At this time, a man in a white coat walked in outside.

His eyes looked at Li Liang and also expressed deep sympathy, and the hospital knew the situation of Li Liang's mother.

But the rules of the hospital are the rules, and no one is an exception.

"Mr. Li Liang, you have also understood your mother's situation, her life expectancy is up to three months, if there is still no way to find a suitable heart, then there is no way for our side!"

The doctor looked at Li Liangdao.

"I know!"

Li Liang nodded slightly, and his heart was also desperate.

It's not just a matter of finding a heart, it's also a question of money, and even if you find a heart, so what?

Is he rich?

The answer is no.

A heart operation requires a minimum of several million, and if you haven't had that much debt before, it's definitely no problem!


He already owes so much money now, where to get millions?

Li Liang's heart was very desperate, looking at his mother who was still unconscious on the hospital bed and had a thin body, Li Liang's fists were clenched.

He was a one-meter-eight boy who silently left tears at this time.

At this time, a figure in the ward quickly walked in.

His eyes glanced at Li Liang and exhaled softly.

"I have already found the source of his mother's heart, and I can send it in three days at most!"

"As for the issue of money, I have just paid five million to your hospital, not only can I pay off the money I owed before, but it is also enough for the operation fee, let the attending doctor of your hospital prepare!"

Qin Mu said directly to the doctor next to him.

The doctor's face changed slightly, at first he thought who was talking nonsense, but when he saw Qin Mu's figure, his face changed slightly.

Qin Mu has an extraordinary temperament, and he is dressed in at least a hundred thousand.

What's more, a watch in this guy's hand turned out to be worth tens of millions.

The doctor is also a person with a bit of knowledge, and naturally knows at a glance that Qin Mu is definitely not a simple character.

It was precisely because of this that he nodded repeatedly: "I'll arrange it right away!"

After that, his figure walked outside.

At this time, a nurse walked towards him, and it turned out to be real.

Qin Mu called the hospital five million just now.

One shot is five million!

This young man is not simple!

After the doctor left, there were several small nurses who kept looking to this side.

Qin Mu's appearance is too high.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he made many people look sideways.

The little nurse in charge of paying the fee almost didn't faint when she saw Qin Mu.

Boys with super good looks always have a special charm on them.

"Qin Mu!"

Li Liang's eyes looked towards Qin Mu, and there was a bit of incredulity in his eyes.

He never thought that Qin Mu would appear at this time.


There is no need for him to make such jokes with himself.

He saved his mother's life!

It is also equivalent to saving your own life.

"I overheard about you, and then inquired about it, but I didn't expect to find a suitable source of heart, more words, no need to say, the main thing is to ensure the body of the aunt!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

Li Liang had no way to refuse, and he couldn't refuse.

How did he refuse?

Say that you don't need Qin Mu's help to watch your mother die?

He is a filial son himself, and even if he wants his life, he will save his mother.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Li Liang's voice became a little choked.

Under Qin Mu's gaze, he actually wanted to kneel to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu stepped forward and hurriedly helped him up.

"There is no need, and I have a purpose!"

Qin Mudao.

"For what purpose?"

Li Liang was stunned.

He also knew that there could be no free lunch in this world.

Qin Mu must have helped himself so much for a reason.

And, the mother's life is greater than everything!

For Li Liang, as long as he can keep his mother alive, he can really do anything.

It was precisely because of this that no matter what Qin Mu asked, as long as he could do it, he would be willing.

"Help me do things!"

Qin Mudao.


Li Liang immediately agreed.

To work for Qin Mu, Li Liang is a hundred willing.

"Don't promise so quickly, there are some things I need to explain to you clearly!"

Qin Mu explained.

"You say!"

Li Liang said.

"You have been in the Silverwood Group, you should know some things that happened in the Silverwood Group before, right?"

Qin Mu asked.


Lee nodded.

"I made these things, and I intend to take advantage of this time to acquire the Silverwood Group, so that my assets can grow a lot!"

"But what I didn't expect was that this starry sky enterprise actually brought me a mantis cicada catcher, and the yellow finch was behind!"

"It is precisely because of this that my previous plan was completely frustrated, this time I brought down the Yinmu Group, not only did not get benefits, but was targeted by the people on the side of the dwarf country!"

"This is a lot of trouble for me!"

"And I'm not the Lord who swallows his anger!"

"The group of bastards of the Starry Sky Enterprise swallowed up my loot, how could I easily let them go!"


Qin Mu was silent for a moment, and then looked at Li Liang.

"You want me to be your inner ghost!"

Li Liang also understood what Qin Mu meant at this time, and said it directly.

"That's right!"

Qin Mu nodded.

Li Liang was silent for a moment, and then looked at his mother lying on the hospital bed, and he nodded slightly.


His mother taught him that integrity is needed to be human.

To do so is against his character!

But after all, he saved his mother's life.

At such times, he had to bow his head.

"You don't need to feel uncomfortable, you shouldn't know about the plan of the Stick Country this time!"

Qin Mu said with a slight smile.

He knew that for Li Liang, a person who was very honest in his own right, to become an inner ghost, there would definitely be some psychological burden for him.

Qin Mu decided to help him remove the psychological burden.

"What plan?"

"Did you see the video of Nanfeng on the Internet before?"

Qin Mu asked.


"In fact, it is roughly the same, their purpose is to take root in the magic capital, and then turn Shenzhou into a money-making machine for their country!"

"This time they will make such a big move, the purpose is to be able to continuously suck blood from the magic capital!"

"You are also from Shenzhou, you should know that national righteousness is greater than everything! Even if your mother wakes up at this time, she wants you to do it! Qin

Mu said.

Li Liang's eyes looked at Qin Mu, although Qin Mu's words were a little out of his own personal interests, but he was right.

If the starry sky enterprise takes root in the magic capital, then the magic capital will become the golden stone of the starry sky enterprise.

At that time, a lot of money would flow abroad, which was not what he wanted to see.

Personal interests, compared with national interests, the gap between them is indeed too large.

And also!

As can be seen from the previous video, Nanfeng is extremely disgusting, if he really takes root in the magic capital, it is estimated that many inferior products will appear, then the harm to the people of the magic capital, and even the people of Shenzhou, is terrifying.

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