I remember that before you were in our class, so many girls chased you, you didn't even fancy any of them!"

Before he was still squeezing out who squeezed out his finale show, but after seeing Qin Mu, his heart was not so angry.

Even if he blocked his promotion path, he must cherish the friendship of that year!

Such a person is much stronger than he thought.

Just now, when I saw you come over, your face was a little wrong, what happened?"

asked Qin Mu a little puzzled.

"It's okay, I was really in a bad mood, but after seeing you, it's nothing!"

said Li Liang with a smile.

Sister Zhao quietly breathed a sigh of relief next to her.

Li Liang did not continue to pursue, otherwise, she would not know how to end.

It was she who took the lead in asking Qin Mu for help.

Now, Li Liang actually found someone, which if Qin Mu was really angry.

She didn't even know what to do!

"It's okay, let's come out and get together when we have time!"

said Qin Mu with a smile.

He knows that Li Liang is a scholar-level figure, such a person should not be bad in the company, if he can win over, he will definitely become more sure in attacking the Starry Sky Enterprise in the future.

For Qin Mu today, if he can master more high-level or core figures of the Starry Sky Enterprise, then his future strength will be even stronger.


Lee nodded.

While the two were talking, the program at the dinner slowly began at this moment.

The first show was a singing performance, as if it was a high-ranking member of the Silverwood Group, singing on the stage.

Her singing voice is quite pleasant.

It immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The rehearsal of the general program is like this, the opening program, must be interesting, so the opening program, and the closing program, are often quite exciting.

After the singing performance, there were several more wonderful programs.

I have to say that a large enterprise such as Silverwood Group has indeed gathered a lot of talents in society, and various performances are dazzling.

After Qin Mu and Li Liang chatted for almost half an hour, Li Liang returned to the backstage, because he was going to take the stage soon after.

And just when the penultimate show was on stage, a figure with several bodyguards arrived at this time.

If Qin Mu saw him, he would definitely recognize it at a glance, it was Nanfeng.

Because today is the first day he took over Silverwood Enterprise.

The reason why the company held such an event was solely to make him appear.

Many people know that Young Master Nanfeng will show up today.

It is precisely because of this that many people are waiting with their heads held high.

After Nanfeng's figure came, he directly entered the VIP room.

His eyes looked at everyone on the stage, with a bit of indifference in his eyes.

"There don't seem to be any beautiful women in this Yinmu Group!"

said Nanfeng as he ate the grapes and said to the people around him.

"There must be some beautiful women, but if you want to compare Miss Liu's stunning appearance, you will definitely not find it in such a company!"

replied respectfully by a person next to him.

"Liu Ruoxue that guy, I don't know what I'm thinking about every day, I have such a high status in the country of the stick, she doesn't even follow me, and she still wants to follow Qin Mu's guy!"

"Even Qin Mu has a certain power in the devil, but so what?" "

Even if a person is rich, can he still compete with the chaebols?"


was some coldness in Nanfeng's eyes.

Liu Ruoxue's attitude towards him made him very unhappy.

I obviously already have this kind of value.

But Liu Ruoxue still ignored her.

Yunteng Group is very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in the eyes of the chaebols, it is just Erle.

Because every country has a very top company.

And the chaebols are not something that every country can have.

"Young Master, with your status, you really don't need to love a flower with unrequited love

!" "Liu Ruoxue is a woman like her, missing you is her loss

!" "Moreover!" "

Our side only needs to put pressure on the Yunteng Group, I believe that Liu Zhengguo obediently gave your daughter to you!"

You know, that guy from Liu Zhengguo values interests very much!"

the other person said.

The people who can be around Nanfeng are all his cronies, and naturally no matter what Nanfeng says, they will echo it.

"Stupid, then Qin Mu doesn't know what means to use, he abruptly acquired the shares of Yunteng Group, although this guy Liu Zhengguo is a guy who puts interests first

!" "But he is not a fool!" "

Qin Mu's identity is also not simple, at least his influence in Shenzhou is not simple, and this guy is a shareholder of Yunteng Group!"

"He has the right to interfere with the operation of the Magic Capital Branch, if Liu Zhengguo really sends Liu Ruoxue to me, then he will have to face the fragmentation of the Magic Capital Branch

of the Yunteng Group!" "At that time, he will lose at least tens of billions, and the shares of the entire Yunteng Company will decline rapidly

!" "There is a saying in Shenzhou, the county official is better to manage

now!" "Qin Mu is in this situation now!"

Nanfeng saw these things very thoroughly, and it seemed that Qin Mu did not seem to have anything remarkable.

But he controls the shares of Yunteng Company, which is the most deadly.


a company has shareholders who split from within, even if there is more external support, there will be problems.


Qin Mu's power in Shenzhou is not a minority.

If you really annoy him.

It is inevitable that Yunteng Company will be affected to a certain extent.

If it were something else, maybe he wouldn't care too much, but when faced with this kind of thing.

He was still very smart, and

others didn't know what to say at this time.

To be honest,

this guy named Qin Mu is really a weird and unpredictable person.

What's more, his information was not available at all.

That's the weirdest thing.

This is also the protection measure of the system for Qin Mu.

If everyone wanted to investigate Qin Mu's information, they would be hindered to a certain extent.

Or a sudden car accident, causing amnesia.

Otherwise, the system files are lost, anyway, if you want to investigate Qin Mu clearly, it is definitely a very difficult thing.

So far,

Nanfeng only knew that Qin Mu's identity was not simple, but who was this guy?

His subordinates didn't know how much effort they had spent to investigate Qin Mu, but the results of the investigation always seemed to be a bit unsatisfactory!

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