"It's a few hundred if you just brush it, it's not bad!"

Three minutes later.

Aiwen, who had seen the balance of life energy, let out a long sigh of relief.

A trip to the mall's event day cost him 120,000 life energy, and now he doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't spend more.

"Keep going!"

Zarak's voice sounded.

Aiwen calmed down and opened the way with several other machine gunners.

Behind the crew dormitory area is the command center of the battleship, which are the crew bridge and the cockpit.

The team members on the bridge can only be described as horrible.

The original rows of crew positions have now been flattened by soldiers and insects.

This is the case with soldiers and insects. They will attack the radio wave source first, and then destroy everything that can shine and light up, leaving only the final dead silence.

"Telepathy cow!"

While cooperating with his teammates to clean up the soldiers and insects, Aiwen's emphasis on telepathy has climbed several levels.

The telepathy at 13 o'clock made him a humanoid radar.

Although it is only a low allocation at present, he can continue to improve.

"Request.....support, z...cockpit."

Intermittent cries for help, mixed with the sound of electricity, sounded from the ceiling, and everyone also subconsciously accelerated the speed of cleaning up the soldiers and insects.

Then one soldier after another fell down, and the bridge finally became quiet.

Everyone moved away the corpses of soldiers and insects crowded on the road, and finally saw the cockpit area.

The cockpit was completely locked, the surface of the closed door was scratched badly by bugs, and even the sensors were blown, but it was still far from being breached.

"This is the first action team of the tough guy unit."

"The bugs outside the hatch have been cleaned up, please open the door and evacuate as soon as possible."

Zarak walked to the hatch and opened the small-scale communication channel.

The sensor system for closing the door was completely damaged, and even the cameras on the surrounding walls were scratched by soldiers and insects.

Therefore, the situation outside the hatch cannot be seen from the cockpit, so the range communication can only be risked.


After waiting for more than ten seconds, there was still no response from closing the door, so Zarak frowned and blasted upwards in shotgun mode.

"This is the first action team of the tough guy unit."

"The bugs outside the hatch have been cleaned up, please open the door and evacuate as soon as possible."


A small electric current exploded on the damaged wall sensor screen, and the closed door also rose up, but it got stuck when it was less than ten centimeters up, obviously the system was damaged.

"Rescue team, is that you?"

At this time, a clear female voice sounded in the cockpit.

"This is the first action team of the tough guy unit."

"The bugs outside the hatch have been cleaned up, please open the door and evacuate as soon as possible."

Zarak was extremely calm, still replying in a formulaic manner.

"The closed door system is damaged and we need to force it open."

"The First Action Team of the Tough Guy Force, thank you for your help. I am Major Amy Snape, Captain of the Aurora Ship."

The female voice said two more words, with a hint of relief in her tone.

"Welcome back, Major Snape."

"Get it done."

Zarak simply replied, and nodded to Aiwen and the others.

The machine gunners, including Aiwen and Rex, swarmed up and directly lifted the stuck closed door.

"Amy Snape?"

When she lifted the door, Aiwen was very surprised.

He is very familiar with this name, he has seen it in the CG of Traitor of Mars.

Amy Snape has been dubbed 'the smartest woman in the world' by the media.

When she was less than forty years old, she became the commander-in-chief of the Federation starship force, and she even had a high probability of becoming the head of the Federation.

At that time, even Johnny, Carl, and Carmen, the iron triangle combination of the protagonists of the original plot, had to obey the orders of Amy Snape.

The most exaggerated thing is that she is the same age as the original protagonist Iron Triangle, that is to say, she and Aiwen are also the same age.

An 18-year-old major, an 18-year-old captain of a battleship, this guy is not easy.

After lifting the closed door, Aiwen saw the scene in the cockpit.

In the cockpit of less than 30 square meters, there are 34 people crowded.

Among them, there were only five mobile infantrymen, and the rest were all crew members.

They looked very embarrassed, and many of them were wounded, obviously suffering a lot when the battleship crashed.

But it's better to suffer than to die.

Even for small battleships, the number of crew members is five hundred or more.

But now there are only so few people left. Even if the survivors in the second half of the hull are added, the total number of survivors will hardly exceed one hundred.

Aiwen immediately set her sights on Amy Snape.

There was only one major out of so many, and she was evidently the one.

Now Amy Snape looks like a cold and beautiful girl.

If he didn't have the eyes of God, it would be really hard for him to imagine.

A woman like this who can't find fault at all at the moment will actually become a crazy power holder in the later stage, and she will not hesitate to destroy a colonial star for power.

(Small revisions to the timeline and plot.)

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