Qin Mu's words were not wrong at all.

With his current strength, there is absolutely no problem with the company in his hands.

Kamimura Haruki's face was embarrassed, he really didn't expect Qin Mu to have such a means.

"If you say more, I don't want to say, according to what you just said, hand over the equity in your hand!"

Qin Mu said indifferently.

"Qin Mu, do you really want to kill them all?"

Haruki Uemura asked with an embarrassed face.

"I'm going to kill it all?"

Qin Mu's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It seems that since just now, you have been making trouble with me!"

"Okay, I can give you the equity, but Qin Mu, don't think that you have some skills, you can be rampant, the Yinmu Group is not so easy to deal with!"

"In the future, you may pay a terrible price because of your current wrong choices!"

Haruki Uemura said coldly.

At this time, Qin Mu asked the lawyer to prepare the equity transfer document.

Uemura Haruki's face was extremely ugly, but he still signed the transfer document, and from his handwriting, you can see how much his heart rises and falls.

Qin Mu sneered, this Shangmura Chunmu, really stealing chickens can't erode rice.

But for this kind of person, Qin Mu would not show mercy at all.

After signing, Haruki Uemura slammed the door directly, and everyone who knew him knew that he must have been blown up at this time.

After Qin Mu glanced at the equity transfer document, and then looked at the group on the board of directors, his eyes were indifferent, and his tone was a little cold.

"Now, do any of you have any doubts?"

"You can directly bring it up, because I won't be in the company often in the future, but the decision I proposed, I don't want anyone to object, in addition, this company belongs to me Qin Mu!"

"I can't let it fall into a difficult situation for development, if you don't believe me Qin Mu, I can now buy your shares at a price that exceeds thirty percent of the market price!"

"This sentence is always valid!"

"Also, our company doesn't need waste, if you think you have a little equity in your hands, you can keep eating and waiting for death!" Then I tell you, this kind of thing will never happen on my Qin Mu's side!"

Qin Mu's tone was indifferent.

His strong attitude suddenly made everyone present feel a little afraid of Qin Mu.

How strong is this to dare to say such words.

"Chairman, don't be angry, from now on, whatever you say, we will do it!"

"That's right, the chairman is young, and Blue Bird Airlines can be led by someone like you, and it will definitely be able to rise step by step!"

"Before, we didn't know the chairman!"


Many people said at this time, and it could be seen that they were really in awe of Qin Mu now.

Qin Mu withdrew the oppression on his body, "In this case, I will lay out the next plan, as well as some preliminary ideas for the company!" "


Just when Qin Mu integrated Bluebird Airlines and planned to rectify some departments of the company.

On the other side, the chairman's office of the Silverwood Group.

Miyamoto Yamada looked at the news from his subordinates, and his face was extremely ugly.

"This Qin Mu is really ruthless!"

The dwarf man who came to deliver the news next to him did not dare to speak, and at this time, a figure walked towards the office.

Haruki Uemura.

He is a nobleman of the dwarf country and has an extraordinary status, so he will not be too respectful in the face of Miyamoto Yamada.

"Miyamoto-kun, I'm pitted!"

Haruki Uemura directly to Miyamoto Yamada Road.

"What do you mean?"

Miyamoto Yamada wondered.

"Just now, I originally wanted Qin Mu to resume cooperation with our Yinmu Group, but I didn't expect that Qin Mu actually used a trap on me, not only refused my request, but also took away all the equity in my hand!"

"Now my value has shrunk directly, and some of the projects I invested in before still need capital investment, and in this case, I will become a poor egg!"

Haruki Uemura's face had a look of frustration, and he could see that he was in pain.

"How so?"

Miyamoto Yamada's face changed, the equity in the hands of Haruki Uemura is a very important thing, although there is no management right, it can affect Bluebird Airlines to a certain extent, and now the equity is gone.

"Qin Mu, that guy is too insidious!"

"I really didn't expect him to arrange such a big trap for me, when I was on the board before..."

Uemura Haruki repeated the previous incident.

Miyamoto Yamada's eyes contracted, this Qin Mu is really not an ordinary powerful.

Such means can be used.

"This Qin Mu, as Young Master Nanfeng said before, is not a person to deal with!"

"What's more, we are now being eaten to death by him, if it goes on like this, the development of our Yinmu Group in the magic capital will only become more and more difficult!"

Miyamoto Yamada said with a solemn face.

"That's right, the preferential policies that Bluebird Company brought us before did help us a lot of things, but now all of these things are gone, when we cooperate with some companies, the other party is estimated to be not so cheerful, do you think we should find other airlines to help?"

Haruki Uemura asked.

"Difficult, difficult, before the Blue Bird Company because it has its own waterway, plus their company's market share is not very high, now under Qin Mu's operation, the market share of Blue Bird Airlines will definitely increase significantly!"

"In addition, such a company, strong refusal to cooperate with our company, more or less will have some impact on our company!"

"It looks like we can only think of other ways!"

"Also, this matter needs to be reported to Young Master Nan Chen, after all, he is the decision-maker now!"

Miyamoto Yamada Road.


Uemura Haruki Road.

Not long after his figure left, soon the news reached Nan Chen's ears, and at this time, he was still troubled by the affairs of the university town.

Didn't expect that!

Qin Mu actually used this method again, this Qin Mu is really not a guy who makes people worry.


After Qin Mu handled everything in Bluebird Airlines, his figure left, the specific project of the company was still handed over to Yu Qi, he was able to manage the company so well, Qin Mu still believed in the ability.

"Hey, Qin Mu, where are you now?"

The phone was connected, and it was Qi Xueqin who called.

It seems that the development of Leiming Technology Company is quite good, so Qi Xueqin's tone is also a little excited.

"I'm outside, but I'm already busy, do you want to eat together in the evening?"

Qin Mu asked with a smile.

"Naturally, I just happened to report to you the release results of the new software, which will definitely satisfy you!"

Qi Xueqin said quite happily.

"Okay, then we will meet at the Xiaoyu Wei Hotel, I saw it on the Internet some time ago, and I heard that this hotel is quite good!"

Qin Mudao.

"Yes!" Qi Xueqin responded, and then hung up the phone.


Qin Mu drove the car, and it didn't take long for him to come to the door of this Xiaoyuwei Hotel.

The size of this hotel is not very large, about a few hundred square meters, the interior is very stylishly decorated, and the accommodation here is a bit similar to a homestay.

Therefore, this hotel, although it does not meet the standards of five-star hotels, but there are still many people who come to stay.

Qin Mu's figure walked inside, but when he just entered it, Qin Mu unexpectedly met a rather familiar person.

After the man saw Qin Mu, there was also a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Mr. Qin!"

As soon as he saw Qin Mu, he hurriedly said.

"Zhou Jun! You were discharged so quickly?

Qin Mu recognized the person in front of him at a glance as Zhou Jun, and not far from him, Zhou Hai was sitting on the sofa, and at this time Zhou Hai also noticed Qin Mu's figure, and he hurriedly got up and walked towards Qin Mu.

"Mr. Zhou!"

He was in awe of Qin Mu.

"I'm just here to eat, there's no need to be too restrained!"

Qin Mu waved his hand.

"Does Mr. Qin need me to arrange a private room for you?"

Zhou Hai asked.

"No need, you guys go get busy! I still have something! Qin

Mu said.

The two nodded and watched Qin Mu leave.

Qin Mu was a little embarrassed, and these two seemed to be a little too afraid of themselves.

After booking a private room, because Qin Mu is not a guy with poor money, he directly booked the best private room.

This private room has a view of the sea, and the indoor environment is quite elegant, sitting in it is like being in a paradise, just walking in will have a sense of tranquility.

Qin Mu simply looked at the menu, ordered a few things he liked to eat, and then handed them to the waiter, and Qi Xueqin arrived just in time at this time.

She came to the private room and saw Qin Mu with a faint smile on her face.

"I just ordered a few okay side dishes, you can order the main course!"

Qin Mudao.


Qi Xueqin nodded, and then looked at the menu, looking at the delicacies on it, Qi Xueqin simply asked for a few signature dishes.

The waiter left quickly.

Qi Xueqin put a document in front of Qin Mu at this time.

"Qin Mu, take a look, this is the data after our software is listed, it is simply amazing! This data is absolutely beating 80% of the software on the market!

"Moreover, our software has a lot of room for development, and there are many industries that can radiate in the future, and I feel that we are going to get rich!"

Qi Xueqin said excitedly.

"Aren't we already rich?"

Qin Mu quipped.

Qi Xueqin stuck out his tongue, "The first time I made so much money, I kind of forgot!"

Qin Mu smiled slightly, and then briefly chatted with Qi Xueqin about some related things, and Qi Xueqin also gave Qin Mu answers.

And while the two were chatting.


The private room door was suddenly pushed open.

I only saw a woman's figure staggering towards this side.

"Save me, save me quickly!"

The woman's body had a strange scent, and her clothes were disheveled, and she looked like she had been drugged.

At this time, several tattoos on his body, and rather arrogant-looking figures rushed in.

After they came in, their eyes fell directly on the woman.

"I don't know if I am dead or alive, but my boss dares to escape, I am not a little bold!"

The leader of the big Chinese scolded indifferently.

At this time, the woman's figure had already come to Qin Mu, as if grasping the last straw, and begged Qin Mu.

"Save, save me!"

Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin saw her appearance clearly at this time, and their faces changed for a while.

It turned out to be her.

The woman in front of her was their college classmate, and she was also a school-flower-level existence back then.

However, she did exceptionally well academically, and was sent abroad as an exchange student within the second year, and she has rarely been seen since.

"Stinky boy is less nosy, and our affairs are not something you can manage!"

At this time, the big han came towards this side, and he pulled the woman to leave.

And at this time, Qin Mu suddenly moved.


The figure of the big man was beaten by Qin Mu and retreated one after another.

At this time, Qin Mu's figure rushed out a few steps forward one after another, and he quickly stretched out his hand, like a wild dragon going out to sea, and bombarded several people next to him fiercely one after another.

Bang bang!

These people were sent flying out as if they had been beaten.

And they all have a painful look on their faces.

None of them expected that Qin Mu's move was so ruthless, and Qin Mu's skill was too fast, they didn't see it clearly at all.

Qi Xueqin's beautiful eyes were also a little happy.

No matter when she saw Qin Mu so majestic, she always had some pride in her heart.

"Get out of here for me, I guaranteed this woman, if you are not convinced, you can let your boss come to me!"

Qin Mu's tone was indifferent.

"Boy, you wait, our boss is not so easy to provoke!"

The big man at the head, with a bit of pain on his face, covered his chest and left quickly with his subordinates.

And Qin Mu was just about to close the door of the private room, and within a few minutes, a somewhat arrogant voice came.

"Where did the things come from, I don't know if they are dead or alive, even my Second Master Sun's subordinates dare to fight, my Second Master Sun's people dare to rob it, I think this guy is really tired of living!"

At this time, a man wearing a colorful shirt, a somewhat thin figure, holding two walnuts in his hand, and a somewhat gloomy face walked towards this side with a group of people.

When many people around saw this scene, they all retreated one after another.

Second Master Sun's name, who does not know in this area.

They are famous bullies, and they dare to do anything, once such a person provokes, it is absolutely fatal.

Therefore, many people basically did not dare to pay attention to the matter of Second Master Sun when they saw it.

Qin Mu's gaze looked towards these people.

"You're their boss?"

"Is that you little rabbit cub who snatched the woman I wanted and did it to my men?"

Second Master Sun's face was a little angry, and his eyes looked at Qin Mu a little fiercely.

"That's right, I advise you to get out of here before you make me angry, otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen!"

Qin Mu said indifferently.

And at this time, Second Master Sun had a rampant smile on his face.

"It's kind of interesting, how long has it been, and there are still people who dare to talk to me like this, boy, I see you're almost at the end!"

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