Recalling what Qin Mu and himself said just now.

Nan Chen's face changed suddenly.

"Let me investigate, is there a problem with the commercial and trade city and the property rights of this land!" Nan Chen hurriedly said to his subordinates.

"Understood!" The middle-aged figure hurriedly left.

Almost an hour passed, and the middle-aged man's face was a little panicked.

"How's it going?" As soon as he saw him, Nan Chen hurriedly asked.

"There is really nothing wrong with the ownership of the land, but a small piece of land was carved out an hour before the deal with us and then donated to environmental organizations!"

"In other words, part of this land cannot be developed, and the commercial and trade city side signed a new contract with dozens of merchants this morning!"

The middle-aged man's face was a little ugly.

"These contracts have some problems, although they are commercially licensed, but with these contracts, we cannot demolish the commercial and trade city within three years, otherwise, we need to compensate according to the highest standard of liquidated damages!"

A dull look appeared on Nan Chen's face.

He spent so much money to buy the land.

The purpose is for the development of the University Town project.

But now!

This land was done so much by Qin Mu.

Even if he gets a university town project, he can't develop the land.

"It's over! It's really over! Nan Chen slumped in his chair.

At this time, he knew very well in his heart that this time it was really finished.

He spent so much money and came up with something that was completely ruined.

The middle-aged man stood aside, not daring to say anything.

At this time, Nan Chen suddenly realized something, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Impossible, this plan was only finalized yesterday, how did Qin Mu know that it was so clear, and it just so happened that this land was in his name!"

For a moment, Nan Chen suddenly stood up.

"Call me in that old immortal thing!"

The middle-aged man was stunned, and he knew that among them, there was only one older one, an old man who was about sixty years old.

He was an old-timer who had been following him from the country of Sticks, and he was also the person specially sent by the chaebols to assist Nan Chen.

The middle-aged figure left, and not long after, an old man with gray hair who looked to be in his sixties walked in.

His complexion is not bad, but these days because of the chaebol affairs, he is also anxious.

"Young Master, are you looking for me?" The old man still didn't know what was happening, and asked Nan Chen respectfully.

"You bastard!" Nan Chen rushed forward directly, picked up an ornament on the table in his hand and smashed it on his head.


The old man was smashed on the spot and his head broke the blood, and his figure couldn't stop retreating.

But Nan Chen had not yet ended his attack, and the ornaments in his hand were smashed at the old man more than a dozen times in succession.

The old man's breath became weaker and weaker, and after finally disappearing completely, a long time passed before Nan Chen slowly calmed down.

See what you do.

Nan Chen was stunned.

However, he quickly came to his senses and said to the middle-aged man next to him: "Dispose of the corpse!" The

middle-aged man nodded, and then Shen Xing left, and soon he took a black sack, packed the old man's body in the sack, and left quickly with the corpse.

But what everyone didn't expect was.

Just when Nan Chen's side was about to take a bath, several figures downstairs quickly walked towards this side.

They were dressed in uniform, looked no more than twenty or thirty years old, and the men at the head gave a bit of a straight look.

After seeing them, the middle-aged man carrying the sack suddenly changed his face.

"Stop, what are you going to do?"

"I..." The middle-aged man was speechless, and as soon as these men approached, they smelled the smell of blood, and directly opened the sack, and found that it was the body of the old man inside.

"Catch him!" The man at the head said immediately.

The two men immediately stepped forward and directly handcuffed him.

The middle-aged people are all confused, how come these people from the law enforcement team who are good and good are here.

The door of the office was opened, the scene had not yet been cleaned up, Nan Chen took off his clothes, and half a foot had already walked into the bathroom.

Suddenly, several people rushed over and pressed him to the ground.

"Don't move!"

"Who are you? Do you know what this place is? Nan Chen said angrily.

"We are from the law enforcement team, before we received a report, there was illegal trading within your Starry Sky Enterprise, I didn't expect to see you killing people and hiding corpses as soon as I came up, the specific things, I will explain it after returning to the police station!"

The leading man said in an indifferent tone.

In fact, they were also a little strange, just now, their superiors suddenly called them, saying that the Starry Sky Enterprise had some things that they needed to deal with, because it was an order from above, they naturally came over for the first time, but they didn't expect to see this kind of thing.


The other side.

Qin Mu sat on the sofa and looked at the mobile phone, and suddenly there was a little smile at the corner of his mouth.

"The time should be about the same, the media side should also come soon, this time the Starry Sky Enterprise is estimated to be finished!"

"Devouring the Yinmu Group I eyed, the price you have to pay this time should not be less!"

There was a bit of a smile at the corner of Qin Mu's mouth.

All this was designed by Qin Mu.

Previously, he roughly predicted Nan Chen's actions through god-level divination, and at the same time learned who was around Nan Chen.

Because Nan Chen was an extremely conceited and strong person, in this case, only Qin Mu needed to calculate.

Nan Chen is likely to follow the script he designed.

"Nan Chen, Nan Chen, you may never have imagined that all this was calculated by me! Aren't you looking for death in a hang-up fight with me? Qin Mu sneered, and then put the phone in his pocket.


The other side!

After Nan Chen's figure was taken out by the people of the law enforcement team, many reporters not far away quickly rushed towards this side.

"Mr. Nan Chen, we received news that you deliberately killed someone here, is this news true?"

"Mr. Nan Chen, as a well-known enterprise in the country of sticks, it has not been long since he settled in Shenzhou, does it mean that the people of the country of sticks are like this?"

"Mr. Nan Chen, did you really kill someone?"


these reporters quickly stepped forward and asked sharply.

They were all specially arranged by Qin Mu, and with Qin Mu's worth, these people were his people themselves, and arranging them was simply extremely easy.

Nan Chen saw the reporters on the inner and outer layers that surrounded him, and some of them came from the Yunteng Group.

This moment!

Nan Chen understood something.



"Qin Mu! You do it all! Nan Chen's heart seemed to have terrifying waves.

Because he never thought that one day he would lose so badly at the hands of a Shenzhou person!


When Qin Mu stood up, Liu Ruoxue's phone called at this time.

"Qin Mu!"

"I know what you want to say, I arranged it!" Qin Mu said with a slight smile.

"You're too powerful!" Liu Ruoxue said with a sigh.

"What kind of power am I, just lucky, just know their plan, and have what they want in hand, even if Nan Chen is powerful, the handle is held by me, as long as I understand his character, he is destined to end up like this!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"That is also the resources and strength in your hands, otherwise Nan Chen's forces would be designed by you so easily!"

Liu Ruoxue sighed.

"There is no need to say more about these things, this time there is such a big problem in the Starry Sky Enterprise, if nothing else, their stock price will definitely fall quickly in a short period of time!"

"Do you have any plans over there?" Qin Mu asked with a smile.

In fact, his meaning is also obvious.

is to let Liu Ruoxue make a move, in the starry sky enterprise fatal blow.

"You don't need to worry about this, my side is ready, but don't forget, our company still has Mr. Nan Chen!"

Liu Ruoxue said with a smile.

"Well, this time I will let the Starry Sky Enterprise languish, unless the chaebols of the Stick Country invest a huge amount of money again, otherwise, they will not think of coming back to life!" Qin Mu said with a sneer.

"Yes!" Liu Ruoxue responded, and there was also a hint of excitement in her tone.


After hanging up.

A little smile appeared in Liu Ruoxue's beautiful eyes, and at this time, Tangs's figure walked inside.

There was also some excitement on his face.

"I really didn't expect it! Mr. Qin's means turned out to be so powerful, I have already determined on the side of the law enforcement team, there is sufficient evidence at the scene, and Mr. Qin has always been looking for someone to stare, and the big man in the magic capital law firm is sealed, and now he is also personally out of the horse!

"Moreover, today's affairs have a strong sense of public opinion, and Nan Chen himself is a well-known person!"

"If nothing else, the country of sticks will definitely be in a mess now!"

Liu Ruoxue's face also had a bit of a smile on her face.

"Our purpose this time is to seriously injure the Starry Sky Enterprise, it is best to make it impossible for the Stick Country to bring this enterprise back to life, and you arrange it there, it is best to spread the influence of this matter to the maximum!"

"As long as the Starry Sky Enterprise has no status in the devil, then the Silverwood Group is a toothless tiger, and it is definitely an easy thing to swallow it!"

"Understand, my side immediately to arrange, it will definitely make the Starry Sky Enterprise completely languishing!"

Downs hurriedly said.

Liu Ruoxue nodded.

Not long after, Yunteng Group began to operate at full capacity.


Just when they started to operate on one side, on the other side, the inside of the Starry Sky Enterprise was already in chaos at this time.

"Nan Chen, what is this for? How could he kill Mr. Park? You must know that Mr. Park has always been loyal to the Celestial Chaebol, and Nan Chen killed him, not only need to bear the laws of Shenzhou!

"There will also be accountability from the family side!"

"If Nan Chen hadn't been arrested now, this matter might still be suppressed!"

"But now that things have reached this point, we can't even operate it in Shenzhou!"

In the conference room, several leaders from the country of sticks had a bit of anxiety on their faces at this time.

The chairman of Starry Sky Enterprise has this kind of problem, to put it mildly, they are going to die.

The company's share price has become a number a day.

"I can only report the matter to the family as soon as possible!"

"Estimate!" A middle-aged man was silent for a moment, and then slowly said, "All of us are going to be unlucky!" The

audience fell silent.

Nan Chen had such a serious matter, how could these people be left alone.

"However, I have a question, how did those people from the enforcement team get into the company?"

"There is also security outside our company, even if it is relatively late now, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible for them to enter the company, so easy!"

One asked a little puzzled.

"I have already investigated, they came here this time to conduct a routine inspection at first, but they obviously received orders from their superiors!"

"It is precisely because of this that the manager of the hospitality did not report up!"

"However, they came directly to Nan Chen's office under the pretense of going to the toilet!"

"It's not a coincidence, someone designed it!"

A person next to him explained.

"Qin Mu!"

"That's right, it's this guy!"

"Such a vicious person, he actually devised such a trick, and now the Starry Sky Enterprise is ruined!"

Everyone in the conference room had a hint of resentment in their eyes.

If it weren't for Qin Mu.

How could they fall into this fate.

This bastard!

It's not an ordinary excess.


Three o'clock in the morning.

At this time, it was in a rich area in the country of sticks.

Some people who were still asleep were woken up at this time.

At the helm of the branch of the Celestial Chaebol family, Nam Quanhai is now in his sixties, but he has always had a habit of exercising, so he looks extremely young.

At this time, he had fallen into a deep sleep.

But before he could sleep long, he was rang by a hurried phone.

Nan Quanhai, who had a slightly displeased face, slowly got up from the bed, glanced at the mobile phone that was ringing continuously, and connected the phone.

"Is there something going on?" Nam Kwon-hae asked.

"Something happened to the master, and Nan Chen was arrested in the devil!"

A hurried voice rang out on the phone.

"Caught? Why? Nan Quanhai was a little puzzled.

"The thing is like this, during this time, Young Master Nan's development in Shenzhou has not been very smooth!"

"And just tonight, Young Master Nan seems to have encountered something, and then he will... Mr. Park killed!

"What's more important is that this matter was arrested by the law enforcement team of the magic capital, and the media hyped the matter to a high level of heat in an instant!"

The voice on the other end of the line explained.

Nan Quanhai's face changed drastically.

He naturally knew what this matter meant.

If it wasn't done well, not only would Nan Chen stay in Shenzhou forever, but even Starry Sky Enterprise, the business empire that their family had spent so much time building, would collapse.

Such a big thing happened in the Magic Capital Branch, and the influence on the headquarters of the Stick Country was also very strong!

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