"Two hundred thousand!"

"I got rich overnight!"

Aiwen clenched her fists tightly, ecstatic in her heart.

Even if you don't wait for the shopping mall's event day, 200,000 life energy is a big number, and you can buy a lot of good things.

But hasty consumption is not acceptable, he thinks about it.

Of course not now.

The primary goal now is to clean up the bugs in the mountain and wipe out all the life energy that can be generated.

Then go back to Amy before she wakes up.

After a short rest, Aiwen controlled the mech to leave the cave and go to other caves that he hadn't gone through.

But before he set off, he gave himself a few injections and used explosives to build a tomb for the brain worm.

He was worried that the mental impact of the brain worm would hurt his body and mind, so he spent 1000 life energy to buy several healing needles with different effects.

Your body is your capital, and you must not be careless.

In the next half an hour, Aiwen shuttled through the mountain densely packed with wormholes, doing finishing work.

After all, this mountain is a nest of insects, and insects are indispensable.

It's just that after the death of the brain worm, the worms have no leader, and they all act on instinct.

The swarm dared to fight Aiwen, but once they were crushed by Aiwen, they all ran away in fright, causing Aiwen to run a few more steps.


After blowing up the last wormhole, Aiwen decided to go back the same way.

There are no large-scale insect swarms nearby, and it will only waste time and mech ammunition to continue brushing.

Think about it carefully, there is nothing painful about it.

The brain worms died, the swarms of soldiers and worms were cleaned up, and the worm corpse holes were also blown up, without leaving a trace, preventing all possible accidents 360.

"Done, get off work!"

After rethinking and confirming several times, Aiwen let out a long sigh of relief and walked towards the original double-layered cave.

When he was about to arrive, Aiwen listened to a shrimp on the body of a soldier bug.

After a few slight noises, more than a dozen large or small wounds appeared on Aiwen's body, and he turned into a half-blood man in no time.

These wounds have one thing in common, they are all just skin trauma.

It just looks serious, and it doesn't affect the action at all. With Aiwen's current physique, I'm afraid he can heal most of it after a night's sleep.

He's not a masochist, he's just a little cautious.

Think about it.

In the swarm of insects, Alves Ueda stood in front of Major Staple.

Sergeant Alves only had two guns in his hand at this moment, but he didn't flinch.

No one knew how tragic the battle was, only that when the two were rescued by the rescue team, Sergeant Alves was seriously injured and Major Snape was unscathed.

Maybe this is the mobile unit, maybe this is the soldier.

And then.....

【In order to commend Sergeant Alves for his bravery, the Federal Mobile Force Command decided to award him...】

【Shocked, the sergeant of the mobile unit actually did something to the beautiful major of the starship troop...】

【Unbelievable, the hero of the Federation really appeared...】

The gains may be more than that.

Maybe we should add a beautiful girl major.

Thinking of this, Aiwen shook his head and laughed.

He felt that he was a bit cloudy, not a good thing, and felt that this was human nature, after all, people have desires and pursuits.

He has already set his own path, as long as he wants it, he will get it at all costs.

Whether it is stealing or cheating, as long as it is a method that can achieve the goal and has no future troubles, it is a good method.

ten minutes later.

Aiwen returned to the double-decker cave.

Because of the previous explosion, the double-layer cave collapsed, and now the lower cave has been blocked by gravel.

But this is not a problem, and he doesn't have to dig it himself.

As soon as the mecha went up, in just two or three minutes, Aiwen dug a hole in the collapsed hole.

Then Aiwen climbed off the mecha and put the mecha back into the storage compartment.

His Gatling and ammunition barrel were hung on the sub-seat of the mecha, and were taken in together. At the same time, most of the rifle magazines on his body also entered the system space.

After a big battle, he has run out of ammunition and food!

Aiwen looked at his bloody body, nodded in satisfaction, and climbed into the cave along the gravel hole dug out by the mecha.

Amy is still in a coma, showing no signs of waking up.

Although he has gone through a great battle, if counting the time, the round trip may only take an hour, definitely no more than two hours.


Aiwen tried to call out, and even shook Amy.

However, Amy still didn't respond at all. It seems that there is still a long time before the tranquilizer fails.

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Status: Sergeant of the Tough Guy Army.

Attributes: Strength 33, Spirit 33, Speed ​​33, Stamina 33, Energy 0

Skills: melee combat 8, gun use 9, starship driving 7, telepathy 13

Items: Individual Combat Mecha*1, Ammunition Source Supplementary Pack*1(40%)(bhch)

Life energy: 223190

After looking at the panel, Aiwen didn't even think about it, and bought 500 needles of inhibitors directly.

After the end of the wave just now, the life energy exceeded 220,000.

The balance has stopped rising, indicating that the wormhole has been burned clean, and this number is the final number of this trip.

If you are satisfied, you don't want to, and you even want to punch the air a few times.

But now he is wounded and cannot make much movement.

After smearing some blood on Amy, Aiwen injected her with an inhibitor, and waited quietly for her to wake up.


After waiting for about a minute, Aiwen heard Amy's humming.

At this time, Aiwen gently sat next to Amy, and lit a cigarette in his mouth.

Amy opened her eyes in confusion, and saw that this was the cave when she entered the mountain, she shuddered suddenly, stood up from the ground immediately, raised her gun and looked around vigilantly.


Only then did she realize that she did not know when she fell asleep.

When she saw Aiwen sitting next to her covered in blood, the fear in her heart disappeared instantly, replaced by deep emotion.

She already had vague guesses in her mind.

When Aiwen ran with her in his arms, the bumps were severe, and she might have fallen asleep at that time.

If this is not the case, then something happened on the way and she fainted.

But anyway, there is only one ending.

Even if she fell into a coma, even if she became a complete burden, the man in front of him didn't give up on her.

Just looking at the injuries on Aiwen's body, you can tell what happened along the way.

"Aiwen, why did I faint just now?"

"I don't remember at all, did the bugs catch us?"

Looking at the embarrassing man sitting beside her, Amy felt her heart beating violently, and her admiration and admiration burst out vigorously, and they were extremely strong.

She must have this man!

"Sorry... I didn't realize you were awake."

"Don't worry, you just took a nap, nothing happened just now."

Aiwen raised her head 'stiffly', slowly exhaled a smoke ring, and smiled at Amy.

Hearing Aiwen's words, Amy was stunned.

This man is really cool, how can there be such a man in the world?

next moment.

Amy squatted in front of Aiwen, gently hugged Aiwen's neck, said nothing, and kissed Aiwen directly.

This time it took three minutes directly, and Amy didn't let go of Aiwen until she was almost out of breath.

"From now on, you are mine."

Amy looked at Aiwen affectionately and said seriously.

am i yours

Aiwen sounds a little weird, as if she was being manipulated by Amy...

"I am very honored."

In the state of 'serious injury', Aiwen nodded calmly and held Amy's hand.

Amy was overjoyed, but then felt distressed again, and asked softly: "Aiwen, how do you feel now?"

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"It's just some minor injuries, and the bleeding has already been injected."

Aiwen squeezed Amy's slender hand and comforted her softly.

Amy nodded, but her face was not very good-looking.

With so many wounds and so much blood flow, how could it be all right?

But right now there is no condition for treatment, so it is useless to say more, it is better to let Aiwen rest well and save some energy. .

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