

After that, the bug swarm would hardly be able to scale.

Aiwen also initially saw the strength of the Federation in this battle for Pluto.

The scale of the Arachnis Zerg is very large, the number of bugs is innumerable, and indeed they occupy the star field at the edge of the solar system.

But if there is a real fight, humans can completely suppress Arachnis.

Whether you want to play or not depends on the calculation of income.

If it is a low-level resource planet like Iron Ore Star, the Federation will not even look at it.

But Pluto is different. There is a lot of californium here. When faced with such strategic resources, the Federation doesn't care how much resources it costs to fight.

Just beat it to death, it's making money anyway!

"Attention everyone, locusts are coming!"

After resting for about five minutes, the scout's alarm sounded on the base communication channel.

"Alves, the locusts are coming!"

Rex exclaimed, picked up Aiwen's helmet, and pressed it on Aiwen's head.

Migratory locusts are an evolution of soldier insects.

They are slightly smaller than soldiers and insects, with four pairs of wings on their backs, they look like green flying praying mantises, they can cut off a person's head with one Zhang Ao.

The sentry tower soldiers are not afraid of locusts, but the soldiers on the protective wall are different.

Maybe a green light flashed, and there would be an extra headless corpse on the protective wall.

Therefore, the responsibility of the sentry tower is very heavy, and it is necessary to use firepower to suppress the space above the protective wall.

"Then invite them to eat guns!"

Aiwen immediately put on his helmet, opened the closed window of the sentry tower, turned the muzzle of the heavy machine gun and started shooting.

This is a locust!

A 30 evolution energy, three times that of soldiers and insects!

The ammunition belt of the sentry tower heavy machine gun comes from the underground magazine. It can't be finished after a day and a night.

"Oh, Shit!"

Soon, Rex put on the pain mask again.

Aiwen likes to listen to songs, shoot guns, and yell at the same time. He is extremely passionate by himself.

Rex can't do it. He doesn't have those hobbies and is a relatively honest soldier.

"Gotto, where are you!"

"I want to change the guard, I want to change the guard!"

Rex was so wronged that he roared again and again in his heart, but in the end he had no choice but to accept his fate and honestly manipulate the heavy machine gun to kill insects.

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