Second Master Sun's eyes had an arrogant look in them, and his eyes were obviously a little contemptuous when he looked at Qin Mu.

Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin sat at the dining table, originally they wanted to see the woman's situation, but they didn't expect that these guys were really haunted.

"Second Master Sun?" Qin Mu's eyes looked at him, obviously a little cold.

"Boy, do you still know who I am?" Second Master Sun said with an arrogant face, as if this piece did not know who he was, it was the ignorance of the other party.

"I don't know, but I do know that if you don't roll, I will definitely make you pay!" Qin Mu said indifferently.

"Hahaha, brothers, did you hear what this guy said? He actually made me pay, which is simply laughing at me! Second Master Sun's face had a rampant look, and looking at Qin Mu's eyes was like looking at an idiot.

At this time, the group of people behind him also walked towards Qin Mu.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mu's face was a little cold, and at this moment, the two brothers Zhou Jun and Zhou Hai walked upstairs with wine glasses in their hands.

They also came here to eat, and they met Qin Mu before, and now they naturally need to come over to toast.

But they didn't expect that when they came to the third floor, they saw Second Master Sun leading a group to confront Qin Mu.

For a moment, their faces changed drastically.

"Sun Wei, what are you doing?" Zhou Hai saw this scene and shouted loudly.

Second Master Sun's gaze looked not far away, and when he saw Zhou Hai and Zhou Jun, his face changed significantly.

Zhou Hai!

Zhou Jun!

These two are people from Starry Sky Enterprises, especially Zhou Hai, who has an annual income of more than 10 million.

In addition, Zhou Hai has always been engaged in the smuggling business, and coincidentally, Second Master Sun is his subordinate in the smuggling business.

"Mr. Zhou, why are you here?" Second Master Sun's eyes were obviously a little afraid, and he looked at Zhou Hai and asked.

"If I don't come, do you still want to do something to Mr. Qin?" Zhou Hai asked with some indifference in his tone.

"Mr. Qin!?" Second Master Sun was stunned.

His eyes looked towards Qin Mu, and for a moment cold sweat continued to flow on his forehead, how could it be an ordinary person who could be called Mr. Qin by Mr. Zhou.

"Mr. Zhou, do you know him?" Second Master Sun asked tremblingly.

"Don't you know, he is my eldest brother, and besides, his name is Qin Mu!" Zhou Hai's eyes were a little angry.

Second Master Sun froze for a moment, and in an instant it was like five thunders hitting the top.

Pedal on!

His figure took several steps back in succession, and his eyes were full of incredulity as he looked at Qin Mu.

Qin Mu!

Recently, the magic capital has a very high reputation, also known as Qin Ye.

But everyone who has a little status on the road has basically heard this name.


He actually provoked Qin Ye.

"Qin, Qin Ye!" Second Master Sun's face was obviously a little dull, and his eyes looked at Qin Mu.

"I'm not Qin Ye, you are Qin Ye!" Qin Mu said indifferently.

"That, Qin Ye, I really didn't mean it, if I knew that it was you, even if I gave me ten dares, I wouldn't dare to provoke you!" Second Master Sun's soul was about to run out at this time, and he apologized to Qin Mu one after another.

"You mean, if it weren't for me, you could?" Qin Mu's eyes were a little indifferent and asked.

Beads of sweat continued to flow down Second Master Sun's forehead, and his face seemed to become a little pale.

"Qin Ye, I didn't mean that, I beg you, I really didn't mean it, please let me go!" Second Master Sun knelt directly on the ground and constantly kowtowed to Qin Mu.

Those little brothers behind him also understood Qin Mu's identity, and immediately knelt down.

Bang bang!

One after another dull voices continued to sound, and the head of Second Master Sun was bleeding.

When Qin Mu saw this scene, he didn't want to say anything more.

"Give me a roll, and this kind of thing, if you are bumped into by me, then don't blame me for being unkind!" Qin Mu said coldly.

"Thank you Qin Ye, thank you Qin Ye!" They hurriedly said.

Second Master Sun led people to leave in a hurry.

Zhou Hai's face was a little panicked.

"Qin Ye!"

"Okay, needless to say, this matter has nothing to do with you!" Qin Mu said indifferently.

"Thank you Qin Ye!" Zhou Hai hurriedly said.

"There is no need to toast the wine, go back!" Qin Mu said indifferently.

"Yes!" Zhou Hai nodded, and then left quickly with Zhou Jun.

Qin Mu exhaled softly, and then closed the door of the private room, at this time, the woman still looked a little weak, and there was a trace of red on her body.

"The medicine is not very heavy, you take her to the bathroom next to it to take a shower, and cold water can calm her down!" Qin Mu also knew a little about medicine, and when he saw the situation of women, he said to Qi Xueqin.

Qi Xueqin nodded, quickly lifted the woman up, and then walked towards the bathroom next to it.

Qin Mu exhaled lightly, originally thought that he could have a romantic dinner with Qi Xueqin, but he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

Almost ten minutes later, Qi Xueqin walked out of the bathroom with a woman with wet hair.

"It's almost there, the medicinal effects on her body have basically receded!" Qi Xueqin said to Qin Mu.

"Take her back first, eat something at home at night, I can't imagine that I haven't seen her for a few years, and the changes in her body are so big!" Qin Mu exhaled lightly.

Qi Xueqin nodded, the two took the woman out, Qin Mu temporarily called a car, and then returned to the Wanghai community together.

After settling the woman, Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin washed each other, and then slept.

By the next morning, when Qin Mu had just gotten up, before he could sign in, a woman's voice came from the other bedroom.

Qin Mu hurriedly rushed out, and soon, Qin Mu came to the next room, and at this time he saw the woman panicking and curled up in a ball.

After seeing Qin Mu rushing in, the things in her hand quickly threw towards Qin Mu.

Qin Mu stepped forward directly, and then caught what she threw over.

"Is that how you treat your lifesaver?" Qin Mu looked at her and said indifferently.

"Qin Mu!" When she saw Qin Mu, there was a look of surprise on the woman's face.

She didn't expect to meet Qin Mu here.

"You, why are you here?"

"You broke into my private room yesterday, if I hadn't saved you, you would have died a long time ago!" Qin Mu said indifferently.

"Yesterday..." There was a hint of memory in the woman's eyes, and soon she remembered some of the pictures from yesterday, as if she had indeed broken into a private room yesterday, and then she became delirious .

Faintly, she seemed to see a man's figure blocking her face.

"You saved me yesterday?" The woman looked at Qin Mu and asked a little surprised.

"How else?" Qin Mu was a little speechless.

"But!" The woman thought that her clothes had been passive, and there was a fragrance in her hair that did not belong to her, and there was a look of anger on her face.

She was clearly bathed and changed.

"Why are you like this? When I was at school before, I still felt that you were a little cold! I didn't expect you to be a hypocrite too! The woman snorted coldly.

"My hypocrite? Beauty, are you mistaken, if it weren't for me yesterday, you wouldn't know how to die! Qin Mu didn't understand her brain circuitry a little.

"Less distortion of the facts here, although you saved me yesterday, but... You are not still taking advantage of people's danger, what is the difference between you and those people? The woman questioned.

"You man, I don't even know what your mind is thinking every day!" Qin Mu was embarrassed.

At this time, a figure also walked over because of the movement on this side.

"You're awake!" After seeing the woman, Qi Xueqin's face had a smile.

"Qi Xueqin, why are you here?"

The woman was surprised.

"She's my girlfriend, and she gave you a bath yesterday, you took medicine yesterday, if you don't use cold water to calm you down, you don't know what you'll do!"

"The clothes are also changed for you by her, less slandering good people there!" Qin Mu said a little speechlessly.

After that, he turned and left.

The woman's whole person was sluggish for a moment, and she looked at Qi Xueqin next to her, and her pretty face instantly turned red, as if she really misunderstood.

Qi Xueqin smiled, "Clean up and come out to eat!"

The woman twisted, and after Qi Xueqin closed the door, the blush on her face became even more intense.

She was like an ostrich, her head was buried between her knees, she really didn't expect that she really misunderstood Qin Mu.

After a while, because she was afraid that Qi Xueqin would come and ask her to get up, the woman still got up from the bed, and when she came to the living room, Qin Mu had already washed up and sat at the dining table.

There are many delicacies on the table.

The woman sat down in the position next to her, and at this time Qi Xueqin was also busy, and then sat down in another position.

"So, how did you end up together? Also, what is this place, it looks quite high-end, it should not be cheap! The

woman's eyes circled around, the square of this room is at least more than four hundred square meters, and the furniture inside is also very high-end, such a house, in the magic capital, the price is definitely not cheap.

"What does it have to do with you, after eating, hurry up!" Qin Mu took a bite of the sandwich, and then said to the woman.

The woman was immediately angry.

"Did I say you're a man? So little belly chicken intestines! You know, I'm a girl, can't you be generous?

Qi Xueqin also smiled next to her, she knew that Qin Mu was this kind of personality.

"Yesterday was just to save you, and a girl can enter that kind of place and be targeted by someone like Second Master Sun, you yourself are not honest!" Qin Mu looked at her and said indifferently.

The woman opened her mouth, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

The atmosphere at the table suddenly became quiet, and Qin Mu was not talking, just eating silently.

There was visibly a bit of anger on the woman's face.

This Qin Mu really didn't give her face at all.

"Don't be angry, he's like this, aren't you also a top student in school? I remember that after graduation, you went abroad, how did you return to China well, and still encounter this kind of thing? "Qi Xueqin is a woman after all, and she is still more concerned about her old classmates.

Hearing this, the woman's face also had some helplessness.

"Don't mention it, my academic performance was really good back then, but you don't know, the environment abroad is too chaotic, I am a Shenzhou person, one has no background and no power, and it is extremely difficult to survive in that environment, and it is not for me to provoke Second Master Sun!"

The woman was silent for a moment, "The main thing is that my father owes him a sum of money, and I, as a daughter, naturally don't want him to do something to my father because of such a little money, so I went to beg him, but I didn't expect it..."

When Qi Xueqin heard this, a trace of compassion appeared on her face.

"I haven't seen it for a few years, but I didn't expect that the kung fu of lying is getting higher and higher!"

"Second Master Sun is in the smuggling business, and he is not a loan shark, how can he lend money to others?"

"There is also the fact that Second Master Sun likes to gamble, and he has basically lost a little money over the years, and if he can borrow money from his hand, then your father is really powerful!"

"Also, Miss Nie, one of the four major families in the magic capital, needs to intercede with Second Master Sun for this little money? Are you a fool for me?

Qin Mu ate breakfast, his eyes did not look at Nie Qian, and he said in an indifferent tone.

Nie Qian, who was still eating, instantly had a look of surprise on her face, and her beautiful eyes looked at Qin Mu, obviously she couldn't believe it.

Qin Mu turned out to be clear about her bottom investigation.

"What happened yesterday, I don't want to know, you leave after eating!" Qin Mu didn't want to hear what she had to say, so he said directly.

Qi Xueqin was also taken aback by Qin Mu's words.

Miss Nie family, one of the four major families in the magic capital.

If Yunteng Group is a well-known enterprise in Shenzhou, an enterprise has trillions of assets, covering the entire magic capital.

The so-called four major families, each of which has hands and eyes in the sky and a huge power.

Each of these families has been passed down for hundreds of years, and has a lot of power in the magic capital, even the Yinmu Group and Starry Sky Enterprise dare not go head-to-head with such an enterprise.

This is the energy of these families.

When the power reaches their point, there is basically no way for money to measure them.

Because they are well-deserved giants.

An early meal passed quickly.

Nie Qian did not stay for long, and after saying thank you to Qi Xueqin, her figure left.

And after walking out of the room, she learned that this turned out to be the Wanghai Community, but she didn't expect that the classmates who looked relatively low-key in the school back then were now mixing so well.

With a soft breath, Nie Qian took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, and it didn't take long for a car to come to the gate of the community, and soon Nie Qian left in the car.

In the Wanghai community, Qi Xueqin was washing the dishes, Qin Mu was sitting on the sofa and looking at some information on the mobile phone, these were all about Nie Qian, because he suddenly met her yesterday, he felt a little strange, so Qin Mu took a little time to investigate.

With this investigation, Qin Mufang knew that this old classmate of his was so difficult now...

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