With Qi Xueqin, Qin Mu drove all the way towards the Côte d'Azur Hotel.

This Côte d'Azur hotel is a five-star hotel, because it is close to the coast and has the most beautiful sea view in the whole of the magic capital, and there are many rich people who come to stay here every day.

Zhou Jun was able to hold a class reunion in this kind of hotel, and it could also be seen that he did mix much better than before.


Just when Qin Mu and his group were about to rush towards the hotel.

At this time, in the hotel, Zhou Jun, who looked quite handsome in a suit, had a bit of spring breeze on his face.

He wasn't a particularly famous character in school before.

But I didn't expect that after leaving school, it didn't take long for him to mix so well.

"Zhou Jun, I really didn't expect it, you

are now millions a year!" "

Moreover, that Starry Sky Enterprise has just recently entered the magic capital, basically everyone knows that this Starry Sky Enterprise will do a lot of work in the magic capital

!" "Your future development prospects are very good!"

Next to Zhou Jun, a doglegged man with a sycophantic smile on his face turned to Zhou Jundao.

Zhou Jun's face was a little proud, where had he experienced such a life before.

"Don't worry, when I develop, your benefits will be indispensable!" "

Then I will thank Boss Zhou a lot then!"

said the dogleg again.

"By the way, there are also Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin who participated in the party this time!" "

I heard that Qi Xueqin has been a little close to Qin Mu recently!"

Zhou Jun's face changed slightly.

In fact, no one else knows what Zhou Jun's purpose is in holding this class reunion this time?

Many people think that Zhou Jun is pretending to be forced and to show off.

His purpose was just to prove himself in front of Qi Xueqin.

Before in school, Zhou Jun spent a lot of thought in order to pursue Qi Xueqin, and his family conditions were quite okay.

But I didn't expect that Qi Xueqin didn't look at him squarely in the four years of college, and more importantly, listening to Qi Xueqin's best roommate break the news, this Qi Xueqin seemed to be a little interesting to Qin Mu.

At least every time Qin Mu made a movement, she would take a look.

It was precisely at this point that Zhou Jun's opinion of Qin Mu was also very large.

"I didn't expect these two people to come, it's good to come, then don't blame me for being unkind!"

Zhou Jun sneered.

The dogleg next to him immediately understood what Zhou Jun meant, and nodded slightly.


Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin didn't know this, and their figures soon came to the Côte d'Azur Hotel.

When I first arrived there, a figure on the upper floor of the hotel hurriedly ran towards this side.

"President Qin!" As

soon as he saw Qin Mu, the man in the suit had a respectful look on his face.

"You are?"

Qin Mu wondered.

He had just arrived here, why did the man in front of him come to the door?

"I am the person in charge of the Côte d'Azur, when

President Qin bought the hotel before, the previous owner of the hotel specially explained to me, and in addition to President Qin's cars are all top sports cars!" "You only need to pay a little attention in the magic capital to

know!" "So, I asked the security guard to enter President Qin's car in advance, and as soon as you came to the hotel, I would know!"

The middle-aged man had a look of humility on his face.

He was very clear about Qin Mu's identity, and he didn't dare to make the slightest mistake in front of Qin Mu.

Qin Mu nodded slightly.

"I don't know what President Qin came here for today, I have prepared the information about the hotel!"

said the middle-aged man respectfully.

His name is Jiang Yang, and he has been in this hotel for a long time.

And Qin Mu let people investigate before, this Jiang Yang and Wang Hao are completely two different types of people.

Because Wang Hao's previous investment company, the original boss invested a lot, so he did not have the time and energy to take care of that company.

But this hotel is different, his original boss spent a lot of effort on the hotel, so the control of the hotel and the employment standards are very strict.

Jiang Yang can kill among so many job seekers, and he is a person who can have both character and ability.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Mu was still relatively at ease with him.

"I'm here for the party, so you don't need to care about my side to work on your own!"

"Understand, boss, this is my business card, you can find me at any time if you have something!" At

this time, Jiang Yang handed his business card to Qin Mu, and he did not have Qin Mu's phone number, so he could only use this way.

"I see!" Qin

Mu nodded slightly and put away the business card.

Qi Xueqin next to him was stunned.

This hotel is also Qin Mu's.

No wonder when Qin Mu heard the Azure Coast Hotel before, his expression was a little strange!

With Qi Xueqin, the two of them walked towards the hotel.

And just when he entered the lobby, a figure looked towards him a little surprised.

"Qin Mu!" Qin

Mu's eyes looked towards the other party, and he found a small fat man with a flat hair combed and a woman with heavy makeup walking towards this side.

Ren Chengkai!

Qin Mu's college classmates before, this guy's family conditions are quite good, it seems that his parents are worth more than 100 million very early.

It is precisely because of this that when he was in school before, he had always been on his toes and did not pay attention to anyone.

He and Qin Mu have no hatred, but because of the large gap in identity, the relationship between the two has always been relatively ordinary.

And now, his eyes looked at Qin Mu, especially when he saw that Qi Xueqin and Qin Mu were so close, those little eyes narrowed slightly.

It can be seen that he is a little dissatisfied with Qin Mu.

"I didn't see it! In the past few years after graduation, you have mixed

up with the school flowers!" "

What's the matter, what kind of big boss is the company now! It shouldn't be cheap to raise a school flower!"

asked Ren Chengkaipi with a smile.

Qi Xueqin's face immediately had a hint of anger.

Although her current expenses are indeed Qin Mu's responsibility.

But she also has dignity, what does this Ren Chengkai mean, he actually said that he was raised by someone at the beginning.

Isn't that a little too much.

"I'm just an unemployed vagrant, and now the school flower is raising me, I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for so many years, and your mouth is still as poisonous as ever!" Qin

Mu's face had some smiles, and his eyes were a little indifferent.

Ren Chengkai's face changed slightly.

He didn't expect Qin Mu to be so bold and dare to talk to himself like this.

It seems that after not seeing him for a few years, Qin Mu is a little more arrogant than before.

"It's a little interesting, but it's okay, it's all in the magic capital anyway, and we are playing slowly when we have the opportunity!" Ren

Chengkai smiled a little, then straightened his clothes and walked towards the front.

Qin Mu's eyes also glanced at him, and the corners of his mouth were a little indifferent.

Sure enough

, people you hate in school,

you still hate after you leave school!

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