"I know what to do!"

There was some determination in Li Liang's eyes.

He was also a patriot.

These money were earned by Qin Mu, and it was better than being earned by foreigners.

There was a little smile on Qin Mu's face, he knew that at this time, Li Liang still knew how to deal with it.

"I'll contact you then, don't worry about your mother's affairs, I promise she's okay!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

He had used divination to divinate the source of Li Liang's mother's heart before, and he had already asked Huang Wei to help contact him when he came.

So, there will be absolutely no problem with this.

Li Li nodded, and after staying for a while, Qin Mu's figure left.

Almost an hour later, Qin Mu came to Financial Street.

While sitting in his office, Qin Mu's eyes slowly looked ahead, and he knew that this starry sky enterprise he was bound to bring down.

But how to take it down, it still takes some planning.

After resting for a while, Qin Mu locked the office door and cut off both his mobile phone and the office phone at the same time.

At this time, he slowly closed his eyes.

Strange handprints appeared in Qin Mu's hands, and after a while, Qin Mu's eyes slowly opened, and at this time there was obviously some weakness on his face.

This kind of divination is indeed very powerful, but the side effects are also obvious.

Every time it takes a lot of Qin Mu's essence.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Mu did not dare to use it frequently.


It is the foundation of human survival, and every minute and second of the essence will be consumed.


Essence Qi is also divided into Essence Qi and Essence Qi consumed daily.

The stronger a person's essence, the longer your lifespan will be, and the better your physical fitness will be.

The essence consumed daily can be recovered after a sleep.

Qin Mu possessed god-level divination, so most of the divination he consumed was the essence needed for daily life.

It was precisely because of this that after Qin Mu's every divination, he only needed to rest more.

And some particularly serious things, Qin Mu will consume the essence of life.

In less than an extraordinary period, Qin Mu did not want to do this.


The pressure brought to him by this was great, and it was extremely difficult to replenish the essence of life.

If it weren't for the necessity, who would want to joke with their lives.

"I didn't expect that this Starry Sky Enterprise's next plan was so perfect!"

At this time, Qin Mu said softly.

Just now, he passed the god-level divination technique and perfectly calculated the next plan of the Starry Sky Enterprise.

The next Starry Sky Enterprise will buy a piece of land in a suburban location in the magic capital.

This land is more than 10,000 acres.

After this land is purchased, Starry Sky Enterprise will issue some reports, and then find some well-known enterprises in the magic capital to invest.

Build a new business mecca.


I don't know where Starry Sky Enterprise got the news, and near that commercial street, there will be a university town!

This is a horrible business that can promote the land hundreds of times.

Everyone knows that a university can feed hundreds of businesses around.

In this case, this area is intentionally drained.

In less than a few years, the profits of this place invested by Starry Sky Enterprise have increased at least hundreds of times.

Because a piece of wasteland, even if it is tens of thousands of acres, it only needs a billion at most to buy it.

And if because of the development, in addition to the construction of a university town, the value of this land will skyrocket.

That is to say, he is not in a billion-dollar business.


Hundreds of billions of business.

University town!

The reason why it is called a university town shows that it is several universities together, not a single university.

In the future, even if nothing is done, the flow of people there will reach tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Such a flow of people, no matter what they do, can make money.

I have to say that Starry Sky Enterprise's move is quite good.

They should have been paying attention to everything on this side of the magic capital very early, otherwise, they would not have been able to control such hidden intelligence just after entering the magic capital.

Qin Mu slowly stood up, he opened the office door, and then the mobile phone and office phone were turned on.

Unexpectedly, he already knew the next plan of Starry Sky Enterprise, and his side naturally needed a comprehensive deployment.

"Miss Liu, do you have time to come over for tea!"

With some smiles on his face, Qin Mu dialed Liu Ruoxue's phone.

"You must have something to do with me, I will be there immediately, during this time, the stock of our Yunteng Group has risen a lot, because you put Downs in our company!"

"Everyone knows what kind of character Downs is, as soon as he came over, he suddenly made our company's stock soar!"

Liu Ruoxue said to Qin Mu on the phone.

"So, I'm making money again!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"That's a must!"

Liu Ruoxue responded.

"Okay, then I'm giving you another surprise, but this matter not only needs to be handled by you, but also your father, I hope he can personally participate!"

Qin Mu said again.

"I still need my dad involved, what's so serious?"

Liu Ruoxue was a little puzzled.

Her current strength can be grasped even if it is a project of tens of billions.

Qin Mu was so cautious and still needed her father's participation, which made Liu Ruoxue quite strange.

"You'll know when you come over!"

Qin Mudao.

"Okay, I'll contact my dad now!"

Liu Ruoxue Road.

After speaking, the two hung up the phone, Liu Ruoxue took out the mobile phone at this time, and she directly dialed Liu Zhengguo's phone number.

"Hey, father!"

"Is there something going on?"

Liu Zhengguo had just returned from a meeting and received a call from his daughter, and he had some doubts.

"Qin Mu said that he wants to see you, there is a big deal!"

"I'll go to the magic capital right away, two hours at most!"

Liu Zhengguo said immediately.

Before, he wanted to see Qin Mu, but because he was too busy, and now Qin Mu offered to meet Qin Mu no matter what happened.

This is a strange person.

His means, Liu Zhengguo is very well understood.


Liu Ruobing hung up the phone at this time, and then quickly drove towards the financial street where Qin Mu was.

She was very curious in her heart, what kind of big project could make Qin Mu so excited, even her father invited him.

And after Qin Mu hung up the phone, he dialed it out again, this time it was to Cao Zhenguo, this time things were not so easy.

Starry Sky Enterprise was laid out in the magic capital a few years ago, and if you can't prepare it properly, it's hard to eat this project completely!

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