If they knew that Qin Mu was the boss of this hospital at the beginning, even if they gave them ten dares, they would not dare to provoke Qin Mu!

Zhang Cai stiffened his figure and walked towards Qin Mu.

"Qin Mu, we didn't actually mean that just now, otherwise you see, if there are a lot of adults, they will let us go?"

"Yes! Qin Mu, we are relatives after all, there is really no need to make things like this! Qin Feng next to him also said.

"Oh! Huh? That's not what you said before! And I'm a guy with a vendetta and wants me to forgive?

The corner of Qin Mu's mouth sneered.

"Do you think you deserve it?"

Zhang Cai and Qin Feng's faces changed suddenly, and at this time, Zhang Cai's figure came directly to Qin Mu, and he actually slumped directly on the ground and hugged Qin Mu's thigh.

"Qin Mu, you can't do this! When I was a child, I grew up holding you, and I didn't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, so you can't force us to death!"

"Yes! Qin Mu, all mistakes are our fault, you just let us go!" Qin Feng also hurriedly said next to him.

Qin Mu sneered.

"You didn't think about letting me go!" Qin Mu sneered, and then left directly without looking back.

There is no need to be too kind to such people, because they do not deserve it.

Qin Mu's figure walked directly towards his car.

Zhang Cai still grabbed his leg and didn't want him to leave, but as soon as Qin Mu used his strength, Zhang Cai and Qin Feng were directly pushed away by him more than ten meters away.

With Qin Mu's current physical fitness, this was simply too easy for him.

Sitting on the Pagani Wind God, Qin Mu left directly with a foot on the accelerator, without giving them a chance at all.

Zhang Cai and Qin Feng's mother and son had a look of despair on their faces, and the regret in their hearts made their intestines turn blue.


After leaving the hospital, not much time, Liu Ruoxue's phone called.

"Qin Mu, where are you now?"

"I'm outside, what's the matter?"

"That's right, I have investigated some information here, I wonder if you have time to come and take a look?"

Liu Ruoxue asked.

"Okay, I'll come right away!" Qin Mudao.

After that, he drove towards Yunteng Group, and almost an hour later, he came to Yunteng Group.

Coming to Liu Ruoxue's office, Liu Ruoxue's face at this time was obviously gloomy.

Qin Mu stepped forward.

"What's wrong?"

"Look at this!" Liu Ruoxue pulled out a video, and Qin Mu looked at the video and frowned slightly.

"Zhou Wenwen, why was she arrested?"

"This is passed on to me by the spies I arranged to be by Nan Chen's side, Zhou Wenwen was arrested last night, and she is still controlled by Nancheng until now, I know that she is your ex-girlfriend, so I am worried, is it possible for her to leak your information!"

Liu Ruoxue asked worriedly.

Qin Mu's brows frowned slightly.

"You're right, it's possible to leak some information, but it's not a big problem!"

"So what do you mean?" Liu Ruoxue was puzzled.

"Leave this matter to me!" Qin Mu exhaled lightly, but a murderous aura appeared in his eyes.

He knew that Nan Chen was definitely looking for Zhou Wenwen for himself, which showed that Nan Chen had already planned to attack the people around him for the sake of interests.

"Be careful, this guy in Nancheng is not a good guy!" Liu Ruoxue reminded.

"Don't worry! I'm not a good stubble either! Qin Mu's face had a bit of a smile on it.

Then with the video, Qin Mu left directly.

After leaving Liu Ruoxue's company, Qin Mu took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.


"This is the Black Panther Security Company, what do you need?"

"I'm Qin Mu, ask your chairman to answer the phone!" Qin Mu said directly.


Not long after, a man's voice came, "Mr. Qin, is there something wrong?"

"Ask you for a favor, give me a survey of the Celestial Chaebol's industry, and then find a few people to go over, it's best to kill one or two of their high-rises!" Qin Mu said directly.

"Understood!" The man responds directly.

After Qin Mu said a few more words, he hung up the phone.

After a while, Qin Mu dialed another number, and not long after, Nan Chen's phone was called by Qin Mu.

"Qin Mu, I didn't expect you to call me!" Nancheng was a little surprised.

"There are so many things you didn't expect, are you interested in coming out for a drink?" I'm at Drunken Moon Restaurant! Qin Mu asked.

"I naturally won't refuse Mr. Qin's invitation, wait for me for ten minutes!" Nan Chen responded.

Hanging up the phone, Qin Mu drove quickly towards the Drunken Moon Restaurant.

After coming there, Nan Chen's figure also arrived just in time.

"Mr. Qin!" Nan Chen was surrounded by bodyguards, and it seemed that he was still a little wary of this meeting.

"There's no need to be so precious, I'm just talking to you about something!" Qin Mu smiled slightly.

Then he walked towards the private room alone.

"You guys are waiting here!" Nan Chen's eyes were a little gloomy, and at this time, he also followed Qin Mu into the private room.

The environment of Zuiyue Restaurant is relatively elegant, and the layout of the private room is also very stylish.

It was precisely because of this that after the two took their seats, they casually ordered something to drink and looked at each other.

"It can be seen that the land of my company is very important to Mr. Nan Chen!" Qin Mu said with a slight smile.

"There just happen to be some needs, and it's not particularly important!" Nan Chen had a bit of a smile on his face.

"yes? That's a project of hundreds of billions of dollars, I can't imagine that your chaebols are already so rich!

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Nan Chen's face changed.

"It's not interesting, this time to find Mr. Nan, the purpose is also very simple, I hope Mr. Nan can be honest!"

"Otherwise, if you start using some improper means, Mr. Nan will definitely have to pay a heavy price!" Qin Mupi said with a smile.

Nan Chen's eyes were obviously a little colder.

"Is Mr. Qin threatening me?"

"No, just a reminder!" Qin Mudao.

"It's kind of interesting, I didn't expect Mr. Qin to start teaching me to do things!" However, I Nan Chen has my own principles of doing things, if Mr. Qin wants to teach me to do things, then I tell you, you are not qualified!"

Nan Chen said coldly.

"This way!" Qin Mu touched his chin.

"If Mr. Nan Chen has this attitude, then I feel that there is nothing to talk about, but there are some things that Mr. Nancheng still needs to pay more attention to when he turns back!" Qin Mu said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Nan Chen was puzzled.

At this time, Nan Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Nan Chen's face changed slightly, and soon he connected the phone.

"What do you say? Something happened to my uncle, and the industry of our chaebols in the country of Mei was attacked by unknown elements? What is the local security for!

Nan Chen asked in surprise.

At this time, Qin Mu slowly stood up.

"Mr. Nan, there are some things you understand now!"

"I'm really not kidding you."

"If you are not honest, the price to pay will really be great!" Qin Mu patted him on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

"You did this?" Nan Chen's eyes widened a little as he looked at Qin Mu and asked.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Qin Mu shrugged.

"However, if you want to play with unclean things, I believe that with my means, the people around you will suffer more!"

"Of course, if it is a competition of zhengda and bright, I Qin Mu welcomes it at any time!" There were some smiles on Qin Mu's face, and after speaking, his figure left.

Nan Chen's fists were clenched, and there was obviously some anger on his face.

Almost a few minutes after Qin Mu left, the bodyguards and his group walked in.

"Let Uncle Lin wait for me at the company!" Nan Chen Dao.

After that, he left quickly with the group.


After Qin Mu left the Drunken Moon Restaurant, he drove away.

There was nothing to do in the afternoon, and after resting at home for a while, Qin Mu stayed at home and played games.

The whole day passed quickly.

And the next morning, a systematic voice came from Qin Mu's mind.

"Detected that the host has not checked in, do you want to check-in?"

"Sign in!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the Taiyi God Needle! A

system ascended, and at this time, information continued to come from Qin Mu's mind.

At this time, Qin Mu's face changed slightly.

Tai Yi Shen Needle!

The legendary method of acupuncture.

A drop in the needle can kill the king of Hades.

This is a well-deserved top-notch acupuncture method.

Such an acupuncture method, any needle, can bring unfathomable abilities.

With a bit of a smile on his face, Qin Mu stretched his waist.

He knew very well that with such acupuncture methods, Qin Mu's attainment in Chinese medicine had suddenly improved a lot.

Not long after Qin Mu got up, the doorbell of his house was rung.

Qin Mu walked out and opened the door.

Nie Qian.

This woman actually came.

"What are you doing here?" Qin Mu looked at her and asked a little strangely.

"I'm so unwelcome?" Seeing Qin Mu's face, Nie Qian asked a little unhappy.

"Do you think I still need to welcome you?" Qin Mu asked rhetorically.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you are not welcome, I came here this time to thank you!" Nie Qian said.

"No need! I don't need your thanks! Qin Mu said indifferently.

"I said Qin Ye, you are such a big number one person, always calculating with a little woman like me, it's a bit excessive!" Nie Qianjiao said drippingly.

Qin Mu shrugged, "Don't come to this set with me, and besides, you and I are not the same kind of people, and there is no need to contact too much in the future!"

"Forget it, I can't talk to you, I can talk with Qi Xueqin, I didn't come to find you, I came to find Qi Xueqin!" Nie Qian snorted coldly.

Qin Mu's eyes looked at her.

"I advise you, it's best not to have any bad thoughts, otherwise, if there is any problem with Qi Xueqin, I will make you pay!"

"You person, isn't it a little too much, I just asked her to play, it's all girls, can't you still play together?"

Nie Qian said breathlessly.

Qin Mu didn't bother to deal with her.

At this time, Qi Xueqin had already changed her clothes and walked out towards this side.

She was wearing a set of white sportswear, her perfect figure loomed, and her fair face was smeared with some sunscreen, giving people a feeling of natural beauty.

"Why are you here so early?" There was a smile on Qi Xueqin's face.

"I'm going to the gym, so I'm a little early!" Nie Qian said with a smile.

"Well, let's go then! Qin Mu, we made an appointment to play today, and it is estimated that we will not be able to come back until the evening! Qi Xueqin said to Qin Mu.

"There you go!" Qin Mu didn't say much.

The two figures left.

But not long after they left the community, Qin Mu suddenly noticed that behind their vehicle, there was a black car following.

For a moment, Qin Mu's brows frowned slightly.

"This woman is really not at all worrying!" With a soft breath, Qin Mu walked outside.

He found a relatively low-key car and chased after the vehicles of several people.

They came to the Greenland Gymnasium, a relatively famous gymnasium in the magic capital, and the cost of platinum membership alone costs millions a year.

There are not many members in this gymnasium, but the measures and scale inside are very good.

Qin Mu called Huang Wei when he came outside, because Huang Wei also had acquaintances in this area, and it didn't take long for Qin Mu to walk in.

Not far away, Qi Xueqin and Nie Qian had already arrived at the center of the gymnasium, and there were several women with them, all of whom were either rich or noble.

It is precisely because of this that there is a noble atmosphere in the body.

"I said Nie Qian, it's okay if you wander around outside by yourself, why do we gather in a circle like this, you still bring everyone here!"

"Without a net worth of one or two billion, contact with us people is not qualified!" At this time, a young woman who looked quite beautiful and was about one meter six two meters tall glanced at Qi Xueqin and said with some contempt.

Qi Xueqin she had seen it before, because their family also bought a house in Tomson Yipin.

At the beginning, she was still entertained by Qi Xueqin.

"I said Zhu Yan, they all came out to play, why are you yin and yang weird, do you know the girl next to Nie Qian?" A person next to him asked a little strangely.

"Of course I know, she is Tomson Yipin to sell the house, at the beginning our family's house was still received by her, now the Sun family has an accident, the house we bought has fallen somewhat, if it were not for her recommendation to me, I would not have bought the house there, now well, this is only half a year, I lost more than ten million!"

Zhu Yan had an uncomfortable look on her face.

The eyes of many people next to him fell on Qi Xueqin.

What Nie Qian brought over turned out to be a house seller.

Nie Qian's face was a little ugly.

"It's all out to play, do you want to be so powerful, in addition, her identity is not so simple!"

"yes! It's not that simple, the house can't be sold, and now I don't know what to do outside? It looks like a dog, but this outfit should cost a lot of money! Zhu Yan sneered.

The eyes of many people next to them also looked towards this side, and there was also a bit of contempt in their eyes.

It can be seen that they are also a little displeased with Qi Xueqin's identity.

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