Just when Nan Feng was thinking about this in his heart and figuring out Qin Mu's identity.

At this time, Li Liang's program slowly ended on the stage.

Qin Mu's figure slowly stepped onto the stage.

And when Qin Mu had just taken the stage, the entire venue seemed to be quieter for a moment.

Before Qin Mu hid in the crowd and stood in a relatively hidden corner, some people still did not notice Qin Mu.

And at this time, when Qin Mu came to power, basically everyone saw Qin Mu's appearance.


! It's really handsome!

It's handsome to the extreme.

Moreover, Qin Mu held the microphone in his hand, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

At this moment,

a national idol seemed to be born.

Qin Mu didn't want to be so high-profile.

But he knew that the south wind would come tonight.

He also wanted Nanfeng to see that his company, the finale show turned out to be an opponent performing.

What will be the idea in the mind.

As for whether this matter will implicate Sister Zhao.

Qin Mu was not worried at all, because it was impossible for Nanfeng to anger Sister Zhao.

He will only come to his own trouble.

How can the contest between big people affect small people.

Nanfeng's figure sat in the VIP room, his eyes looking at Qin Mu on the platform.

For a moment, his eyes were a little gloomy.

"It's kind of interesting, I didn't expect him to come!" "

This is specially made for me!"

said Nanfeng softly.

"Young Master, isn't this Qin Mu a little too bold and actually appearing directly on our territory!"

"How about we take this opportunity to clean

him up?" said a person next to him.

"No, this guy dares to be so fearless, he must be prepared, and he just came to our company to perform a show, if we really trouble him, it will fall into the tongue

!" I have to say that this guy Qin Mu is very smart!"

said Nan Feng in a low voice.

He knew very well what Qin Mu meant.

If he really went forward to find Qin Mu's trouble at this time, it was estimated that his negative news would appear in the newspaper of the magic capital the next day.

The young master of a certain stick country, because of a personal grudge, maliciously attacked Mr. Qin at the venue.

By that time, his reputation would be ruined.

Even if he asked his subordinates to go over, Qin Mu could use the media to stir up trouble.

That's the deal between the top powers.

Today's Nanfeng did not dare to easily trouble Qin Mu.

Because it's passive.

And after Qin Mu performed this time, his appearance and voice must be easy to spread on the Internet.

Because at this time, Nanfeng has seen that many employees of Silverwood Group are taking pictures and then uploading them to the Internet.

With the transmission of information on the Internet today, Qin Mu is such a character that is unforgettable at a glance.

It is estimated that it will become popular in an instant.

Qin Mu has almost all the characteristics of Internet celebrities.

Such a person, just need to appear on the network, it is impossible not to be famous.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Mu only needs to push a little behind his back, and everyone in the magic capital knows that the party of the Yinmu Group, Qin Mu has become the finale.

When this information is revealed, some high-ranking figures are expected to misunderstand some of Nanfeng's behaviors and practices.

Mr. Qin is not an enemy of Starry Sky Enterprise at all, they are friends.

After all, things in the mall change rapidly.

A lot of things, not what you can imagine.

Just when Nan Feng's eyes were gloomy, Qin Mu had already begun to sing on the stage.

He sings a long-established song, Princess.

If Qin Mu in the past would definitely not be able to sing that feeling.

But at this time, Qin Muyuan originally sang that feeling.

Many people are a little stupid

! This Qin Mu

! is also too strong!

Why is there such a powerful man in this world?

Qin Mu didn't care too much about the cheers below, and when he was singing, his eyes looked towards the stage not far away.

He knew that there was a pair of eyes in the VIP room that kept staring at him.


Mu's singing voice continued to flow above the venue.

Some girls' eyes seemed to have the shape of a heart at this moment.

Qin Mu! It's so charming!

And Qin Mu

didn't exert his full strength.

After singing a song, Qin Mu's figure slowly stepped down.

At this time, screams continued to come from the venue.


Handsome guy contact me, you can do whatever you want!" "


Women are like crazy at this time.

There will indeed be a little madness.

Qin Mu's appearance and voice are too charming.

And just when Qin Mu's side was stepping down, a figure actually walked towards this side.

When this figure appeared, the female colleague, who had originally fallen into madness, slowly regained some sanity.

That figure soon came to Qin Mu.

"Mr. Qin, I haven't seen you for a long time!" "

I didn't expect that you would show up at my company's party, which really surprised me!"

Before, when he knew that Qin Mu had become the finale, he had some thoughts in his heart, and he knew that Qin Mu's appearance this time must have his purpose.

No matter what, Nanfeng couldn't let Qin Mu's scheme succeed.

When top-level business bosses fight, basically every move is fatal.

"No way, such a big group as the Yinmu Group should have been eaten by the Yunteng Group!" "

But suddenly something inexplicable appeared, how can I let it go easily?"

asked Qin Mu with a smile.

Nan Feng's eyes were slightly cold, and he knew that Qin Mu had come to find fault.

"If you want to find trouble with our company, I will accompany you at any time, but I tell you, our Starry Sky Enterprise is not so easy to deal with

!" "We secretly helped you get the Yinmu Group out, which in itself is already a great help, if you don't know how to be evil! I don't mind teaching you some lessons!"

Qin Mu's eyes looked at him.

"Young Master Nanfeng can really laugh, what did you chaebols do in private, don't you count?" "

It was you who controlled some politicians of the Mei Kingdom, and then constantly put pressure on the dwarf country, so you have reached today's situation, right

!" "Of course, I, Qin Mu, have a feud with Shangcun, because this guy almost wanted to kill me, and it is natural that I want to fight back!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"If you know this, then be honest!" "

Don't look at what you are, you even want to fight with the chaebols of

our stick country!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that our stick country not only wants to annex the Yinmu Group, but also needs to carry out big tasks in the magic capital, you Shenzhou dogs, when the time comes, give our stick country a good job..."

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