He Tao still had a humble smile on his face.

The person in this box is Qin Ye, such a character, he can't afford to provoke, and this is Qin Ye's old classmate, his own son provokes this kind of character,

isn't that looking for death?

The young man behind He Tao was a little unconvinced in his heart, but at this time he also had to relent, came to Zhou Jun, and said with an apologetic face.

"I didn't know your identity just now, I bumped into you, I hope you adults don't remember villains!" Zhou

Jun was still stunned at this time.

However, the other party apologized so much, he naturally couldn't pursue it too much, and for a moment he recalled his brother before and told him that he would make some big moves next.

It is possible that his strength in the magic capital will improve a lot, could it be because of this matter?

Zhou Jun had some trepidation in his heart, but he didn't expect that he could mix so well one day.

"You didn't mean it, this matter is so settled, but it's not an example!"

Zhou Jun waved his hand and said with dignity.

"Thank you brother, I will pay for all your consumption here today!"

said He Tao gratefully.

His eyes glanced at Qin Mu next to him again, and when he saw that he didn't have any blame looks, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

If Qin Ye was angry, then he would be finished.

He Tao's son also looked at Qin Mu, and after making sure that he was okay, he was also secretly relieved.

Originally thought that he was just bullied by a nameless junior, but he didn't expect it to be Qin Ye's friend, then even if the other party did something wrong, he could only admit it.

"Okay, I'll accept your kindness!" Zhou

Jun's face was full of pride.

He Tao's father and son surrendered one after another, and then left the box.

After they left, another series of exclamations came from the box.

"Zhou Jun, you are too powerful!" "

The boss of Xincheng KTV actually came to you personally to apologize, you are too strong

!" "Awesome!"


Many students in the box looked at this side, and when they looked at Zhou Jun, they obviously had admiration.

Who doesn't know what kind of character the boss in the new city KTV is.

Such a character, even if it is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, may not be able to make him give face.

Just now, it was clear that Zhou Jun bullied his son, but he didn't expect that he took the initiative to come over and apologize to Zhou Jun.

How much energy is this to be able to do this.

It is precisely because of this that everyone present knows that Zhou Jun is definitely a very awesome existence.

Qi Xueqin naturally noticed He Tao's eyes just now, and she vaguely felt that these things were not so simple.

And at this time, two figures outside the box walked towards the inside again.

It was two waiters, and they were holding two bottles of wine.

"Hello, this is what our manager asked us to send over, I hope you have a happy party today!"

the waiter put down the

red wine in his hand and said respectfully.

"Lying groove, royal salute, it's still ninety-three years!" "

Oh my God, this bottle of wine costs tens of thousands!" "What tens of thousands

, this wine has been treasured, and now there are at least a hundred thousand bottles on the market."

"What was sent by the manager, did they send it by mistake?" "

What was sent wrong, didn't you see the waiter come in, did you specifically look at Zhou Jun?

Many people present were shocked again, and their eyes were about to fall out.

Being able to let the manager of this kind of hotel personally deliver wine, Zhou Jun's identity is definitely not simple.

Zhou Jun was also a little confused.

He didn't even know what was going on.

For a moment, I felt that his brother must be mixing well in the magic capital, otherwise, how could so many people respect him so much?"

Zhou Jun said modestly.

Zhou Jun, don't be modest, I haven't seen you for a few years, I didn't expect you to be so present!"

said one person respectfully.

Some people next to them also echoed.

This is not a skill that ordinary people can have, Zhou Jun can do this step, he is indeed very powerful.

Zhou Jun was also a little embarrassed, but because of the successive things, the confidence in his heart was obviously much stronger than before.

It turns out that the feeling of strength is so cool, he has to talk to his brother after returning home today.

Accidentally, he turned out to be so awesome.

I didn't even know.

When Ren Chengkai looked at Zhou Jun, he was also a little more jealous at this time.

Being able to make two big people give face, Zhou Jun's energy is definitely not simple.

"Come to Zhou Jun, I toast you, I can't imagine that after so many years of separation, you have mixed up to this point

!" "Good to say!"


Jun's face also had some respect, and it could be seen that he also had the idea of making friends with this rich second generation.

Many students toasted at this time.

However, at this time, Ren Chengkai's face was a little sneering, and his eyes suddenly looked towards Qin Mu.

I think everyone is okay with mixing now, even if it is bad, there are two or three hundred thousand a year, but I heard that

some people!" "It seems that some people were still delivering food some time ago!"

When these words fell, many people's eyes were looking towards Qin Mu.

Everyone naturally knew that Ren Chengkai was talking about Qin Mu.

Although Qin Mu pretended to be forced in the group of classmates before, what strength Qin Mu has, no one knows, in addition to so many years after graduation, except for a few people who will look at the group of classmates, who else will look at the group of classmates!

"Delivering food, that's a little chilly, after all, it's a college student, how did it fall to this

point!" "Qin Mu, are you delivering takeaways, then you have to toast Mr. Zhou, just now you also saw, Mr. Zhou is not generally good now, looking back Mr. Zhou is happy, maybe he will arrange a job for you!" "

Qin Mu, weren't you very good in school before?" Now it seems that he is still with the school flower, why is he still delivering takeaway!"


Many students' eyes were towards Qin Mu, and there was obviously some contempt in the eyes of some of the more powerful people.

"You guys are almost done, even if Qin Mu is not very good now, but he is our classmate after all, just come out for a meal, what about you?"

At this time, a slightly chubby boy said, he was Qin Mu's friend before, and the relationship between the two at school was good.

Although after leaving school, there is less contact with each other, but they are still familiar with each other.

"Zheng Xuankai, what do you mean? We are also kind, what kind of society is now, a lot of mixing is not good, where are there so many excuses!"

"In addition, let President Zhou find him a job, isn't that lifting him?

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