"Blacklist? The dean was stunned.

"There is this, does Mr. Qin need to pull some people into the blacklist?"

"That's right, when I just came up, I met a guy who doesn't have long eyes, you help me deal with it over there!" Qin Mu said directly.

"Understand, I don't know what the other party's name is?" The dean quickly asked.

"Qin Feng, he is my cousin, and his family will be included in the blacklist of our hospital in the future!" Qin Mudao.

"Understood!" The dean nodded, and then took out the mobile phone, now it is different from the past, the patient's information is networked, and the dean has the highest limit, so he only needs to use the mobile phone to operate, and he can easily know the information of each patient.

It didn't take long for the dean to find Qin Feng's personal information, impotence premature ejaculation!

He was twenty-six years old.

It was already so serious at such a young age, and it seemed that indulgence was more powerful in the early days.

The dean clicked on the block directly behind his list, and searched for his family's information, without the slightest hesitation, it was also a block.

"It has been dealt with, I promise, from today onwards, it will be impossible for their family to see a doctor in our hospital!" The dean said to Qin Mu respectfully.

Qin Mu nodded slightly, at this time he took out the mobile phone, because he is also a shareholder of Yunteng Group, the authority is still very large, in this case, he can easily investigate Qin Feng's information.

Soon, Qin Mu made a call to the relevant person in charge of Yunteng Group.

"Hey, I'm Qin Mu!" Qin Mu said directly.

"Qin Mu? In you are Mr. Qin! A somewhat apprehensive voice came from the other end of the phone.

"No need to be too nervous! I called to ask you for help! Qin Mu said.

"Mr. Qin, you said, as long as I can do it!" The other end of the phone said respectfully.

This is Mr. Qin, and Mr. Qin's name has been ringing one after another in Yunteng Company during this time.

Basically everyone has heard of Mr. Qin.

Because this guy is a young man who is even more powerful than Liu Ruoxue.

More importantly, there have always been rumors outside that Mr. Downs joined Yunteng Group because of Mr. Qin.

Who is Mr. Downs?

Such a character, even the top group of the magic capital would find it difficult to invite him over.

But Mr. Qin invited him over without much effort.

With such strength, he is definitely the top among the young generation of the magic capital.

"Let me investigate a Yunteng Group named Qin Feng, how he entered the company, and what he has done in the company over the years!"

"The most important thing is, how did he do it as a security captain, earning millions a year!" Qin Mu said directly.

"I know!" The male voice on the other end of the phone responded.

He is the personnel manager of the company, and naturally knows more about these things.

Suddenly, an investigation order was issued.

Originally, it was impossible for a security captain to be investigated so solemnly, but Mr. Qin spoke, and anything he did in the company would be investigated clearly.

It didn't take long for all of Qin Feng's information to be investigated.

Soon, the face of the personnel manager had a look of shock.

Petty officials are greedy!

Although Qin Feng's official position was not big, the things he did made this manager shudder a little.

The man quickly dialed Qin Mu.

"Mr. Qin, the information you want, my side has already investigated, this Qin Feng really dares to do anything in order to make money!" The man hurriedly said.

"I know, you guys follow the process!" Qin Mu said directly.

Hang up the phone after speaking.

"If there is nothing else, then I will go first, and the things in the hospital can be run according to your ideas!" Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Understood!" The dean nodded, still with respect in his eyes.

Qin Mu's figure walked outside.

Coincidentally, he met his eldest aunt and her son again.

"Yo, Qin Mu, have you finished seeing a doctor? Still not qualified, people have not registered you at all! The eldest aunt said again with a sneer.

Qin Feng next to him also had a little contempt in his eyes.

"Don't look at your identity to come to this kind of place to see a doctor, as if private hospitals don't have enough money to see a doctor, you shouldn't be driven out by doctors!"

Qin Mu's face had a bit of a smile on it.

"Correct, I didn't come to this hospital to see a doctor, I came to take over the hospital!"

"Also, it doesn't matter if I have been kicked out or not, the important thing is that you will be kicked out soon!"

As soon as Qin Mu's words came out, the two people present were slightly stunned, but immediately, a burst of laughter came from their faces.

"Mom, did you hear what he said? He said he was coming to take over the hospital, and we were going to be kicked out!

"You said he didn't come to see the neurology!" How does this brain grow? Qin Feng laughed heartily, as if he had heard some big joke.

"It's really funny, how can he be embarrassed to say such words, he really treats himself as a character!"

"This is Tianbo Hospital, the most famous private hospital in the magic capital, worth at least billions of dollars, more importantly, such a hospital is a hen that lays eggs, how can someone sell him, this guy estimates that there is a problem with nerves!"

"I think he must be abnormal!" The eldest aunt said again.

Qin Feng next to him was also amused by Qin Mu.

When Qin Mu saw this scene, he originally wanted to leave, but suddenly he didn't want to leave so much.

"If you don't believe it, then let's just walk and see, and your affairs in Yunteng Group, I have already found someone to deal with!"

Qin Mu said with a slight smile.

Qin Feng and Zhang Cai's eyes were full of contempt, and they dared to say big things at this time.

Did he really think he was the dean?

It's just ridiculous.

"Please, No. 213 go to the counter to pick up the medicine!"

A pleasant female voice sounded in the hall, and Qin Feng stood up and sneered.

"Didn't you say I'll be kicked out soon?"

"I'm going to get my medicine now, why haven't I been kicked out yet?" After speaking, Qin Feng walked to the side.

There was a sneer at the corner of Qin Mu's mouth, and he was sitting next to him, he wanted to see what Qin Feng and Zhang Cai's faces would look like after waiting for a while.

At this time, Qin Feng had already come to the counter and handed the number of the medicine to the other party.

"ID card!" The lady at the front desk said to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng handed her his ID card.


Just when the front desk lady got the ID card and put it on the instrument.


A piercing alarm sounded at this time.

Everyone present looked to this side.

On the front desk lady's computer, a line of red font clearly appeared.

"This person has been permanently blocked by Tianbo Hospital!"

When she saw this information, the front desk lady's face changed.

Permanently blocked!

This is no joke.

Since its establishment, Tianbo Hospital has rarely blacklisted patients.

What can be permanently blocked is either that there is something wrong with the patient himself, or there is a problem with his political background.

It is usually impossible to block it.

"I'm sorry sir, your identity information has been permanently blocked, and we do not welcome you in Tianbo Hospital!"

The front desk lady immediately stood up, her expression a little serious.

"How is this possible, is there a problem with the system? I am a bronze member of yours here, and my family is seeing a doctor in your hospital, how can I be blacked out?

Qin Feng's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly asked.

"Sorry, our side shows that you have been blocked, and according to our investigation, your immediate family members have been blocked!"

The front desk lady said seriously.

Qin Feng's figure took a few steps back at this time, and his face was full of disbelief.

Zhang Cai's figure also walked towards this side, and after she knew the news, her face was also incredulous.

"How is this possible, you must be mistaken, we can't block it!" Zhang Caidao.

But at this time, several security guards came towards this side.

"Sorry, our hospital does not accept users who have been blocked, trouble you to leave!" The security guard at the head of the road.

"Bastard, I will definitely complain about you, you are too much!" Zhang Cai said angrily.

Qin Mu stood in the distance and looked at them with a smile.

At this time, Zhang Cai and Qin Feng both reacted.

This was operated by Qin Mu.

"It's you, you did it all!" Zhang Cai's eyes looked at Qin Mu, and there was some anger in his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, do you have proof?" Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Qin Mu, you are a bastard, although I don't know what you did, but you will be sentenced to change the hospital information, you wait, I will definitely call the police to deal with it!" Zhang Cai roared hoarsely.

Many people around looked at this side, seemingly not understanding what was happening.

"What a noisy system, I blacked you out, if you have any opinions, you can come to me!" At this time, the dean came over, with a bit of gloom in his eyes.

He noticed that Qin Mu had never left before, so he felt a little strange in his heart, so he came down to take a look, but he didn't expect to see someone making a fuss.



Many people around shouted at this time.

"You are the dean, why are you blocking us? Does your hospital want to cheat customers? We need to spend at least hundreds of thousands of dollars in your hospital every year! Zhang Cai hurriedly said.

"You offended the boss of our hospital, why do you say I blocked you?" The dean's face was a little cold.

Directly to the security guard next to him: "Blasted them out, they can't enter the hospital in the future!" "

Yes!" The security guard nodded, and then walked towards the outside with Zhang Cai and Qin Feng.

Zhang Cai and Qin Feng felt their heads rumbling.

Provoked the boss?

Qin Mu is the owner of this hospital?

They all couldn't believe it, how could this be?

And just as they were about to leave the hospital, they clearly saw that the dean stood beside Qin Mu and said something to Qin Mu very respectfully.

"Mr. Qin!"

For a while, they felt their scalps numb, and Qin Feng's mother and son, who were driven out, stood outside and felt that their heads were booming.

And at this time, Qin Feng's mobile phone rang.

When I picked it up, it turned out to be the manager of the company's personnel department.

"Is there something wrong with the manager?" Qin Feng asked respectfully.

"Qin Feng, you are not small! Filling the company's pockets, embezzling so much money, and your procedures for entering the company are also problematic, Mr. Huang has been held accountable by us, and you are fast! The HR manager said on the phone.

Qin Feng's eyes instantly widened.

"Is there some misunderstanding about the manager?"

"Is there any misunderstanding that you know in your heart, I advise you to turn yourself in now, otherwise, you will have to pay a heavier price!" The HR manager said directly.

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Jingle bell ~

The phone is ringing again at this time.

"Qin Feng, you are a brain-dead thing, who have you offended? Not only were you investigated clearly, but I was also investigated, you special, you begged me to let me give you a promotion, and now Lao Tzu's job is gone!

"You wait for me, even if you go to prison, I won't let you go, you're dead!" As soon as the phone was connected, Mr. Huang's figure came from the phone.

This time, Qin Mu ordered, and all the people related to Qin Feng were investigated all over again.

Qin Feng's whole face was like ashes.

Zhang Cai stood beside him, with some doubts on his face.

"Son, what's wrong with you?"

"Mom, I'm finished!" Qin Feng collapsed directly to the ground, like a dead man.

Zhang Cai's face changed suddenly, knowing that something was really wrong.


Qin Mu cleaned them up and quickly left them behind.

These two people are not worthy of Qin Mu's too much attention.

But what he didn't expect was that when Qin Mu came to the parking lot, the figures of these two people quickly ran towards this side.

"Qin Mu!"

"Qin Mu!"

They hurriedly came to Qin Mu, and when they saw that Qin Mu was actually Pagani Wind God, their faces were shocked again.

"Qin Mu, this is your car?"

The eldest aunt asked a little incredulously.

"That's right!" Qin Mu responded without salt.

"That Qin Mu, are you really a shareholder of this hospital?" The eldest aunt asked again.

"Isn't it?"

Qin Mu shook his head.

"So you know the shareholders of this hospital?" The eldest aunt asked again.

"I don't know!"

"Why did the Dean before that?" The eldest aunt asked suspiciously.

"Because, I am the owner of this hospital, all the shares of this hospital are in my hands, and there are no other shareholders at all!"

Qin Mu said indifferently.


Zhang Cai and Qin Feng both felt five thunders hit the top.

Pedal on!

Their figures all retreated one after another, and the shock in their eyes could not be concealed.

Qin Mu is really the owner of this hospital.

No wonder he could block them, no wonder he was so confident when he confronted him before.

For a while, their scalps were numb, and their hearts were full of regret!

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