"That's right, three hundred million, I love antiques very much like Mr. Nan Chen, and Mr. Nan Chen can deliberately spend 100 million to buy 80 million things, to show his love for Shenzhou and support for charity!"

"As a Shenzhou person, I definitely can't admit defeat in this area!"

"So I thought about it, two or three hundred million is not much, then just buy something and come over to play!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

When these words fell, many people's eyes fell on Qin Mu.

"I can't imagine that Mr. Qin is so arrogant, saying that the people of Shenzhou are generous, and our people really can't match this!"

Nan Chen sighed, but there was a bit of gloom in his eyes.

Almost all the limelight was stolen by Qin Mu.

"You are really right about this, after all, we in Shenzhou do things relatively brightly, some mantis catchers and yellow finches in the back, Shenzhou people still don't do very much!"

"If you want something, you can fight for it openly, engage in some small actions, and it is often easy to lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot, right? Mr. Nan Chen!

Qin Mu smiled slightly, looked at Nan Chen and asked.

Nan Chen's fist clenched slightly, and there was obviously some dissatisfaction in the depths of his eyes, but there was still a faint smile on his face.

"Mr. Qin is right, but there is an ancient saying in Shenzhou, those who can live there!"

"There are some things that need to be handled by competent people, which is the best!"

"I don't agree with this sentence, if it is all according to Mr. Nan Chen's meaning, will there be fewer capable people in our Shenzhou?"

"If there are really capable people living there, do you think the forces you are in can still exist?"

"Shenzhou is a country that pays attention to etiquette, and there is a saying above, a gentleman loves money and has a way!"

Qin Mu said with a slight smile.

Although the two did not speak too sharply, the sharp competition between them was extremely obvious, and there seemed to be sparks constantly flickering in the air.

"It's really worthy of Mr. Qin, the words that come out, one by one, but we are not a small country, and this is just a charity party, there is no need to involve things internationally!"

Nan Chen said with a slight smile.

Qin Mu nodded slightly, and did not say anything.

Liu Ruoxue next to her had a faint smile on her face, and she knew very well in her heart that Nan Chen wanted to borrow a hundred million limelight and turn her reputation around.

But Qin Mu directly used three hundred million, and he showed more patriotism, so that the one hundred million before Nan Chen was not so important.

After Qin Mu finished the price, none of the people present competed with Qin Mu.

"Congratulations to Mr. Qin, you got a blood jade wrench!"

The host had some smiles on his face, and it didn't take long for a waiter to send Qin Mu's wrench that Qin Mu had auctioned off.

Qin Mu swiped the card directly, and then held the wrench in his hand.

It is worthy of being made of meteorite, and there is a cold feeling in the hand, and Qin Mu's mood seems to have become a lot more comfortable.

"You are really rich, three hundred million were thrown out like this, but by you tossing it like this, Nan Chen's previous idea of wanting to be in the limelight also failed!"

"He himself wants to buy 80 million things with 100 million, and then make a good name for himself, everyone present basically knows, but they won't say it directly, because they will also give Nan Chen some face!"

"However, it just took 20 million to make one or two hundred million effects, and everyone will be a little unhappy to see such a thing!"

"The money didn't cost much, but the words are beautiful!"

"I smashed 300 million here, on the one hand, to suppress Nan Chen, and on the other hand, to let these people present remember me, so that our development in the magic capital will definitely go a lot smoothly in the future!"

Qin Mudao.

"You're smart!"

Liu Ruoxue nodded slightly, she could also feel the cleverness of Qin Mu's method.

"It's just that he treats his body with his human ways, this guy eats the Yinmu Group, how can I make him eat comfortably?"

Qin Mu said indifferently.

Liu Ruoxue nodded slightly, she was also very concerned about this matter.

"This, send you!"

Qin Mu handed the wrench in his hand to Liu Ruoxue.

"Send me?"

Liu Ruoxue was a little surprised, this thing was bought by Qin Mu for 300 million, so he gave it to himself casually?

For a moment, Liu Ruoxue's heartbeat accelerated significantly.

"This thing is too cool for me to bring, it was brought for Empress Dowager Cixi before, indicating that it is suitable for girls, so you bring it suitably!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"But it's too precious!"

Liu Ruoxue hurriedly said.

"Nothing precious, let you hold what you want!"

Qin Mu didn't think so, for him, three hundred million was not even comparable to the income of two or three days, and he and Liu Ruoxue were so familiar with each other, it was not a big deal to give it to her.

Just the money Liu Ruoxue helped him earn, I don't know that there are billions, and the house in the Wanghai Community was directly given to him by Liu Ruoxue.

Li Shang exchanged, Qin Mu still knew.

"Thank you!"

Liu Ruoxue's face turned slightly red, and she didn't know why her heartbeat became so rapid at this moment.

Qin Mu's eyes were still looking at the auction items displayed on the stage, as if he hadn't noticed Liu Ruoxue's thoughts at all.

As time passed, the auction items on the stage were bought one by one.

Nan Chen's face has been a little ugly since he was suppressed by Qin Mu before, he knows the relationship between himself and Qin Mu, but it is impossible for the two to directly conflict head-on.

However, he was suppressed by Qin Mu several times in succession, and his heart was also very unhappy.

"Are you ready for donations? I don't believe that this Qin Mu really doesn't put money in his eyes!

Nan Chen asked to one of his subordinates next to him.

"It's ready, we can donate up to one billion this time, and I passed with the chairman, and he can also give us some additional channels, and then it won't cost so much money at all!"

The subordinate whispered to Nan Chen.

"Okay, then we will donate a billion yuan, but the chairman of the side, you communicate with him more, see if there is a way for us to spend a little less, but beat the fame out!"

Nan Chen said again.


The man nodded, and then walked to the side.

Qin Mu and these people didn't know that even charitable donations would have insider information.

If they knew, it is estimated that they would be particularly unhappy in their hearts.

After all!

People are real money to be able to have fame, these guys, actually secretly play some means, which is not fair to those present.

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