"Qin Mu, how much money do you think Nan Chen will come up with this time?"

Liu Ruoxue asked Qin Mu in a low voice at this time.

"I don't know, but there should be a lot, his purpose this time is to make a name for himself, if the donation is too small, it is estimated that the effect is not very large!"

Qin Mudao.

"In this way, whether he is an enemy or not, donating money to charity is to benefit our Shenzhou!"

Liu Ruoxue nodded slightly.


Qin Mu exhaled lightly, but I don't know why he always had some uneasiness in his heart, which was also some of the effects brought by god-level divination!

Even if Qin Mu did not deliberately perform divination, he would have some perception of some things that were about to happen around him.

In his heart, he always felt that Nan Chen would not be so honest in donating money.

"Ding! is issuing a system task, forcing Nan Chen to hand over a billion donations, the task is completed, and the treasure eye is obtained!

A systematic voice sounded in Qin Mu's mind.

Qin Mu was slightly stunned.

The system actually issued the task at this time.

The feeling of nothingness before became clear in an instant.

However, in order to ensure that things were foolproof, Qin Mu still used god-level divination to divination.

It didn't take long for Qin Mu's eyes to be slightly cold.

This Nan Chen is really not ordinary disgusting, he actually secretly colluded with the chairman of this party, although he publicly donated a billion yuan.

But in fact, it is only given tens of millions.

In doing so, he gained fame and spent only a small amount of money.

Such tactics are truly outrageous.

"I originally thought that this guy would be more or less generous for the sake of the Starry Sky Group, but what I didn't expect was that he turned out to be such a color!"

Qin Mu exhaled lightly, and for a moment there was some cruelty in his eyes.

If this Nan Chen did such a thing, then don't blame him for being unkind.

Almost half an hour later, the charity auction ended.

After the host spoke on the stage for a while, he said to the people present: "The next step is to make charitable donations!"

"We will all hand over these donations to the Hope Project everywhere, and I hope everyone can donate enthusiastically!"

"Ten million!"

After the host's introduction, a rich businessman said directly.

"Thirty million!"

"Twenty million!"

"Fifty million!"

Many people shouted one after another, although they are very rich, but some people do not have a lot of cash flow in their hands, and it is not easy to come up with tens of millions.

"Dongcheng Enterprise, one hundred million!"

At this time, the owner of a well-known business held up a sign.

"Thank you Dongcheng Enterprise Boss!"

The host said excitedly.

"Fruitful enterprise, one point and five billion!"

Another humanity.

"Thank you Shuoguo Enterprise Boss, our entrepreneurs in Modu really think about the country and repay the country all the time!"

"On behalf of the students of Hope Primary School everywhere, I thank you!"

The host said with emotion.

"Huafeng Group, three hundred million!"

And humane.

These really rich businessmen are really not ambiguous at all.

At this time, Nan Chen smiled slightly, and then raised the sign in his hand!

"Starry Sky Enterprise Ten Billion!"

When these words fell, the scene was much quieter.

Ten billion!

Some bosses here are worth only tens of billions, and for many enterprises, it is indeed a lot of pressure to directly take out a billion yuan.

"Starry Sky Enterprise, one billion billion!"

The host's eyes were a little excited at this moment, and then he shouted to the people in the audience very excitedly.

"Thank you, Mr. Nan Chen, on behalf of everyone at this charity conference, I would like to express my highest gratitude to you!"

"Supporting welfare has always been a tradition in our baseball country, and I have always felt that both companies and people have to do something good for society!"

Nan Chen had some smile on his face, and then said.


Quite a few people applauded!

The host also applauded at this time, with some admiration on his face.

That's a good point.

"Qin Mu, two hundred million!"

At this moment, Qin Mu said lightly.

Nan Chen's limelight was crushed in an instant.

Many people present were a little surprised.

Twenty billion!

They all know that Qin Mu has money, but these two hundred million are real money, just donate it like this, Qin Mu is too rich!

"Two hundred million! Mr. Qin, did you donate in your personal name? After

hesitating, the host looked at Qin Mu and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course!"

Qin Mu nodded slightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

The host bows directly at this time.

Two billion donations, which is definitely a lot of money.

"Moreover, I heard that because of the huge amount of each donation, there were several times after the money for charitable donations left the venue, and it was not recovered for a long time, I wonder if this thing is true?"

Qin Mu asked with a smile.

"There is such a thing, but most of them will make up the donated money, after all, there are people with heads and faces, but sometimes anything can happen when doing business outside!"

"We at the Cross Society will also understand that as long as the donor really wants to do good, we will fully support it!"

The host explained with a smile.

"Indeed, I understand, but I also don't want someone to deliberately drill holes in this way, for the sake of good reputation, but I don't want to give money, and in the end!"

Qin Mu said again.

"Then Mr. Qin, what do you mean?"

"I think it's a charitable donation, then the money should be settled on the spot, and the bosses present are all bosses with heads and faces, this money should be taken out, how do you feel?"

Qin Mu asked with a smile.

"This turned out to be Mr. Qin's proposal, and our side naturally supports it!"

The host said.

"But it's just tens of millions of donations, and my side also agrees with Mr. Qin's proposal!"

"That's right, if you actually plan to donate money, then don't delay, drag it to the back, who knows what will happen to the development of the company, it turns out that you decided to donate money, then settle it on the spot!"

"I can swipe the card directly from here!"

Many people nodded, because some such things had indeed happened before.

Some companies promised to donate, but after leaving the party, because some time had passed, the company was not doing very well, and the money was not donated, although the cross would erase his name.


During that time, they were still very beautiful, and it felt as if they had donated money.

"If that's the case, then I will come first, two billion my side directly swipe the card!"

Qin Mu had some smiles on his face, and when he spoke, his eyes glanced towards Nan Chen.

At this time, Nan Chen's face directly darkened!

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