"The first team and the second team will follow me to the first half."

"The other teams go to the second half."

Climbing up to the break in the middle of the battleship, Zarak ordered the troops to split into two groups.

When entering the battleship, Aiwen fixed Gatling on the belt barrel and switched to a rifle.

Gatling is a shuttle as soon as it is started, and there is a risk of hitting electronic equipment and causing an explosion.

And with so many of them here, there was a possibility of disturbing the bug swarm, so he had to save the machine gun for more critical moments.

Although there is an ammunition source supplement package, it is all money. You can't kill a chicken with a butcher's knife.

The break of the battleship is the middle part, which is also the rest area.

The fighting situation is more tragic.

The rest area was full of corpses. In addition to a large number of corpses of soldiers and insects, there were also many corpses of battleship crew members.

It's just that the corpses of the battleship crew members were all torn to pieces by soldiers and insects.

Now there are a large number of worker bees surrounding those broken corpses, putting them on his back one by one, and they just happened to be bumped into by everyone.

"Fire freely and kill all moving bugs!"

Zarak stepped on the back of the nearby worker bee, and opened a hole in the forehead of the worker bee with a rifle.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As soon as Zalak finished speaking, gunshots rang out in the rest area.

Drones are the weakest bugs of the Arachnis Zerg, they are big stinkbugs who can do nothing but move things.

In less than a minute, more than a hundred worker bees in the rest area were killed by everyone.

"Fast forward!"

Zarak changed a magazine, raised his hand and swung it down heavily.

Worker bees cannot act alone because they have no ability to protect themselves.

They didn't retreat, which meant that the soldiers protecting them were nearby.

"Alves, what do you perceive now?" Zarak asked Aiwen on the way forward.

"All the strong emotional swings deep down, people and bugs are crazy, we might have to go faster."

Aiwen sensed it carefully and reported to Zarak.

What he said were all his real senses, but vague guesses that could not be confirmed, which were more serious than the real senses. The bugs seemed to be attacking the cockpit.

"Then go faster."

Zarak seemed to have some enthusiasm, and took the lead to rush forward, and the team members behind him quickly followed.

After taking a few steps, Aiwen frowned and reduced the frequency of her steps.

His speed is too fast, and he opened the distance from the team at the first start. After returning, he must practice more to achieve perfect control.


This battleship is a small starship, and its overall length is only a little over five hundred meters.

So it didn't take much time for the team to cross the rest area and arrive at the entrance of the entertainment area.


Aiwen was the first to rush into the entertainment area after killing a soldier bug with shotgun mode.

The closed door of the entertainment area has been breached by soldiers and insects, and now there are dozens of soldiers and insects staying inside, and they are frantically destroying the bulkhead and electronic equipment.

"Barely enough for my teeth."

Aiwen played a trick, he blocked the entrance of the entertainment area, threw the rifle to Rex beside him, and took Gartley back into his hand.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Where the barrel of the rotating gun pointed, green blood holes burst out of all the soldiers and insects, and they staggered a few times before collapsing to the ground, seemingly dead.

Of course, the soldiers and insects were unwilling to be beaten passively, but when they faced Gatling, they were as brittle as tofu, and Aiwen beat them in seconds when they were about to charge forward.

"Eating grass alone at night, the more you eat, the more you will have!"

Seeing that the swarm of soldiers and insects was almost dead, Aiwen stopped and let out the hole in the closed door.

"If my stamina is stronger, I will also use Gatling."

Rex threw the rifle back to Aiwen, looking at the swarm of soldiers and insects that were completely crushed in front of him, his eyes were full of envy.

"Then you have to practice more."

Aiwen shrugged and fired at the remaining soldiers with his rifle, and other teammates followed suit.

After the entertainment area was cleaned up, the team did not stop, and entered the crew dormitory area behind the entertainment area.

There are more bugs in the dormitory area than in the entertainment area.

The soldiers and insects huddled together to cause destruction, and there were a large number of worker bees carrying corpses on the ground, and the large number completely blocked the passage of the dormitory area.

"Don't fire, draw them out!"

"Machine gunner ready, others retreat!"

Zarak raised his hand to signal the crowd to cease fire, and told the team to retreat a certain way.

If these bugs were just killed like this, the corpses of the bugs could completely block the way forward, and it would take them half an hour just to open the way.


Just this one meeting, the bugs in the dormitory area also reacted.

The worker bees slipped into the rooms on both sides of the aisle, while the soldiers rushed towards the crowd aggressively.

They have heat induction, but the material used in the starship is a special alloy, and the heat shielding and sound absorption are top-notch, so they only now find that humans are coming.

But it also makes them live a little longer.

What they were facing now was six heavy machine guns and a dozen rifles, and the combat area left for them was less than five meters wide.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by Zarak's cold drink, the rapid sound of machine guns rang out.

Green blood sprays exploded from the soldiers one after another, completely staining the entrance of the dormitory area with blood.

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