Not long after taking the elevator, the figures of several people came to the agreed position of the box.

When they first arrived there, Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin both saw that Zhou Jun seemed to be clashing with someone.

After the man was knocked to the ground by Zhou Jun's punch, his face was a little angry, but he seemed to know that he was not Zhou Jun's opponent, and he clenched his fist, as if he planned to leave.

And the figures of Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin just walked towards this side.

When he saw the two, Zhou Jun sorted out his clothes, and there was a bit of a smile on his face, but when he saw Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin so close, there was obviously a hint of gloom in his eyes.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, come and come, we haven't seen each other for four or five years, but today is a senior's treat, Qi Xueqin, you seem to be more beautiful than before!"

Zhou Jun's gaze looked at Qi Xueqin and said with a smile on his face.

I don't know, I thought how familiar Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin were with him!

The young man who had just been knocked to the ground by Zhou Jun looked at Qin Mu with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Qin Ye!

He actually came, and he was still so familiar with Zhou Jun.

For a moment, his heart trembled slightly, and his figure hurriedly left.

Qin Mu did not notice this scene because his line of sight was basically blocked by Zhou Jun.

"Zhou Jun, what was the situation you had just now, how did you start beating people decently?"

asked Ren Chengkai, who was standing next to him, with a bit of a smile.

"It's not a fool yet, he doesn't walk with long eyes, he was cleaned up by me, there's no need to worry, I know the manager of this hotel, if he dares to come over and look for trouble, I will directly find someone to drive him out!"

said Zhou Jun in a rather large tone.

Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin smiled slightly, and did not say anything more.

"Take a walk, advanced box, you don't know how difficult this Azure Coast box is, I spent a lot of effort to book it here before!"

said Zhou Jun as he walked towards the front.

I don't know, I thought he had a lot of skills.

Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin's faces were indifferent, and in their eyes, this was not worth mentioning at all.

After entering the box, many people's eyes looked towards this side.

They were all classmates from the previous school.

Some people have changed quite a lot.

When their eyes looked at Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin, they were slightly surprised, because anyone with discerning eyes could see that the identities of Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin seemed to be a little ambiguous.

"Zhou Jun, you can be regarded as coming, I heard before that you are now working in Starry Sky Enterprise, there are millions

a year!" "What is this, Zhou Jun is now not only a bull mixed by himself, but also a good brother, the new director of the marketing department of Yinmu Group, the salary alone is five or six million a year, and there is a market share!"

Don't you know that Silverwood Group has assets of more than 100 billion, such a large enterprise, just one project may be more than a billion yuan, so his brother is an existence with an annual income of more than 10 million

!" "Moreover, people are only thirty-two years old!"

"It's not me who said, isn't your Zhou family a little too powerful, how come everything good is taken up by you?"

Many people said as soon as they saw Zhou Jun, but the praise in the words was obvious.

Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin did not speak, they just quietly looked at Zhou Jun and these guys present.

For them, such commercial touting is really not interesting at all.

"It's all luck, this time I gathered everyone over, I also hope to get together with my old classmates, and everyone can cooperate when they have the opportunity in the future!"

said Zhou Jun with a smile.


That's right, we are all small troubles in the magic capital now, and it is not bad to be able to earn hundreds of thousands a year, compared to Zhou Jun, it is far worse!"

Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin both had some helplessness.

People change.

People who used to be in the school with high eyes and low hands have now become so powerful, and a set of flattering rhetoric is so clear and vulgar.

It can be seen that almost every single one of them has been beaten in society.

Zhou Jun's face also had some smug looks.

His eyes looked towards Qi Xueqin and Qin Mu from time to time, and it was obvious that he just wanted Qi Xueqin to see what a stupid decision it was to reject himself in the first place.

And that's not the end of the story.

At this time, several figures outside the box walked in.

At the head was a man wearing colorful clothes with some tattoos, followed by a young man who had clashed with Zhou Jun before.

When they entered the box, the faces of the people in the box changed slightly.

"Is there something wrong with you?" When

Zhou Jun saw these people, he was a little jealous.

These people are people who are walking in society, and more importantly, being able to walk in society and come to eat on such occasions must be some famous existence on the road.

Ordinary punks don't have this ability.

"Hello, my name is He Tao, I am the owner of Xincheng KTV, my son accidentally bumped into you before, I specially came over to apologize

!" "I hope you adults don't remember villains!"


He Tao entered the private room, his eyes looked at Qin Mu who was sitting on the side, and his figure trembled slightly.

Qin Ye

, this is a big man in the magic capital,

I really didn't expect his son to provoke his friends.

Although he knows that it is the other party's wrong, but in this society, there is no right or wrong, only win or lose, he is not Qin Mu's opponent, even if Qin Mu's friend is wrong first, he must apologize.

"The boss of Xincheng KTV!" Zhou

Jun's face changed.


know, the new city KTV is not far from here, and almost everyone knows that this new city KTV is connected with Vienna.

Who doesn't know how Vienna got its fortune, and it can have a relationship with the magic capital Vienna, and it goes without saying how powerful the boss of this new city KTV is.


people on this kind of aisle often do not follow the rules at all.

Even if you are worth tens of billions, if you really make him unhappy, he can still find someone to get you.

So when he appeared, Zhou Jun and the others were a little frightened in their hearts.

He already knew that the one who clashed with him just now was the son of the boss of Xincheng KTV, and he absolutely did not dare to make a move with the other party.

Because even if he is several million a year, there are still many gaps in front of this kind of boss.

What Zhou Jun didn't expect was that such a character came to the box to personally apologize to him!

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