Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 67: Kill The Cerebrates, Gain 100,000!

Run in the hive hole for about a minute.

Aiwen found the first soldier swarm.

They all retreated to the west in one brain, until Aiwen appeared, they gathered in a group and became vigilant, standing in place and staring at Aiwen.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Aiwen didn't have the idea of ​​confronting them at all, and the cross eye was opened and extinguished.

The two heavy machine guns fired continuously, and the large-caliber bullets they fired were like light bullets, blasting the soldiers and insects one after another.

"Give me death!"

Aiwen snorted coldly, and directly manipulated the mech to jump into the swarm.

With a flick of the AI ​​joystick, the pair of giant steel arms of the mecha stretched out, posing in a posture of opening its hands, and fired at the swarm from all directions.

The difference in combat power is so obvious. When there is no tank beetle, the soldier swarm is just a pile of moving tofu in front of the mecha, and you can handle it as you like.

This is the 'hit to death' tactic!

Seeing that they had no power to fight back, the soldiers and insects also wanted to hide, but found that they couldn't move their legs at all.

Because before they took a step, Aiwen punched several blood holes in them, and they didn't even react until they died.

Just ants!

This is Aiwen's evaluation of Swarm.

After finishing the group of soldiers and insects as quickly as possible, Aiwen rushed to the next cave.

I have to say that the treatment in the brain is great.

Wherever you go, you will be protected by countless soldiers and insects. When you travel, you will be carried by worker bees and insects, and there will be biological starships to sit on.

"Ho Ho!"

After killing all the way, Aiwen felt that he was very close to the brain worm.

The swarms of soldiers and insects encountered on the road are getting more and more crazy, and they will not choose to raise their heads and howl before attacking him.

Although he couldn't understand it, it probably meant something like: the two-legged worm is coming, the boss ran quickly.


Just when Aiwen was about to step into the next cave.

He felt his brain tighten, and a sentence appeared in his mind out of thin air.


With a serious face, Aiwen stepped into the cave slowly.

At the end of this cave, there is a huge natural cave, and there are countless fork holes in the cave, each of which is full of soldiers and insects.

The brain worm is now being carried by the worker bees, staying in a fork hole farthest from him, with his head facing him.


At this time, the voice of soldiers and insects sounded behind him.

You don't need to look back to know that he is now completely surrounded by soldiers and insects.

Cerebral worms are brain worms, ambush in front of the field, this is it!

However, this alone is not enough. The disparity in combat power cannot be made up by numbers.

"If you want to blame it, blame you for being too valuable!"

Aiwen took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and slowly raised the muzzle of the gun.

However, as soon as the mecha made a slight movement, the worker bees immediately retreated with the cerebrum on their backs, and the soldiers surrounded the cerebrum, leaving Aiwen with no attack vision.


At this time, the cerebrum activated its telepathy ability again, wanting to communicate with Aiwen.

"Peace is fine, come here, I won't hurt you."

Aiwen replied with telepathic ability, and at the same time calculated how to attack to get rid of the brain pressure as quickly as possible.

Of course he wouldn't believe the brain worm's nonsense.

You must know that the goal of the Arachnis Zerg is to destroy all human beings and rule the entire solar system.

The reason why the Cerebral Worm wants to negotiate now is because it senses that the situation is not good and wants to admit defeat and run for its life.

"Drop your arms.... peace comes..."

The cerebrate remained motionless and just continued to send telepathic calls to Aiwen.

"Okay, I'll put away my weapon now, don't come near me."

Aiwen narrowed his eyes slightly, put the heavy machine gun on the right hand of the mecha back and fixed it, and then slowly touched the large grenade gun.

It's a pity.

The Cerebral Worm is so smart, its position is very good, with the cave behind it and the shield of the Swarm of Soldiers in front of it, the muzzle of the gun cannot be aimed at it at all.

At this time, you can only come hard.

He must clean up the worm swarm here as quickly as possible, and then catch up with the brain worm before it retreats away, and blast its head.

next moment.


Aiwen quickly pulled out a large grenade gun and fired a shot at the area where the soldiers and insects were most dense.

Almost at the same time, the brain worm was carried into the cave by the worker bees, and quickly left the battlefield.

One person and one worm are all clear in their hearts, the telephony just now was just to give themselves a preparation time, this time only one of the two sides can survive.

After blasting the few remaining howitzers, Aiwen switched back to the heavy machine gun.

Two heavy machine guns fired simultaneously, one aimed at the swarm of soldiers and insects in the cave, and the other aimed at the swarm of soldiers and insects blocking his retreat.

After finishing off the swarm of soldiers behind him, Aiwen started to move forward.

There are too many soldiers and insects here, almost all of them are up, down, left, and right.

Wave after wave of the lower caves rushed out, and wave after wave of high-level caves jumped down, and the corpses were piled up in the caves into hills.

It is possible to finish the fight, but it will take a lot of time.

So he has to push forward and go directly to chase the brain worms. These soldiers can do whatever they like, and they can't catch up to him anyway.


Suddenly, both heavy machine guns jammed.

"System, use the ammunition source supplement package!"

Aiwen was taken aback, and subconsciously used the ammo source replenishment pack.

The ammunition source replenishment pack is also very powerful, directly filling up the mecha's ammunition, but I don't know how much ammunition source replenishment pack will be left after this time.

But the situation has reached this point, there is no need to think too much, anyway, life energy is enough, just buy it when it is used up.


Once the ammunition is full, Aiwen switches to a large grenade gun to open the way.

Regardless of whether they aimed at the target or not, there was a burst of bombardment towards the surrounding soldiers.

After firing all ten grenades, Aiwen controlled the mech to jump high, crossed the hill of worm corpses in a few steps, and rushed into the cave where the brain worm retreated.


Aiwen laughed, and no longer cared about the soldier worms following behind him, and started chasing the brain worm at full speed.

The speed of the worker bees carrying the brain worms is not slow, but the speed of the mecha is obviously faster.

We chased for about two minutes.

Aiwen finally caught up with the brain worm in a rock passage dug out by the soldier worm.

The Cerebral Worm is completely alone now, it arranged the army worm swarm in the previous ambush circle, and now it has been completely thrown away by Aiwen.

Right now, beside it, there are only a group of worker bees whose fighting power is not even 5.

The brain worm was carried westward by the worker bees, but its head was facing east.

With Aiwen's arrival, all the cerebrates saw it.

Because of close-range telepathy, Aiwen can even perceive the fear of the brain worm, and it is really scared to pee now.

"Goodbye, baby!"

Aiwen was so excited that he controlled the heavy machine gun to aim at the soldiers and insects, and a wave of explosive kills would come.


Suddenly, Aiwen's eyes froze, feeling an invisible impact hitting him.

The brain was shocked and painful, like a concussion, and the pain and pain made him almost measure it.

Before he could grit his teeth to gather his composure, there was a fishy-sweet smell in his nose, and the ringing in his ears was full of reverberating tinnitus. Combined with these feelings, he felt that he was going to pass out.


In a trance, Aiwen exerted all his strength and pressed the automatic mode on the AI ​​joystick.


The red light on the seat of the mecha lit up, and the mecha started to move by itself.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The two heavy machine guns opened fire with all their strength, and began to attack all life forms within the sensing range except the mecha user.

At this moment, Aiwen's eyes were clouded.

But he can also see the general shape of the object.

Under the automatic shooting of the mecha, the brain worm was directly smashed into a sieve, turning into a red and green meat ball, and the worker bees under it were not spared either.

Aiwen struggled to raise her head, thankful that she escaped.

Heart attack at close range!

He really doesn't remember that the cerebrum has this trick, maybe it didn't appear in the movie, or maybe he forgot.

Fortunately, his telepathy has 13 points.

As long as his telepathic resistance is weak, he (Wang Wang Zhao) will be instantly killed by the brain worm, and the cause of death is a brain burst.

Aiwen touched his head with lingering fear, then sat up straight.

Once the brain worm died, the mental shock disappeared, but he still felt a little dizzy, and acid water rushed to his throat.

As soon as her body recovered, Aiwen looked at the personal panel and the prompt page.

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Status: Sergeant of the Tough Guy Army.

Attributes: Strength 33, Spirit 33, Speed ​​33, Stamina 33, Energy 0

Skills: melee combat 8, gun use 9, starship driving 7, telepathy 13

Items: Individual Combat Mecha*1, Ammunition Source Supplementary Pack*1 (40%)

Life energy: 209830

Seeing the balance of life energy, he felt that this desperate effort was worth it.

The brain worm gave him 100,000 life energy!

Of the remaining 100,000 life energies, most of them are harvested from burning worm egg holes, and a small part is obtained by killing all the way.

And it's not over yet.

The life energy is still growing, it should be that the worm egg hole has not been burned clean.

After everything is over, his life energy should reach 210,000!

no surprise!

Horses don't have night grass and don't get fat, people don't have windfall and don't live rich!.

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