"Alves, can you hear me?"

After resting for about ten minutes, Zalak's voice rang through the communicator.

"Sir, I can hear you."

"Major Snape and I are all right, we are in the cave where we first entered the mountain."

Aiwen pressed the communicator, and Zarak-reported.

"Very well, stay away from the landslide, we're almost there.


Aiwen responded with a sigh of relief.

The last time he spoke to Zarak was an hour and a half ago.

There was no call for such a long time, indicating that the large troops encountered trouble when they evacuated, and the trouble was not small, otherwise it would not take so much time.

However, Zalak's tone was relatively normal. There should be no casualties during the evacuation, but it took a long time.

"Aiwen, hold on a little longer, we'll be back soon!"

After the call on the scope channel ended, Amy was relieved, and the look in Aiwen's eyes was no longer so worried.

"Don't worry, I said it's just a minor injury."

Aiwen's face didn't change, but his heart was dark

That's right, after the wave of operations just now, Amy's favorability for him was directly full.

But he found a problem.

When chatting just now, he found that something was wrong with Amy.

Although Amy is very well-behaved, no matter in terms of words or actions, there is an extreme possessive desire for him.

Thinking of the future Amy in the original plot line, Aiwen suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and a picture emerged from his mind.

Amy killed Carmen, then drugged him, broke his limbs, kept him in a cage,

Never let her know about Carmen's existence!

"Aiwen, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Aiwen was in a daze, Amy asked softly, holding Aiwen's hand and gently squeezing it.


"I'm just guessing when they're going to arrive."

Amy's voice was nice, as mellow and clear as an oriole, but Aiwen shivered and shook his head to dispel the picture in his mind.

"The distance won't be very far, Major Zarak just used range communication.

"We still have time before they come here, and the rest of their lives deserve a little more celebration."

Amy didn't care about the blood on Aiwen's body at all, she sat directly on Aiwen's lap, then slowly raised her head and closed her eyes.

Facing the beautiful girl's request for a kiss, Aiwen couldn't refuse at all, so she lowered her head and kissed her.

But in the process, he confirmed one thing.

Amy's psychology must be more or less a problem.

There is nothing wrong with getting close, but the time and place are wrong. Amy didn't think about whether she could leave here safely later, and her mind was full of how to love him.

If it weren't for the many wounds on his body, he felt that it was impossible for him to be bitten open. Amy might have pushed him to the ground and ate him directly.

Although he enjoys it, he only has a sense of satisfaction and no sense of accomplishment.

Obviously he is the bad guy!


The two hugged and gnawed for a few more minutes, until there was a muffled sound in the distance, and then they separated their mouths.

"They should be here."

Amy licked her lips, and caressed Aiwen's face with her slender hands, as if she still had something to say.

"Let's go."

Aiwen took Amy off her lap and led Amy towards the direction of the explosion.

The savior is here!

He really has nothing to say to Amy, and he really loves to play.

After several rounds of gnawing, Amy bit his tongue and lip.

There was nothing in her mouth except the smell of blood, but Amy gnawed it with relish, which was really a bit scary.

"Alves, can you hear me?"

After walking a few steps, Ai heard Rex's anxious voice.

"I'm here." Hearing the little brother's voice, Aiwen replied loudly.

A few seconds after he finished speaking, several people ran out from the corner of the cave at the end, Rex, Gotuo, Master, Phoebe...

These buddies have a good relationship with him, and they play together during the break time.

"Alves, my brother!"

"It's great that you're okay, I'm really sorry, I really didn't mean to!"

Rex was the most excited, he directly came up and hugged Aiwen, patted Aiwen on the shoulder heavily, and said something Aiwen couldn't understand.


Aiwen was stunned, not knowing why Rex wanted to apologize.

"Let him go, Sergeant!"

At this moment, Amy's cold drink sounded.

Although she was speaking to Rex, Master Gotuo and the others stood upright, because they saw Amy's face turned cold, and there was even murderous look in her eyes.

"Major Snape!"

Rex only noticed Amy at this time, and quickly stood at attention and saluted.


"He has injuries, you'd better not hug him, not recently."

Amy nodded slightly with a sullen face, and when she turned her face to Aiwen, a beautiful smile appeared on her face again, and she put her hand in Aiwen.

Aiwen felt bitter in her heart, just being hugged by her buddies, can this blow hair?

Still underestimated Amy's possessiveness.

Seeing Amy pull Aiwen's hand, Rex and others all understood.

Several people looked at each other, the corners of their mouths raised together, and then they blinked wildly at Aiwen.

Because Amy is a major, they didn't dare to make fun of it, but Aiwen still saw two words from their expressions and eyes.

...asking for flowers...


Among several people, Rex was in the best mood.

He thought he killed Aiwen, but Aiwen is still alive now, and he really met this beautiful girl major, so he felt a little better about his self-blame.

"Don't be dazed, what about the others?"

Facing the admiring gazes of his buddies, Aiwen asked with a smile.

"It's all in the back, we are the pioneers." After the master finished speaking, as if he remembered something again, he couldn't help but mention: "Originally, we could have rescued you by electricity.

"What happened?"

Aiwen remembered the previous question, what kind of troubles did they encounter that made them come so late?

"The bugs are crazy!"

"An hour ago, we found the opening out of the mountain, but it was full of bugs."

"It's not just us who want to run out, bugs are also running out, there are soldier bugs, worker bee bugs, tank beetles, and even giant plasma bugs.


"They were on a high, it was crazy, I thought we were dead."

"Get to the point!"

After listening to the master talk for a while, Amy couldn't help interrupting.

The master calmed down his excitement, and quickly said: "We both want to evacuate this mountain with the worm swarm, we gave way to the worm swarm, and we didn't have a chance to rescue you until now.

"An hour ago..."

Aiwen nodded thoughtfully, that time was in his mind.

He probably understood that because of his massacre and the death of the brain worm, those low-intelligence worms were frightened, so they all evacuated the mountain.

Bugs don't know what revenge is.

When brain worms are alive, they can obediently obey orders.

But after the brain worms die, they will act according to their instinctive emotions, they will go up if they feel able to fight, and they will run away if they feel scared.

But this is not important, as long as there are no casualties in the team.

After a brief chat, Rex escorted Aiwen and Amy to the exit.


After walking around a few corners, Aiwen saw a large army, led by Zarak, guarding a gap in the mountain that was blown out.

"Well done, Lieutenant Alves."

His eyes swept over Aiwen and Amy in turn, and Zalak nodded calmly.

"Sir, I'm a sergeant."

Aiwen was overjoyed, and answered with a loud voice at attention.

Although Zalak's expression and tone did not change, he still sensed the old professor's concern.

"It was before." Zara walked up to Aiwen, stretched out the index finger of his mechanical left arm and pointed it at Aiwen's heart, "A second lagging behind is not allowed, understand?"

"Understood, sir!"

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