"The first action team of the tough guy unit, everyone pay attention!"

"We have a mission, gather at Line 37 immediately!"

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Zalak's voice came from the communicator.

"Rex, we're on a mission!"

Aiwen woke up Rex who was sleeping on the machine gun stand, and quickly began to equip the gun.

"Alves, what did I say?"

"We are the trump card, and the trump card is played last."

Rex was very excited when he just woke up. Not all teams can perform urgent tasks.

"Don't get too excited, we shouldn't be catching transport bugs."

Aiwen glanced at the line of defense and found that only the tough guy unit had been summoned. If it was to catch transport bugs, it was impossible to send only one unit.

When they arrive.

On the shore of the lake behind the No. 37 line of defense, there was already a medium-sized transport ship waiting, and the members of the main team of the tough guy army arrived one after another.

After everyone boarded the transport ship, Zarak notified the pilot to set off, and then opened the cabin screen.

"Two minutes ago, a battleship crashed in area 6 of the sea erosion landform, and the command center lost all contact with them."

"Our mission is search and rescue, starting from the place where the signal of the warship disappeared, do you understand?"

"Understood, sir!"

Urgent tasks are like this, just leave as soon as you say.

Fifteen minutes later, the members of the main team of the tough guys arrived at the target area on a medium-sized transport ship.

Sea erosion landform refers to a special landform formed on the coastline due to the erosion and damage of the coastal land by the movement of sea water.

This kind of landform is easy to recognize, that is, standing on the beach and looking at the sea, you can see many peaks and isolated rocks standing in the sea, or beaches with stone mushrooms.

Everyone disembarked at the No. 6 area of ​​the sea erosion landform, and advanced according to the marks on the area map.

There is a group of sea peaks there, which looks like many small islands are connected together.

The water level in this area is not very high, maybe one meter. If it is not high tide time, then this is a stone beach.


Stepping out, Aiwen felt as if he had kicked something, and reached into the water to find out that it was a protective helmet, and it was only for pilots.

"Sir, I found this!"

Aiwen hurried to Zarak and handed him the helmet.

Seeing that it was a flight helmet, Zarak immediately said through the communicator: "Attention everyone, speed up!"

Since the flight helmet will be swept here by the tide, it means that the pilot happened nearby, at least that location is within the coverage of the tide.

"Sir, I have a question."

"Why did the battleship appear here? Did they find transport bugs?"

Aiwen followed Zarak, asking as he walked.

"No, they are here to clean up the bug swarm." Zarak shook his head.

"At noon today, the flying team found the transport worm and blew up the transport worm's wings and abdomen. Now it is hiding in the soldier worm nest."

"The command center is going to capture it alive, but the bug swarm needs to be cleaned up before that, so Starfleet dispatched a warship."

Hearing this, Aiwen suddenly realized.

His question at noon has been answered.

The command center also thought of the problems he could think of, and thought more comprehensively.

The command center took the casualties into consideration, so instead of dispatching mobile troops, the Starfleet took the lead.

It's just that I didn't expect that the battleship fell down while cleaning up the bug swarm.

Perhaps as soon as their rescue mission is over, the transport bug will be caught.

Three minutes later, everyone walked out of the shallow area.

A wind-eroded forest appeared in front of my eyes. A large number of stone pillars with severe sea erosion stood on the ground, and the dense ones formed a maze.

Looking across the wind-eroded forest, you can see a burst of fire in the distance. The diffuse water vapor is illuminated by the fire, and it looks like a red mist.

Obviously, the battleship crashed ahead.

"Speed ​​forward!"

With a big wave of his hand, Zarak took the lead and ran straight away.

It has not been ten minutes since the small battleship lost its signal.

As long as the damage to the hull is not very serious, there is still a high possibility that the crew on board will survive until now.

The battleship is different from ordinary starships. The battleship is an upgraded version of the bomber. While carrying a large number of weapons, there are at least a hundred mobile troops stationed on the ship.

Soon, everyone rushed to the crash zone of the battleship.

"Shet, the situation is not good!"

"It looks like a giant plasma worm did it!"

Seeing the status of the battleship, there were many exclamations in the team.

The entire battleship was divided into two, and it can be seen from the pitch-black position in the center of the hull that the battleship was destroyed by the plasma cannon.

"Sir, I sense something!"

At this moment, Aiwen's mind tightened, and he looked at Zarak and said.

Zarak's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "What did you perceive?"

"In the wreckage of the battleship, there are many strong spiritual and emotional fluctuations. There are people and bugs!"

Aiwen frowned and explained.

33 points of spirit and 13 points of telepathy came in handy at this moment.

The first time he saw the wreckage of the battleship, he almost instinctively sensed the strong biological soul inside the wreckage of the battleship.

"very good!"

"The first team to the fifth team followed me in, and the sixth team to the tenth team guarded the entrance. If there are insects approaching, they will notify me immediately."

Zarak immediately ordered, and then led the troops forward.

Like Aiwen, he also knows that there are still living people in the wreckage of the battleship, and the number of living people may be quite a lot.

Aiwen relies on telepathy, while he relies on experience.

Judging from the degree of disintegration of the battleship, the altitude at which the battleship crashed was not high, so the two pieces of wreckage are still intact, and they are not even completely broken.

This means that the personnel inside the battleship have a high probability of surviving when the battleship crashes.

And the fresh corpses of soldiers and insects around proved that the first guess was correct.

Before the swarm of soldiers rushed here, the defense force on the battleship had already guarded the entrance of the wreckage of the battleship.

Even if they can't fight, they can retreat and stick to it.

The big claws and sharp claws of the soldiers and insects are powerful, but if they want to break through the closed door inside the battleship, they will definitely not be able to do it for a while.

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